LWL - #157 Wk of June 7th - 13th ...

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  • G'mornin' All!!

    It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighbourhood today... Yesterday was AWESOME too!! I worked 5 hours in the back yard trying to get my black thumb to turn green ... That in itself was a great workout... After supper DH and I went for a nice walk, not a speed walk by any means, my butt was too sore, but a good 40 min walk... My butt is really sore today! It was so hot after working around the yard that I swam and floated in the 70F pool... It didn't feel cold but just refreshing...

    Today I am doing the Leg workout that Jack has posted and I will report back later, then afterwards I'm going for a bike ride... Then I'll come home and work around the yard... Oh I also need to go for my alergy shot! I'm about 3 weeks late, the Doc'll shoot me...

    JEC -- You got a job already?! Good for you! VERY nice to see you back!

    Well I'm off to start my day... TTFN!!
  • Jack, smart men don't listen to things like that!! I knew you were a smart one!...
  • Morning, LWL!

    Jack- Good thing you didn't listen to Pat. I always say that, then get royally pissed when that's exactly what I get. You are a smart man. I'll be doing a variation of Draper's full body workout today. Can't do the ab work yet.

    JC!!!!! So glad you are back, you've got a job, Ray is headed somewhere safe and then home....Have you found a soccer club and a gym? How's the house?

    Morning Ilene, do some heavy legs for me I'm still in the wimp range.

    Gotta scoot-

  • Jack your posts made me laugh... I have no freakin' idea why we say that and mean the total opposite ... go figure... Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus!!!
  • Along the "men are from mars" thingy, I found this on a science spoof website and think its quite funny

    Why Is Mars Red
    Why is Mars red?
    Mars is red because that is where men are from. Men like red, so Mars must be red. Men get red when they are angry or embarrassed or trying to hold back a fart in mixed company. Mars is red because it has such a thin atmosphere, which cannot hold the blue like the earth's atmosphere can. Mars is also red because of all of the rusted iron dust surrounding the planet and all the rusted iron on the planet.

    Mars used to be a big iron rock and over time it has rusted. Rust never sleeps and it is better to burn out than it is to rust. Into the Mars and into the dust.

    No, really, why is Mars red?

    Mars is red because it is made up of thousands or even hundreds of Mars bars. The light traveling through the galaxy gets reflected and refracted and by the time it gets to earth it is red. Mars, when you are close to it, actually looks like spumoni.

    Seriously, why is Mars red?

    The ancient Roman god, Mars was a great hunter (and resident of Georgia) who was smeared with red blood. Mars had a gun rack on the back of his truck, drank lots of beer and liked to shoot off his guns on New Year's Eve. Mars was originally called the Redneck god, but over time, people just started saying, "Mars is red."

    On a fitness note, I did LEGS! today for the first time in a looooong time. my second set of squats made me want to cry hehe. found I didnt lose much strength, but the number of reps I could do was less than before, or maybe Im just a big sissy? I did 45 mins of easy walking after my leg w/o so that it would work a lot of the stiffness and jello feeling out, and I think it worked pretty well. Doesnt hurt to keep moving a bit more either. We were having MASSIVE thunder showers so I wimped out and took the bus 2 stops to our area of town instead of walking just to avoid ALL my clothes being soaked through.

    Food is ON today! God bless watermelon season, thats all I can say right now. I LOVE watermelon. Only problem on the food front is that chicken breasts arent on sale and Im OUT of them totally Looks like I'll be skinning the thighs that I have in the freezer and baking them on a rack so they dont wind up swimming in their own fat *blah!*

    Ive also realised taht try as I may, I will never be able to drink psylium husks or crushed flax seeds.. for the third day in a row I gagged them up after drinking/eating them. They go down ok but my stomach doesnt like them at all or something.. waste of food!

  • Jack,

    I don't understand that either. When I was married I told the ex not to get me anything because he would always get me stuff that had told him before (several times even) that I hated like stuffed animals, coffee mugs, and flowers. WHADAFA? Stuffed animals just take up space, I have to wash the mugs and flowers die so why in the world would I want any of that? The stuff I did like he would give to his mom like bubble bath, candles, those really cool chair massage thingies. The WILDEST part of it all was that HE loves stuffed animals and flowers. Also odd is that MY fav color is RED whereas his is PURPLE. I think we had our wires crossed.

    Anyway, yesterday was GORGEOUS except for about a 15 minute time frame in the PM. I got a bike ride in with the crew along with yard work for about an hour. We grilled (healthy turkey sausages this time) and watched the game last night.

    Tonight is another bike ride and cheer practice.

    Hi all!

    Go Pistons!!! Tiki.
  • Hey guys,

    I only have a second. Yes, I got the second job that I applied for. I am the company accountant for a motorcycle distributor. I am very happy about it but the business is in a bit of shambles at the moment so I have my work cut out for me. It is a new position so I got to pick my start date. I moved up last week so I gave myself a week to settle before I started work which was yesterday.

    The house is wonderful and the dogs love the huge yard. I really love it up here and the weather if fantastic - even in winter.

    Gotta get back to work. Will pop in later.

  • HEY JC,

    I am so glad you are liking your new digs.

    I had a clean eats day. A few too many wheat crackers but NO junk food. I also got my bike ride in. Woo hoo. I love summer! Supposed to be 91 degrees here today. MY KINDA WEATHER!!!!

  • Hi everyone. It sounds like y'all are in fine summertime fettle, and doing well. JC, congrats on landing a new job, a new house, and a new lease on life! Tiki, love the biking reports but must admit that I don't share your enthusiasm for 91-degree weather Tidey and Ilene, good job on those leg workouts; I'm glad to hear, Tidey, that you were able to resume them after a hiatus, because that's exactly what I need to do. Top of the morning to Mel, Jack, Meg, and all the others yet to post.

    I've been reading, but haven't had much to contribute to the conversation. Took a yoga class last night, and it was HARD. I realized that I'm losing strength and that many movements hurt. I think I need advice, but I'm not too sure where I'm going to look for it. I COULD talk to a personal trainer. A couple of highly respected folks have been recommended. I COULD go to the sports medicine clinic in Indianapolis, which is very highly regarded. I COULD go to an arthritis specialist. I just don't know what to do, but I DO know that I'm stuck. I also know that exercise and movement is crucial to my well being. Body's not working well and mental attitude is suffering. So, I don't want to belabor the point; I just need to work through this. In the meantime, it's great to be able to check in here and stay conscious.

    Gotta run. Board meeting this week (the last one of the academic year -- yea!), but before it begins I want to renew my gym membership. No excuses

    Cheers chickies.
  • *wailing in agony*

    Robin, if you go back to legs for the LOVE OF GOD make sure you do everything you can to avoid the "day after" pain... I can hardly sit down and dont want to contemplate bending over.. I stretched 4 or 5 times last night, ate good food and drank lots of water and OMG OW OW OW OWO OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

    I walk like Frankenstiens monster hehe

    no workout today as i fell asleep when i got home from school ("i'll just shut my eyes for a minute...") and didnt wake until after the gym had closed.

    tomorrow is lots of walking cardio and back/tri's ! Arm flab beware! Your days are numbered!

  • Expletive deleted
    Just dropping by to see how you all are and to tell you that, despite my best efforts at easing myself back, I’m injured. I’ve crocked my knee. I don’t know how. So it’s RICE for me (that’s rest, ice, compression and elevation) but life is busy. I’m trying my best, though, because I want to be up and doing. This is so frustrating. Mel, I understand just a bit of what you’ve been going through. It is so frustrating. Ilene is right to warn us to be careful out there.

    Keep on with the journey, everyone. Just take one step at a time!

    Love, Silverbirch.
  • Good morning

    It's been very very very hot hot hot here!!! YAY I love it!!!
    And now it's my first day of work and there is no air conditioning in our office and I have no idea what to wear!! Ay yi yi!! When I come back at 12:30 I'll jump into the pool.

    Life got in the way of exercising so I didn't exercise yesterday! But I certainly will today... I'm hoping to get a run in at the gym because it's way to HOT to do anything outside at the moment...

    I didn't make it to the gym yesterday life just got in the way! KWIM? I didn't even go biking or blading because the winds were extremely high and when that happens my eyes cant take the dust even with sports goggles on...

    Tidey -- My legs are excruciatingly sore still after doing the Ingid workout that Jack posted! So I can only imagine what it was like after a hiatus! OWIE OWIE for sure!

    Silver -- So sorry to hear of your knee... RICE is the best solution at the moment!

    Robin -- here's some good :vibes: for you to get back into it girl!!

    Well I just have to go shower and get ready for work...

    Silver and everyone!! WE don't need more injuries so ..... Let's be careful out there!!

  • Jack -- I love your new av!! Is that a recent one? Since loosing more weight? YOu looke quite handsome!
  • G'morning everyone. Just back from walking the dog. This hardly qualifies as cardio for me, but it's good for him, and it IS nice to get outside before it really gets hot. Ilene (thanks for those good vibes girlfriend), it's going to be a scorcher here, too, and we're due for thunderstorms starting about noon ... in fact, they will probably begin precisely at the moment I'm scheduled to do a site visit for fall ceremony. Ain't it always the way.

    Tidey, take care of those legs. I, personally, have never liked lower body work, and I've always loved upper body. I LOVE the feeling of stretching out the chest muscles and working the back. And since I'm such a weakling, I've always figured that the more I worked the upper body, the better. However, since my balance is going down the tubes and my hips need exercise, it's most likely more, not less, LBWO for moi.

    Upon reflection, I think I'm going to make an appointment with the trainers who have been recommended. It's actually a couple -- he used to be one of the coaches for the women's soccer team here, and she has run her own small practice for a long time. Both are probably near my age and are accustomed to working with adults (as compared to IU students).

    So, hi ho hi ho, it's off to work I go.

    Have a good one everybody.
  • Good morning all and it's so GREAT to see JC around again! I've been scarce due to the craziness of having DD graduate from college and move to grad school in NM and DS graduating from high school tomorrow (throw in an anniversary and DH's birthday and things get a little ).

    My week in New Mexico was a lot of work but fun (and hot). No balloon rides this time, though Albuquerque has the International Hot Air Balloon Festival every October, when 1000 hot air balloons all launch at the same time. THAT would be quite a sight!

    Eating in NM was not the best but not the worst and no damage was done. I'm back on track with food and workouts and still catching up on sleep.

    Isn't Jack a cutie, Ilene? He looks to me like he's still losing weight (though he says he doesn't weigh himself often -- men! ). What's cool with Jack is all the muscle that's starting to pop out now (we need a bulging bicep smilie ).

    SB -- so sorry to hear about your knee. Injuries totally suck, but try not to be too frustrated. Take care of it and you'll be back before you know it. At least you might be able to do a little upper body work?

    Leg Day for me here and my goal is to feel like Tidey and Ilene! OW OW OW! Will report back later.

    Off to clean bathrooms and weed before it gets too hot. Funny how 85 in Pittsburgh feels so much worse than 85 in New Mexico due to the vast differences in humidity. All I know is that it feels like a wet blanket outside.