My diet etc- what does anyone think?!

  • Hi,

    I just thought I would post a thread to let you know what I'm doing to see if you think it's a good idea or if you can suggest improvements!

    I'm 156lb and ideally I'd like to be 140 or under. I'm 5ft 5 and at 140lb I was about size 10-12 American 12-14 UK.

    I've been counting calories on excel, I look on packets or the internet and for meals I try to guess a little bit higher than I think just incase! I've been doing 1200-1600 calories a day, averaging about 1400, I don't know if that isn't a bit much for a 16lb loss??

    The positive things are that I've now managed 4 weeks which is the longest I've ever done. I've only gone over seriously once which was a very special event at my college that I helped organise. I put the day down as over 3000 calories which was a guess but my week was still only just over 1500 average. I probably don't drink enough water, I also drink green tea and diet (own brand) coke!

    I'm doing worse with exercise, 5 hours then 4 hours then 3 hours and then only about 2 last week. I do dvds, Kate's cardio combat (like boxing) and now tae bo. I also cycle and walk about a fair amount. I find it hard to get time but hopefully now I have a half hour dvd I can manage it more.

    I've lost 5lb in the first 3 weeks and am weighing in on Wed. I think I should have lost another lb at least looking at scales at home.

    So I'd like advice on
    1. If what I'm doing is OK
    2. If you think weight loss is likely to slow down much
    3. What kind of a target I should have for meeting my goal
    (at the moment I'm aiming to have lost a stone by the end of term on June 28th)

    Also, what does DH mean, something ahout husband?

    Sorry for the long post and thanks for all your advice so far

  • I happen to think that what you are doing seems great. You seem to have realistic goals. The one thing I have noticed is that if you are exercising then don't step on that scale but once a week. Exercise will make the scale slow down but the inches continue to come off. I am sure you have heard the term "muscle weighs more than fat" and it is true. You do know that you should be drinking more water and if you think you will retain put lemon or lime in it and it will help flush it out faster. The best way not to retain is to make sure you drink it throughout the day and not all at once just to make sure you get the amount you should be drinking in for the day.

    I personally think that you are doing great and keep up the great work!!!!!

    DH means Darling husband (which I happen to think is an oxymoron...just joking)

    Take care and keep posting!

  • Heya thanks for the advice

    The weather has been making me step up my water drinking anyway (it's hot for the UK) so that is fairly useful, I'll have to try get into the habit. I hope I've gone down tomorrow or it will so put me off!

  • I think your program sounds generally fine. One thing you might want to do is visit a web site that will calculate an estimate of your caloric needs. This is not as accurate as having your metabolism actually measured, but it can tell you what people your size/age/etc. tend to require, and how much of a reduction is necessary to lose weight at a safe pace. One site that I use is room42 (sorry, the system won't let me post the full link). Once you have your information, you can determine if your intake is appropriate. Remember that it's important to not cut calories too far, or your metabolism will slow and your body will stop losing altogether.

    If you want, you can also track your intake AND your activity at fitday. That might be easier (and a bit more fun) than using a spreadsheet.

    The other thing I'd mention is that I think it's generally a bad idea to set deadlines for weight loss. You never know how your body is going to react, on what timetable IT is going to decide to lose fat. You may very well reach your goal in the time you've indicated, but why set yourself up for frustration and disappointment if that doesn't happen? Just keep doing what you should, and the weight will come off sooner or later.

    Congrats on sticking with it so far, and for approaching it in a sensible manner.
  • Ooh that room 42 says I can eat less that the one on this site I think you are right about goals though coz I only lost 1 lb again this week so I don't think I'm going to make that. Still even if it takes a year then its not so bad, I mean if I imagine I'd started this time last year then it doesn't seem that long ago. If you know what I mean!!
