A Thought For The Day

  • This passage was in my new issue of Low Carb Energy...thought you might like to read it.

    "While we wouldn't think of getting in a car and not knowing whether we're going to Newark or Nashville, we gradually become passengers in our own lives. Years go by and we never get out of the car to see how it's doing or where it's going. We simply sit in the backseat preoccupied by our busy lives, which are moving too fast to allow time to stop the car, take stock, consider alternate routes, or set goals to change direction - in short, to get back into the driver's seat....As far as I can tell, life is more about learning than anything, and again and again I learn the lesson of the Chinese proverb that says, 'If we don't change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are going'"
  • I still say I don't know what I want to be when I grow up!
    Good thought for the day!!
  • Excellent thought!
  • Wow. I like that. Thanks Jane. You know, my dad wrote lots of poems when he was in college. He gave his scribbles to me when I started college. Anyhow, he has a poem that says almost the same thing. He had compared life with a book and said something like; we go through our life just like we read a book. Sometimes we get so into it that we just want to speed through and find out what happens next. Until we reach the last page and we know what has happened. At that point we want to go back and enjoy reading every page, enjoy experiencing every day, but it is too late. So he had advised himself to try and enjoy his book of life the first time around because there is no opportunity for reread.
  • Nice.....very nice.