Take 2!

  • Ok so I blew the first 2 days last week and stopped trying. I've decided to call that my "false start". Tomorrow is for real, tomorrow is for life! I have to hand it to Fireflynova for doing SBD on nights, that was my mistake -- that I tried to start in the middle of my night rotation. I am now on days for 2 weeks and that will give me the normalcy I need to get started. I think seeing Bunna and Laurie's posts helped motivate me too. There seem to be few people with as much to lose as me and sometimes that is REALLY overwhelming. I gained 5 pounds in 3 months with a major depression (I'm really proud that it was only 5!) and it makes me excited to think that if I really put my mind to this, that 5 pounds could realistically be gone next week and I could be into "virgin" fat.

    I just want to thank you again for being such a support to each other -- and in seeing that, I know that if I let myself be known, you will support me too.

  • I did the same thing, I called it my transition to SB Diet. I cut back on carbs heavily for a couple of days before I cut them out. Just remember you need two weeks without cheating. I found that pretty tough but it is so worth it!
  • That's a great attitude to have! You can do it! We'll be here to cheer you on and give you all the support we can.
  • Yes, Kristin, we're all here for each other.
    I know what you mean about the importance of having someone in your weight range to relate to. I know it's all relative, but it's hard for me to relate to someone who has only 15 or so pounds to lose. (no offense to you slim girls... I still love you!) Hopefully that'll be me someday, too, but in the meantime, I need to see an assortment of girls, some of them just as large as I am.
  • Only 5 pounds? Amateur! You are going to do it this time. You mini-goal is quite reasonable and attainable. Onward and downward!
  • *laugh* Ruth, believe me, that's why I'm so proud it was only 5 pounds! In the past, in MINOR depressive states I put on 10-15 in weeks or a month. I think it helped that for awhile, I was so depressed my mother had to force me to eat, otherwise I wasn't.

  • Kristin, big love and hugs from a former 300+ pounder! I totally understand how you feel...sometimes I feel all alone in my huge amount of pounds! But I was able to do it, and so will you!!! Go Kristin!!!

    I think it is extremely admirable that you only gained five pounds...I managed to gain over 100 during my last major depression. You did great, and like Ruth said, those five pounds will be history before you know it! Good for you on setting yourself up for success by doing this during a time you think will help.

    Lots of encouragement coming from this quarter. You go, girl!
  • Take one day at a time, Kristin. We all know that you can do this. You have a great attitude and you will succeed. Just remember not to beat yourself up when you slip up. Tomorrow is a new day and if you can manage a longer time the next time, you have succeeded. You can get through those first 2 weeks. Go for it.
  • You can do it!
    I had to laugh at Ruth's comment, calling you an amateur! Very cute!

    Yep, this is the place to be! I have been strict for the last 9 months, got within 2 pounds of my goal and all my family came home. I've really blown it for the last 5 days. It's been really hard to climb back on the wagon. I'm almost looking forward to the family leaving so I can get back to normal again!

    You can do this!!!!
  • Thanks again everyone! I am having a great day so far -- I even had to go to the grocery store to pick up some water and all I could smell was fresh bread when I walked in. I thought, wow that smells great and went right over to the water section and even treated myself to flavoured sugar free carbonated water. No bread, no starch and I was out of there with my sanity intact and NO cravings! Yay me! *lol*

  • Wow! Kristin, you are ON TRACK, girl!!
  • Kristin,
    I have 200lbs to loose, but i`m not looking at the LONG road ahead of me.... .. but the small goals to achieve. It`s not the fastest to the finish line, rather than the journey of getting there, becoming healthier juring our travels. It`s a lifetime choice for me, so eventually all my excess weight will be gone, but until then, keep soldiering on. We can ALL do it with the help and support of everyone here. It`s an EXCELLENT forum of wonderful people.
  • You can get those fourteen days done one day at a time and we will all be here for you cheering you on. Just remember it is only two weeks out of your life and you can do anything for two weeks, think about how quickly the last two weeks went by.