BLAST FROM THE PAST - Do You Remember?

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  • Popeye cigarettes! They are still around but they are called candy sticks now
  • Yes, my grandparents always got me those little candy ciggies. They stopped making them where i lived because they were bad for some reason - can't figure out why- and i remember my grandmother being all pissed off about it. But she was pissed off a lot. *L*
    When I was little I was just a tiny little thing and they used to put their empty ciggie boxes on my feet as little shoes and I just loved it. People would freak out now I think if they saw someone do that. Or even if they were smoking inside with their kids around. I seem to remember a time when it was okay to drive down the road with a beer in your hand too...
    Some changes are a good thing, huh?

    I remember my dad having the game risk but I also distinctly remember that if i ever touched it I would not live to see adulthood. *LOL*

    for the girls I remember the huge important things to have were My Little Pony, Pound Puppy and of course Cabbage Patch. And Generic versions of either of them would not do!
  • Quote: My Little Pony & Cabbage Patch. And Generic versions of either of them would not do!
    Would you believe I still have over 100 CPK dollies & other CPK items? I have been collecting since 1983 and then people started to just GIVE me stuff..I use to have a room devoted to my collection. Then I thought why do I still have all of these? And I started to sell off my collection...I have sold about žth of it and so far have made over $10,000. Cant complain about that!!
    I also have a giant box of MLPs too...some still mint in package along with their outfits, MIP. Those will be sold too. I finally grew up some enough to let go of my ponies, but I did keep the one named "Noodles."
  • what about Strawberry Shortcake?
  • Strawberry Shortcake is on the market and going strong, it came back about a year or two ago. I remember the blueberry girl, or was that boy? who was that boy?

    I had a whole dinner set w/strawberry shortcake on it.........threw em out
  • What about these?
    Ahh Strawberry Shortcake... I have a pair of Strawberry Shortcake

    How about Rainbow Brite? The Smurfs? The Snorkels? And one that no one ever seems to remember: The Noozles?
  • Btw
    I forgot to mention Blueberry Muffin was a girl and the boy's name was Huckleberry Pie...

    Check this out: Strawberry Shortcake
  • Oh yeah my favorite was the Apple Dumplin, how cute.

    How about HR Puff-n-stuff, sigmond & the sea monster, the croft shows ROFL !!

    Do you remember The New Zoo Review? w/freddy the frog and henietta the hippo
  • Jeo: Did you mean the Wuzzles? The one on Disney that there were two animals mixed together like Bumblebear and Rynokey? I remember it! I loved my strawberry shortcake, I had the doll that was supposed to blow strawberry smelling kisses and a telephone that you could dial and talk to different characters. I wonder what happened to those toys...
    I have a good smurf story. I loved the smurfs when I was a kid, but my mom was not as much keen on them. Not like the rumors of them being satanic or anything, she just thought they were annoying as ****. So when I was about 7 or 8 she told me that there was new law that you had to be under 6 years old to watch them or they would arrest you. I totally believed her and never watched it again. Evil mom. hehehe. I laugh now, but...

    Another one I used to get up super early for was the little prince. It was on waaay early in the morning on nickelodeon before they were very popular. It was on before Mr. Wizard another show I loved.
    It's weird things you didn't know you remembered until you start thinking back on it. This is a fun thread.
  • Nope I totally meant "Noozles"... It was this show where the little girl noozled(rubbed noses) with her stuff koala and it came to life.... No one ever remembers it... I think my little sister and I may have been the only two on earth who watched it! Here's the link to that one: The Noozles

    I absolutely LOVED "Punky Brewster"... I would watch it every time it came on every night, even if I'd seen the episode before "Maybe the world is blind...or just a little unkind, Don't know, Seems you can't be sure, about anything anymore, Although, You may be lonely and then, One day you're smiling again, Every time I turn around, I see the girl who turns my world around... standing there, Every time I turn around, Her spirits lifting me right off the ground, What's gonna be? Guess we'll just wait...and See! *woof*" (yes I am a loser and I have the mp3 )

    I was also big into Full House.... Bob Saget will FOREVER be no more than the Danny Tanner! HA!
  • Remember...
    Shazam and Almighty Isis?
    The Bay City Rollers
    Bastad Clogs
    Black Jack Gum
    Ohhh how I loved my mood ring...
  • Wow, the only one of those I remember is mood rings....
  • Hey I liked Full House too!! & Growing Pains. My all-time favorite though was Little House On The Prairie. I watched it religiously.
  • Jenn, your "noozles" reminds me of Emit Otters Jugband Christmas. Nobody has ever heard of it but it came on every year with all the charlie brown christmas specials and stuff.
  • Loved "Clickety Clacks" Also could not get enough of the game of life. Did any of you guys have a "laughing bag". Amazing how that thing worked.