
  • Hello everyone!

    Okay. I need some ideas. What is everyone going to do to stay strong during Easter? I love chocolate and, boy oh boy, there's going to be a ton of it around here come Easter morning. Has anyone thought ahead on how they're going to get through the day without being super bad? If so, I'd love to hear any and all ideas cause I'm a weakling and I need all the help I can get!

  • Janise,

    You just don't eat the chocolate. It's that simple. Do you really want to be overweight, unhealthy and unhappy, or do you really want to move forward toward healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle? Aren't you tired of being a "weakling" and of making excuses for yourself? You have the power; you really do. When you want weight-loss success enough, you will walk away from the chocolate. It could be this weekend, if you choose it to be. When you really, really want it, you will consciously choose to do it, and you won't say "tomorrow" any more...it'll be today.

    Now, for all the other stuff that may come with Easter and family gatherings: Go for less than 3 oz. of ham, a half-cup of potatoes (or a little more, if your host has had the secret decency to prepare baked or boiled potatoes with no toppings), all the veggies you can find (as long as they don't have butter and/or salad dressing on them) and about a 1/4-inch sliver of cake, and you'll be fine.

    If you suspect that your cook will be buttering and dressing the veggies, take a couple of small bags of raw veggies (0 points) and cut-up fruit (1 point per cup), plus a bag of 3 c. air-popped popcorn (1 point). Eat it all before and/or after your family gathering...in the car if necessary. I did this at Thanksgiving, Christmas and a recent fat-filled foody funeral, and came in at 20 points each of those days.

    You CAN do it; yes, it's hard, but if we really truly are serious about losing weight, we do what we need to do, don't look back and don't make excuses. You can do this if you seriously, honestly want to...honest!

  • Hi Janise,

    I agree with all of STH's suggestions, I think the most important thing is your mindset going into the holiday. You have to decide ahead of time that you will stay in control and that your long term progress is more important than one day's food temptations. That's my plan for Sunday along with having some points banked. I've recently regained control after a major slide and I can't risk losing it for a few chocolate eggs.
  • Well, I am taking a bit of a different view point here. Though I do agree with a LOT of what has been said....I am saying for myself...that I will be treating myself to a couple of eggs. I mean those cadbury cream eggs are only 4 pts each. I choose to spend them that way....mostly because I don't want to feel deprived of my favorite foods. For myself If I can not indulge every once and awhile I will not stick to my diet. I feel that this way I can have a bit of chocolate and just count it ....and still really not be cheating.

    As for as everything else goes I do agree.....


  • Are you the one buying the chocolate? My husband and I are putting little gifts in my stepdaughter's Easter basket instead of candy (we'll put in a little candy but not much). That way, none of us will be tempted to eat a bunch of chocolate and jelly beans. When we hide the eggs for her, we are going to fill them with coins instead of candy too.
    Good luck!
  • It all depends...
    I'm saying, it depends on what you want.

    Personally, for all the eating holidays I've experienced so far while with WW, I said to myself, "I'm having whatever I want and will stay within points the next day." It was just what I wanted to do. No biggie. Back on track the day after kind of thing. I figure I'm in this for the long haul.

    However, just this past week, preparing to go to my Mom's for Passover, I felt differently. I thought, "No, this time I don't want to go overboard. I really don't want to pick compulsively at that turkey and all the goodies. I don't like the way I feel afterwards and it's just not worth it in the long run." So I told myself, this time we're not going to pick (that's my big weakness - pick, pick pick).

    I'm happy to report that I succeeded about 85% I'd say. A few picks but nothing like in the past. I did go over my points a little, but again nothing like in the past. I was full at the end of the meal, but not in pain.

    So, you decide what you want to do, think it through, sit down and have a good conversation with yourself and see how it goes!

    There's always Monday to pick up the pieces (and get rid of the tempting leftovers!)

    Have a wonderful holiday!
  • Since I'm just back on the program - I am planning not to eat ONE PIECE!!! If I eat just one - that's when I have a hard time stopping and I already know I have that weakness, so why tempt myself?

    I had a friend visit today and she brought my 4 year old daughter a box of Gertrude Hawk (my favorite) chocolates..... I opened the box after lunch and told everyone it had to be gone before the guests left...(there were about 20 pieces in it). I convinced my daughter that if the Easter Bunny saw she already had chocolate in the house - he might not leave any in her basket. BUT - Hershey's and M&M's (from Mr. Bunny) aren't as tempting for me as Gertrude Hawk chocs. I was so happy when the last piece was eaten because I stayed on program and there is nothing to tempt me now. Maybe when I'm further along on the program I could splurge a little .... although I doubt it when it comes to chocolate!

  • I have a lot of difficulty with deciding if it is best to stay totally on program during "special" meals, or just be sensible and use the 1/4, 1/4, 1/2 rule (fill your plate so 1/4 is the meat, 1/4 is the starch, and 1/2 is vegis). The problem for me is not the actual meal, but what I do before and after the meal. For ex: I had a big party weekend planned, and decided not to count pts. The problem was, since I had the mindset of not counting pts, I went overboard before I even got to the event. That weekend also got me out of my good groove I was in, and now I struggle to stay OP 100% The good news is I managed to maintain (something I'll need to master when I lose all of my weight).

    On an up note: I do notice that when I am not counting pts, I make pretty sensible choices and don't just chuck the program in and pig out ;-)! Some of the problem is that it is hard to count pts for dishes you don't prepare, and trying a small amount of everything seems sensible, but practically impossible to count. As for the candy - my vote is stear clear. One piece usually leads to two and so on...not worth it. However, if you have a favorite, calculate the pts for a serving, and put that candy aside to count and enjoy. Knowing you have a set serving to enjoy for the day may help you stay in control (rather than grabbing a piece here and there).

  • I'm pretty sure Im going to avoid the candy scene altogether! I may have one piece if I feel I can stop at that. (Have some banked pts saved just in case) I may just have a peanut butter WW bar instead! Im still really hooked on those!
    Dinner should be ok. Ham and lots and lots of veggies. MIL is cooking and she makes all her veggies pretty plain so Im set for dinner!
    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and stays OP as much as possible!!

  • Holiday advice
    I've been a lurker for a while, but I just wanted to add a comment here because when I first started WW, my leader (who was the BEST and miss him a lot!) discussed holidays with us. It was in October, so we had Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years coming.
    He used to say that when you are thinking about holiday eating, HAVE FUN. This doesn't mean go on a binge, although even if you do, just hop back on the program the next day and put it behind you. What it means is, have the foods that are special to you for that holiday. For example, for Thanksgiving: if you don't have turkey other than then and you love it, have it.....but pass on the mashed potato that you do have often enough that it's not a treat.
    One poster seemed to think the Cadbury Eggs were special for Easter.....have them (sensible amount) but pass on some of the other stuff that is not indicative to your holiday. Save your points for the SPECIAL things and leave the ordinary alone.
    He also suggested having some lean protein and your milks beforehand. The protein helps with hunger and many people don't think about counting their milk points on holidays. Since you're not STARVING when the special meal comes along, you also have less chance of over-eating and not ENJOYING the foods that make the holiday special.
    I know this is a little late, but I wanted you all to know that I used this philosophy yesterday and worked for me. I know I can be ready for any special meal when I think of this.
    I hope this helps someone.
  • Alley Oop,
    It'll help a lot of people. Good advice and a sensible and sane approach to all holidays. Glad you had a good one!