Udder Frustration in Weight Loss

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  • You all sound active and excited. Here I am still doing IM, email and crossword puzzles when i ought to be painting, writing a novel, exercising, cleaning (ha!!) or something. Instead I'll chalk it up to old age and another birthday. Ahh, the joys of self-indulgence. (and the agony of d'scale...)
  • My favorite Aunty and my mom are taking me out to lunch today. Tomorrow my DD is taking me out to lunch. No wonder I'm a pudge.

    Painty, did you sneak that birthday past us?

    DD still needs her mommy. She called me from work yesterday evening. Her shoes were giving her a blister. I had to run to the cheap shoe store and buy her a pair of sensible shoes and take them to her work. It's so nice to be needed. I think I may be going through the empty nest syndrome. I've been feeling --- hmm, what's the word? --- un-needed, not vital, like so much flotsam, peripheral, ---- no, none of those are the right word. In 2 years I will be 50. I plan on celebrating it in Italy. DH will be 50 next year. I'm planning a blow out party for him. He's Mr. Sociable. I'm the shy one. hee.
  • busted?????
    [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrchid]NOW I GET IT KIWONKERS!!!---you had "just say no to Bush"---right!!!!hahahaha---i was wondering what that meant!!!-----and Painty---am i reading that you have lost TWENTY pounds???that is wonderful!!! and belated Happy bee day as well!!!!---i remember your great paintings of the sheep----------maybe you could make them into greeting cards!!!! i sell my christmas cards to a shop in Nova Scotia----your sheep would make great Texas Ranchero Cards!!!!{I would buy them!!!!} i could sell them at my shop,but we are supposed to carry "Maritime" crafts and gifts made in the region as the market is a designated tourist area---you must have a tourist shop that would LOVE to have your stuff!!!! Wabby i know just how you feel---i love the dd's calling me with their problems---it's more fun than when the problems actually lived in the house!!! seems more flattering that they actually SEEK you out!!!!----DD is selling LOTs of her glass bead jewellery at the market----it's lots of fun!!----i know you can't have avatars and political sigs,but can you TALK about the election???? Jay Leno said that Cheney and Edwards were like Dennis the Menace and Mr Wilson!!!!
  • Here ya go, Bagz. Now concentrate on Can. Thanksgiving so I don't feel any pressure to do anything.
  • Hi cows and sows.
    I've been a failure. But fine. Life is very busy at this time of year. We are college shopping, high school shopping, going to soccer, etc. Can you believe that ds14 is going to hs next year? I can't. It seems more impossible than dd going to college. At least until I imagine her at the HUGE university she wants to go to.

    Painty, 20 lbs! wtg

    The dennis/wilson comparision was good. Wasn't Cheney's constant hand rubbing creepy? I can't believe there are people who admit to thinking he's great. I am hopeful because my hometown(Republican, PA....1/2 the population distant cousins to both bush and kerry) ripped his debate performance apart. I don't know what Bush did to turn them against him. I'm sure it had to be something petty, like Barbara refusing to speak at the Junior League Tea. I can't imagine them getting all riled up about sending all those kids to a foreign country as cannon fodder. You know, we used to love our Barbara... but now, not so much. Bagzie, I'm sure the 3fc's agree with us, so they let us rant.

    Wabby, you are not flotsam. You are sought out.....your dd chooses you. And lots of people want to eat with you.

    Cowsie, I have to look up durian. Sugar, I'm feeling the pressure of Bozo's birthdy coming up in just one month, too.

    Must go force children to leave the house...but don't have to drive them myself anymore...isn't that nice? I will enjoy this year because next year, I'm the driver,again.

    must run...L
  • Lushy, I'm so happy to hear that it's possible to be a failure, yet fine. If I don't snap out of this soon, I may have to do something drastic. Like finding a therapist. I really don't want to go have to talk to a shrink when I have all of you to whine to. I've been working overtime at not tearing up all day. This is not good.

    Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Kerry wore the same colored suit at the pres. debate. Next time Mrs. Bush said she will be wearing blue. Just a warning to Mrs. Kerry. This is newsworthy information.
  • Quote: NOW I GET IT KIWONKERS!!!---you had "just say no to Bush"---right!!!!hahahaha---i was wondering what that meant
    You got it!

    Hey, if you are supposed to sell Maritime stuff, how about I print up a few batches of notecards with your photos on them (I never did send you any, did I?) I made notecard sets as Christmas gifts last year for some of my family -- with pictures they had sent me, or scenes from around here and whatnot. One set I did with beautiful portraits of her dogs and she wants more!

    You bet we can talk politics -- it's our forum, isn't it? I think I really may have caused that ban on political sigs -- I posted in the help forum and forgot to turn off my sig in the message (I should know better!)

    I saw that last night with Laura Bush talking about her outfit for Fri. night. Wouldn't it be a laugh if Theresa showed up in a blue suit too. Maybe then Prez and First Lady would be making annoyed faces!

    I've seen a bit of rebellion in Republican circles too, Lush. My stepfather, who is conservative to a T, calls Bush a liar. I think there may be enough staunch conservatives who have been voting Republican for decades who are willing to get rid of Bush this year that it might finally tip the scales away from all the Bush loyalists (who I really can't understand no way no how--if anyone would like to explain that to me, please go right ahead.)

    Wabby, I'm sorry to hear you are feeling blue. I seem to get that way about every other day, so I can identify. I tear up in the car going in and out of town rather frequently. Seems stupid, but there it is. I'm sure I would feel better if I was getting some regular exercise, but blah :P. Sucks too, because the weather here has been magnificent--I go out and stand on the steps and wish I had the energy to actually do something. Hope you feel perkier soon, but be assured you are in good company. Maybe it's our hormones.

    By the way, I think Italy sounds excellent!! I'm starting to contemplate what ought to be done to celebrate my 50th too (only a year and a month away for me).

  • hormones
    Wabby, I'm sorry to hear you are feeling blue. I seem to get that way about every other day, so I can identify. I tear up in the car going in and out of town rather frequently. Seems stupid, but there it is. Kiwi
    Hey, I tear up when I'm walking down the street. Or when I'm washing the dishes. Or just any old time How embarassing. Been pretty bad lately. And then I go and torture myself by listening to Sarah McLachlan and thinking about alternate life #67. Waaaaaaaaaah! Sucks to be us, huh? I'm in a the market for a major attitude adjustment.

    Italy sounds fabulous, Wabs. I may just join you. A numerologist told me something good would happen to me when I turned 50. Can't wait.

    Lushy, I love the way you just keep keeping on. Doesn't it ever just depress the h*ll out of you?

    And I see that Kiweenie has lost 2 lbs! Way to go! My weight regularily goes up and down about 3 lbs so I never know where I'm at.

    ds11 got back safely from his class trip. The youth hostel was filthy but only one kid barfed. Ds8 got a ceramic penguin as present. He is thrilled.

    Word of the day: cahoots
  • What is all this tearing about? You are all sSOOO adorable and lovable and I am perplexed. I am upset about the flu shot shortage. I want my shot!!! And DS must have one. Yesterda, we learned about tori. Do any of you have tori? For those who dons't know, like me, they're boney b\growths in the mouth and cause noproblem unless you have dentures thent he dentures don't fit.

    My puter is not letting me see what I type as I go. Must live with mistakes.

    Love you Cowsies!!!
  • Aaaaah. You are all so sweet. It must be the time of our life to go through these feelings. I'm trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be learning from it.

    I had a dream last night that DH had another wife named Shannon. They went out for burgers after I was asleep.

    Last week I had a dream that I met all you Cowsies in 3D. Except Bagzie, who was late. I had to leave without getting to see her and I was distraught.

    Feel free to interpret.

    Sugar P and Kiwi, I can't wait to meet w/ you and the Pope.

    I don't ever get out enough to catch the flu. I'm like the boy in the bubble, but I'm the woman in the office. I have no tori or dentures.

    Saturday is bunco night. Wish you all could be there.
  • Wabbitsfoot, I do not see u as a boy in bubble, I see you as a girl dancing in baloons. Pop. Pop. May I sit in your office til winter is over?
  • Yes, Sugar, maybe we'll become Canadians.
    I agree, Kiwi, I do not understand why people support Bush. But on the other hand...you ought to see what the democrats are doing in NJ...so they're all crooks.
    I'm not depressed...give me a year. I'm sure DD's departure will push me over the edge.
    I have nothing to say...but it's cooking day and I don't feel like starting. The radio has the 885 best songs of all time. It is good. We are down to #20...Satisfaction. Philadelphia has such good radio...#19 Moondance.
    I think we'll be ok for flu shots...I hope so at least. I was going to change drs but now I think I'll stick so we'll be on the top of the list. I don't like our drs...they are arrogant. I am tired of arrogant drs. DD left them and goes to a woman who is very close. I am going to change, too.
    #18 All Along the Watchtower....hendrix version
  • I am donating my flu shot to Peaches. Of course, I never get a flu shot. I don't get the point -- haha get it, the point? I almost never get anything remotely like the flu, I just get colds. Plenty of 'em, but you can't prevent those yet. I think we live far enough away from everything and everyone, and it's so cold here all winter, that we just can't seem to get a really good flu epidemic going here.

    I never heard of tori. I noticed that where I had that molar extracted (it was the last one in the back) there is an abrupt bony shelf beyond the "hole". It sort of creeps me out, but I don't think it is a growth, it's just what was on the other side of the tooth. I have decided I don't want to get an implant to replace the tooth. My dentist thought it was unnecessary, but the doc who pulled the tooth out said I was "a good candidate for an implant" -- of course he would say that, he would stand to make some thousands of dollars if I got one. It's not usually covered by insurance and it's not bothering me. Well, except for the creeping out part. It is kind of annoying when I floss my teeth and I want there to be another tooth back there to floss between... Phantom tooth syndrome. Not.

    Glad to hear DS had a good adventure, Sugar.

    Yeah, I had to put down my big 2 pounds of weight loss. In bright red numbers. I figure if I write it down, it makes it permanent, right?

    Interesting dream, Wabbit. I usually have dreams of me being bad.

    I'm sure there is some meaning to the dream about Bagz' being late. You know what being late means....

    Today is a day off from school. DD is really sick, although she has been doing almost everything on her schedule, so I'm glad she got to sleep in today and be lazy. I joined her.

    Tomorrow very early in the morning, I'm heading out to go to a farmer's market and then to the DOG SHOW!! I'm going to see lots of Belgian Sheepdogs and talk to the breeder who sold mine to me many long years ago. She may be breeding again. Me want Puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hi Lush. Didn't see your post before I posted. That's what happens when you spend al your time making rainbow colored messages instead of just writing a message.

    Keep us up to date on the rest of the songs. So far, they're good. Upstairs in my house, DD is playing her electric guitar. With the door closed, but with the amp turned up fairly loud. She was playing a Cream song a few minutes ago.


    Let's see, what color should this be....
  • Just for the record, I'm not as depressed today. Not not depressed, but not as depressed. The thought of bunco and the fact that I'm not driving so I can imbibe is helping. Isn't that pathetic?

    Good songs, Lush. Maybe I've just been listening to the wrong radio station.

    Kiwi, 2 pounds is wonderful. And of course, pounds in red never come back. Did you do anything in particular to lose it? I'm thinking of just swearing off eating restaurant food. I bet I'd really drop the weight then.

    Have a loverly weekend, Cowsies. I hope the sun is shining on you wherever you are. It's going to be a rainy weekend here. Good for watching black and white movies.

    I'm worried about Martha S. - it will be her first night in the big house. What a bizarre world this is.