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  • Okay, I am confused. Got this Daily Dish on 7-31-04:

    Mojitos on the Beach
    To make this classic summer cocktail Phase 1-friendly, simply omit the alcohol.

    Non-Alcoholic Mojito
    Serves 1

    Fresh mint
    1 lime
    1 package sugar substitute
    Crushed ice
    6 ounces lime-flavored sparkling water

    Crush a sprig of mint in the bottom of a cocktail glass. Squeeze the juice of one fresh lime into the glass. Add 1 package of sugar substitute, crushed ice, and 6 ounces of lime-flavored sparkling water. Garnish with mint and serve.

    Nutritional Information:
    20 calories
    0 total fat (0 g sat)
    0 mg cholesterol
    7 g carbohydrate
    0 g protein
    0 g fiber
    0 mg sodium
    By saying that omitting the alcohol makes these Phase 1 friendly, do they mean that you can have alcohol in them in Phase 2? I know that many low carb diets allow other forms of alcohol, but I thought that SBD only allows red wine. Are we also allowed rum and vodka? Confused!

    GFGCG says that Liqueurs (Rum, Gin, Vodka, Whiskey) are "Very Limited" and the only mixed drink listed as allowable is Vodka and Tomato Juice, also listed as "Very Limited". Wonder if that means I could have a gin and diet tonic with lime once a month?
  • For me, I know that I drink liquors that do not have flavors to them -- like a plain rum or whiskey. IN the SBD book, Dr. A says red wine, then white, then alcohol in that order, if you are going to have a drink. And blend with Diet Cola or waters... Beer is the worst, as you know.

    I don't think that it's fair to say nothing but wine FOREVER, if this is truely a lifestyle change and not a fad diet, you know?

    Anyway, that's my two cents...
  • I get what you are saying, Jenn. I guess I just meant, nothing but wine until we get to Phase 3. I figure then we are more lenient...whatever does not make our weight go up and keeps our blood chemistry the same...etc.

    Good point, though.
  • Laurie my dear, get thee a glass and pour yourself a gin and diet tonic.

    Seriously, you know this is a lifestyle change. I think the most important lesson we all need to learn to keep the weight off is how to enjoy some of the "limited" or "very limited" foods without letting it trigger a pattern of bad behavior.

    SO, if you can have a cocktail and not want to eat 6 handfuls of snacks with it...then you should do it!! Maybe not every night but on occasion.

  • I've also read in numerous areas that a drink is "better" for you than red wine. It has less calories (about 66 v. 100+ for the red wine) and zero net carbs whereas some reds do have sugar carbs.

    I don't care for wine as it makes me sleepy. And yes, as long as you don't drink too much or get the munchies, I don't see why not.
  • Good points, ladies. I rarely drink, but every once in a while in the summer, a gin and tonic sounds good.

    Jenn, I get what you are saying about the calories, but the carbs really don't matter here. The thing about the wine is that it has actual health benefits, whereas other alcohol does not (at least they haven't found it yet...anything can happen! )
  • Yes they say wine has added health benefits, but I have seen none other than drinking it may cause you to sleep
  • Low carb beer?
    I'm wondering about that new Michelob Ultra low carb beer? It only has like 2 g of carbs. thought maybe it was ok but not in the book since it has come out since the book was written??
  • kaq, the ingredient in beer that cause the problems, namely maltose, is there regardless of the carbs. It's just not okay to drink beer. I know that's a big downer to some...

    Jenn, I guess the deal with the red wine is that those who eat really fatty meals (i.e. France and parts of Italy) don't have cholesterol and other heart problems, and they think the reason is that they consume a lot of red wine. Interesting! Personally, I haven't seen any difference either, except for that sleepiness you mentioned!
  • Beer is still made from barley and hops and wheat -- all processed by the body as sugar. This is more of a low sugar, good carb diet. We don't count carbs, so drinking an Ultra is just like drinking a Lite beer calorie wise anyway...

    Am I right ladies?
  • Ahh ok - thought that might be the case. Darn! Ok then i'll stick with the wine.
    thanks for the info!
  • But no alcohol in Phase 1 at all.

  • right. I'm in Phase 2 - lost 33 lbs. so far. My friend has just started South Beach and was wondering about the low carb beer. I told her definitely not in Phase 1, but i wasn't sure about Phase 2.
  • No beer of any kind is allowed in Phase II. Beer has maltose which leads to storage of belly fat - beer belly!
  • so is Zinfandel considered white or red wine?