LAWL & Friends # 84

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  • Amy - I agree with the size thing. Last time I weighed 150 was before I married in 1981 (does that date me?). I think sizes have changed since then. I weighed 118 when I graduated high school (1973) and was a size 9! That would be at least a size 2 now. I don't want to weigh 118 again - too skinny for 5'7" and too much work- but I hope to get to 140 which is below my goal of 148. Good luck to all of us!
  • Good Morning ladies. Read all the posts, but can't remember what everyone said as I read some on Saturday and some today. I know 1 thing, that there are losts of losses! Congrats to everyone!

    My weekend was okay, I didn't stay exactly on plan, but did my best. We took a bus ride to the SU game which we pick-up at a local tavern/resturant. So, someone twisted my arm and I had 3 lite beers on Saturday before I got to the game. That was enough, I stopped and it was okay after that as I ate dinner before I left for the game. The game was awesome, we did lose the game, but it was awesome just the same. SU played a great game against 1 of the best college teams. We played Florida State. Man, I never saw so many fans come from out-of-town to cheer on their team! Nice job Florida!

    I helped my sister move yesterday and I'm really beat! I could have slept another 2-3 hours. I'm going to be dragging all day, I can tell. Have a great day!


    P.S. Just remembered - Star, I'm 5' 7'' tall.
  • Hi gals - not much to report here...Sunday went a lot like Saturday! Except that for dinner my mom made bbq pork ribs - yum but I only had a tiny portion - maybe 3 ounces - and extra green beans. My home scale this morning said .4 less than my home scale did on Thursday when I weighed in last, but for some reason on Thursday my scale said .4 more than the center scale, so I have no idea whether I gained or lost or maintained over the weekend. Going to weigh in at lunch to find out!!

    Sounds like you all had great weekends! Keep up the good work!

  • Oh, thought I'd share a new thing that I think is helping me stay my diary on Fridays, I've written in, in pencil, the target weight that I want to be at by that day, based on wanting to be under 200 (9.6+ pounds lost) in four weeks. So this Friday I've penciled in "207" - having a weekly target makes it easier to see if I'm on pace for my larger goal.

    Gotta go weigh in - I'll report back shortly!

  • Me AGAIN.......weighed in at .2 up - my counselor said "way to maintain" although in my book maintaining means staying the same....anyway, I think I'm just going to have to lose all my weight during the week and focus on "maintaining" on the weekends, lol.

  • Fiona - Usually on my "week day" weigh ins , I"m up a little, but make it up by the end of the week.

    I'm like you though, I need to do most of my weight loss during the week and maintain on the weekends.
  • Joy Again...
    Hi Ladies!

    I hope everyone is having a successful day! I had a hard time yesterday with a company cookout and a visit to Grandmother's. I did okay at the cookout, though I'm not quite sure what was in the slaw . Unfortunately, I did have a piece of coconut pie at my grandmother's house. I saw it and completely forgot about LAWL . So, I just gave up my last starch and a fruit for the day, hoping that will make up for it.

    Fiona, I read your post about writing your weekly goals in your diary. I love that idea! I do believe it will keep things in perspective and help keep you from getting discouraged. If you don't mind, I'd love to adopt that practice, myself. I have a long way to go, but I think that will help me along the way. Thanks for sharing.

    Kristi, congratulations on your accomplishment. I hope your last two weeks are useful, and wish you the best in stabilization.

    Dawn, your beginning and goal weights are almost identical to mine. Perhaps we can help keep one another on track . I also read a few of your messages about the LAWL cook book. I do have a copy, so if anyone is interested in particular recipes, let me know, and I'll post them here to the site.

    Well, if all goes well, I'll be weighing in tomorrow. Chat with you then!

  • Kristi-you still amaze me with your positive attitude! I was born in 2-73 so this coming feb. I will be 32. Yikes!! Time flies when we are having fun! I am so proud of you and your must upbeat attitude! I am like you, my original goal is 125, however I am able to wear size 6's so I am hoping by the time I get down to 130 then I will be satisfied with that and be down with this whole dieting thing. I truley am tired of counting, tracking, pre-planning and all that other stuff! I know the changes I need to maintain I just want to maintain what is comfortable not what I have to fight so hard for!!! COnGRATS TO YOU!!! YOU ARE TRULY MY INSPIRATION!!!

    Fiona- well I guess when they look at it as maintaining what else can one think?? Good for you are you had a tough weekend to "maintain"! I think for us all to make it through a weekend without overdoing is a miracle in and of itself!

    Joy-good luck at weigh in! I think any desert type recipes that you have tried would be great to post! I really want a marinade for steak and chicken!

    I know I am not getting to everyone, sorry! Lunch is calling my name and DH will be home soon for lunch! I did weigh in this morning and was down .4 so for me that is great for a weekend. I can't wait to get to 130 so I can hopefully start stabalization. This is so depressing to think about such small incriments... TOM is next week so I need to not beat myself up this week or next!
    Have a great POP today!
  • Hey Joy - I wouldn't have posted it if I wanted to keep it all to myself - you go ahead and use it! It was interesting, really, this morning: I was thinking about weighing in, and for some reason seeing that "207" written in on Friday really relaxed me about today's weigh-in.

    Sammy, you are doing AWESOME! Don't let TOM get you down either - drink lots of water, avoid sodium whenever possible, and you'll get through it no problem!

  • Aternoon Ladies!!!!

    I was out and about all weekend and didnt have time to pop on here so i have to catch up lol. First off i went to the center after class today and im down another 2 lbs for a total of 9 lbs. YAY!!! 1 lb to go till i get my new boots

    I know where shelbyville is! I used to attend MTSU and my b/f actually lives in McMinnville.

    I dont use any supplements just because i never remember to take them lol

    Great Job!! I have a tip for you pick something out ( i take exercise pants and sleeveless top) to weigh in evertime. With the fall/winter months coming up we will have on heavier clothing and dont want that to mask our success now do we!

    Congrats on your 10 lb avitar i hope to join you this week! also how is curves going?

    congrats on your take off loss!! 3.5 lbs is great. Im on the Red plan.

    I finally got that chart open they have excel at school so i always update it there. But after i got it from you i actually already added those two columns haha how funny is that!

    I really like the cookbook i have used it a few times now and so far everything i have made has been great. I made the Marinated Chicken Kabobs last night and they were great. I just adjusted the veggies to ones i like lol.

    Ok well i gotta get back to work as next week is a short work week for me so i have to get as much done as possible. TOM is coming up for me and it will be the first one since i started so we shall see how much it bothers me.

    I will check in later!!
  • Fiona - That is a really good idea with the mini-goals. My personal trainer was asking me if LA did anything like that, and was surprised when I said no. My current mini-goal is to be a total of 50 pounds down by Christmas, and it should be do-able as long as I keep losing at my current rate.

    I had an exciting time when I weighed in today. I had just dropped off a flat tire to be fixed and my hands were all dirty so as soon as I got in the center, I went straight to the bathroom, but someone who had used the bathroom before locked the door on their way out, so the door was locked with no one in it. The counselors had no idea what to do and I saw that it was the kind of lock with the little round hole like we have on our doors at home, so I had one of them get a wire coat hanger and I picked the lock.

    I was down .2 so that's not so bad after a weekend that included non-lite beer consumption on Saturday and a piece of banana cake yesterday. I live with my mom and I swear anytime I get rolling really good on a diet she starts trying to sabotage me. This week she made apple pie and banana cake within days of each other, and I bet there will be chocolate chip cookies before this week is up.
  • Down 10 pounds+!
    Hi Everyone!
    Notice the new avatar - it's official - I made the 10 lb. mark and am actually down 11 lbs!! Yahoo!! Pretty good for a Monday. Actually I didn't do much this weekend but work on homework (got an A on my paper!). I am really determined this time, so I hope I can keep this up.

    I am going on vacation in Nov. to Mystic, Conn. Can't wait because I've never been out east. I want to try and lose as much as possible by then because I plan to have some Mystic Pizza. I will try and be good, but, after all, it is my vacation! I will probably have to use the Hollywood Diet drink when I get back, but it will be worth it.

    Joy - any recipe would be good. I am mostly eating chicken and shrimp right now. Haven't tried any beef or pork yet. I love spicy stuff or oriental foods. I better stop - I'm making myself hungry!

    I have one more paper to write for this semester - so I better get busy.
  • Finoa: Good idea about the mini-goal.

    I was dragging most of the day and decided I really couldn't make it to the gym this evening. I needed an evening to myself. I'm having a hard time sticking to 2 day take off, I think it's bacause I'm beat. Tomorrow will be a better day - so I may have to extent it into Wednesday. I didn't eat anything off plan today, just starving. I get that way when I don't get enough sleep.

    Well, looks like everyone is doing good.

    Beach, if your still reading in don't have time to post - sending skinny vibes your way. It's freezing here in Syracuse today - how is it up your way? Today's high was 54 degrees - man, I can't get use to the cold.

    You all will have to help me stay out of the slump in the next coming months. Cold weather is settleing in here and I'm hating it already. I'm telling you, I should be living in the South or vacationing on some Carribean Island. It's just going to get darker by the day, and my favorite day of the year is Dec 21st - because that is when we start gaining daylight again. Sorry to keep blabbing about this but I can't seem to get warm today.

    June, how are things going? DH has his second eye done on Wednesday - I'm praying the second eye is as successful as the first! I'm sure this will be a few more crazy days for you. The kids got today off from school, did you get the day off too? I hope you did.

    Everyone have a great evening.

  • Sy it sounds like you have the pre-winter blues We will try our best to keep hot topics going!!

    Hey Dawn you mentioned papers???? Are you in college too? If so what is your major and what are you taking this semester lol Sammy & I are also students. And speaking of that i have more homework to do but was taking a break to see what was going on here.

  • Hello all! I haven't posted lately! I have been sick all weekend and haven't really been on plan or eating for that matter or been to the gym...only twice last week, but thats alrite, I have a total lose of 13lbs now....but have not weighed in this week cause monday are busy days with school n all! Just wanted to keep everyone posted. And I hope everyone is doing great!!!