Low Carb Chat May 15-21!

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  • good saturday morning all! coffee's on, what's for breakfast?
  • Ahh, Saturday...love to just sit and know I don't have to rush into the shower or even LOOK at the car until I feel like it!

    Today's weigh-in maintained my 1.5 lb. loss from yesterday. I was nervous that it was a fluke and I'd have to give some back!. My appetite has dropped some and I was able to eat just some cold steak, a chicken drumstick and some jello for dinner last night. I have "re" discovered the whole world of sf jello treats that are legal on lc. Do a search under "jello recipes" and you'll find tons. Since we can have ricotta, cream cheese, or cottage cheese, or whipped cream, there are lots of possibilites. I made a lime-cheesecakey thing that worked. I'm going to do lemon next week.

    Linda,(and Peach, if you're listening) I only meant that sometimes the scale is off if you're constipated. And if you've been dehydrated, you can be "sluggish..." OK,OK< I"ll shut up now! Linda, I just know you'll have a loss this week. It took 3 for me, I am a slow loser like you.

    Plans for today are to make a grocery list and shop, change the sheets and towels, and get DH to bring the AC's in from the garage. Tomorrow is supposed to be the better day, weather-wise, so I'll save the garden stuff til then. I'll cook turkey chili for DH, and think of some LC stuff for me. Maybe some fish or shrimp for a treat.

    I might run to the store and look for a pair of shoes. I bought new pants, but my shoes are wintery and heavy looking. Need a pair of nice slip on flats.

    have a great one!

    Peach, I will not be joining you for your nasty sweaty old workout! If you want to shop... now we're talking.
  • Good Morning All,

    Hiya Dottie, congrats on the weight loss Your gonna have to share your jello recipes if you don't mind, please What time is dinner, I'll be over for some chili

    Today I'm gonna hit the flea market w/dd and possibly my sister, tomorrow is church and cleaning day, since I'm just to tired today to think of cleaning. I'm always beat on Saturdays but Sunday I seem to get a 2nd wind.

    Have a great weekend everyone
  • Morning,
    I am with dottie on the car thing, I don't have to go anywhere until 11:45. I slept till 8:15 after my neighbor finally let in his barking dog! Pillow over the head helps.
    Shoes dotti? Great web site www.zappos.com every brand every size and most of the time they run free shipping. Pluse as long as you don't wear the shoes you have a full year to return them.

    anyway, thinking about a cup of coffee and getting dressed....
    to leen and all the lurkurs and posters, have a good day
  • Morning all........ what an absolutely GORGEOUS Saturday!!! I just got back from the store where I spent an absolutely obscene amount of money on collage frames! wellllllll.... there was a sale! and I have a new camera and printer......... hmmmm, do I need to do any more justifying? If so, I better hurry up and practice before dh gets home from work!!!

    LindaBC, yes, unfortunately there IS a Rita's right near here!!! it is in East Islip, about 5 minutes from Islip Terrace, where I live......... I try to stay far far far away from that place!

    Basha....... when I was riding my bike a lot (a few years and MANY pounds ago!!) I rode over to Hecksher and did the full circuit with my friend; because Sunrise Hwy is limited access here, the ride from my house to hers (still on the same street, but the other side of Sunrise) and then to Hecksher and return was about 15 miles..... riding in East Islip (south of Montauk Hwy) is much much prettier and less boring than in Islip Terrace... hmmm, I wonder if I'd flatten the tires if I tried to get back on it????? probably...... <sigh>

    Leenie, I'll meet you at Dottie's for dinner but not tonight, ok? For my (very) early birthday present, dd is taking me tonight to see Dennis DeYoung (the lead singer from Styx) at the Beacon Theater tonight!! whoooo hoooo.... makes me feel like a kid again!

    Dottie, I'm impressed that you stuck with this for 3 weeks without losing. I've been getting so darn discouraged that I just start to eat what I KNOW darn well that I shouldn't! Hmmmm, as punishment maybe you should make me ride the LIRR for a while! UGH!

    Peachie.... all this talk of sweat! ugh!!! this is a wholesome place girlfriend! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop talking about that kind of <gasp! - excercise!!> stuff!!!

    L.. sheesh! I HATE when neighbors have pets who are "outdoor" animals!! (around here, people mostly leave cats outdoors) If you love an animal enough to bring it home, LEAVE IT IN THE HOUSE!!!!! After all, if I wanted a cat I'd have my own!!!

    Ruthie, I hope you're having a lovely day doing all your outdoor stuff........

    Well, have a lovely rest of today everyone.
    cya later.....
  • Good afternoon, Chickies.

    I was up early and off to the Greenhouse for another big day of selling the pretties. I do get a twinge when something I particularly like goes out the door with some lucky buyer! I succumbed today and brought home some tomato and pepper plants. I know it's too early but they may not get zapped by a frost and, if they do, I can replace them.

    After the greenhouse and a bit of cleanup, I went to the official re-opening of our old stone Mill. It is looking really good! I avoided the refreshments!

    It's raining a wee bit right now but is warm so I may sit on my front porch on the white wicker and read the paper and sip a ginger tea! I wish you could all join me!

    I need to do a laundry so I have a clean Thera-Paws shirt for tomorrow. Hershey and the other therapy dogs go to a Blessing of the Animals service at a Church in Brockville and we "handlers" have to look as good as the dogs! Some of the eight "new" dogs will be there for their first time in Church - should be interesting! I'll try to take pictures.

    Have a super weekend. The lilacs are just coming into bloom around here and you can smell them right now - drifts of fragrance! I love May!
  • My lilacs are just about finished, Ruth. They stayed nice for about three weeks which was nice.
    I've been busy filling up my containers for around the patio but have run out of plants. I guess I'll have to make a trip to Walmart today. I spent way too much at the garden center yesterday, buying the 4" pots when I could have managed with tiny seedlings instead. Shame on me.

    Temps in low 60sF today. Perfect for outdoor work. Possible rain tonight which will give my new plants a good start.
  • Just stopping in to see what you all are up to. Have a great Sunday. I don't have a thing to say, I'm bored, I'm boring and I'm not losing weight!!! so there!
  • Morning chicks. I have been working tons. usually all week long then 12 hours or more every other weekend leaving only 2 days to get cought up. this is not fun!!! paychecks have been nice but it leaves me with mroe and more fast food. well....

    enough about that and the poor me stuff

    friday night we had a ball for the residents. i was one of a few who came iin for the dance. i danced with about every one that I dould. one lady in a w/c just laughed and told me i was shaking enough for the both of us. I love those people. so may of them tole me that they used to love to dance. well i grabbed them and either danced with them on the floor or in their seat. (NOT LAP) although some of the older men would have loved that.

    so yesterday it was run to the mall as ds1 had his birthday. today is clean up day. after I go and hit the gym

    coffee is on and strong
  • Sunday morning
    I have an early trip to the grocery store planned, for the stuff I missed yesterday. Grrrr...hate to have to go twice in a week, let alone twice in 2 days!

    Doing OK food-wise. did the jello/ricotta/cream cheese thing again...saving me at night.(Leenie, just whir a few spoons of ricotta with cream cheese in the blender and add the jello, after disolving it in hot water.) scale stayed the same today, 3 days in a row, I guess I can keep my little loss. It sure is slow, a total of 2.5 lbs in almost 4 weeks. but it is the only time the scale has gone DOWN, in over a year. So I feel I have to stay with it, no matter how long any significant loss takes.

    A little shopping with DS, didn't go yesterday, did the lawn as it was beautiful and warm...today had thunderstorms last night, and it's cloudy and cool this morning.

    Ribs and coleslaw for dinner. what could be better than that?

    see ya's later,

    Sue, stick around! It's great to see you-

    Hi BarbG. More boring than me? with my weather and chore lists?
  • I think that jello thing sounds great. I will have to try it!!! I hate also to go to the store but i manage to run in and out so fast that some times i have to go twice in a day!!!

    I will try to stick around thanks
  • Hi sue, good to see you,
    Gray day here, and not a thing on the docket. i got the laundry done yesterday. DH is playing golf and I am still in my jammies....

    Have a good day ladies and keep up the good work...
  • Still in jammies and not a thing you HAVE to do today??? That sounds like HEAVEN!

    Hey, Sue - nice to see you! Unfortunately, the two times to the store in one day thing is a fairly common occurance around here. Usually because the kids will come up with something they need for school, etc. (or they come out of the bathroom and tell me we are completely out of TP, AND they just used the last of the Kleenex - grrrrr!)

    It will be mid 80s here today. Melis is up early as she is going to attend a church picnic with a friend (sure hope she bites her tongue and doesn't get into any heated thealogical debates with anyone!). Boys are still sleeping but I'll get Bry up in a bit as he has tournament team practice today. I'll go and visit with my baseball friends so it will be a nice afternoon for me. Then it will be home to finish (HA!) the mounds of laundry, a quick trip to Radio Shack with Cody for new headphones (he has been taping his up for the last week, poor baby). Oh! I was so proud of myself yesterday! (not eating-wise, don't get excited) I took all the curtains down and washed them and started cleaning windows and mini-blinds. Didn't get too far but at least the project is started! Stbx in-law visiting time is less than 2 weeks away so it's about time I get cracking! (of course, then I took a break to take the kids to see Troy - good movie. Brad is quite a hunk!)

    Hi Barb - nice of you to stop by and visit.

    Sono - Collage frames? Tell me about your collages. (sounds dangerously like a crafty thing.....)

    Ruth - I want to see pictures! Hope things went well at Church.

    Linda - I would love to see your yard after all your hard work and planting. Bet its lovely!

    Ok - gotta hit the showers and get the day rolling.

  • worked out at the gym today and did a bit more running feeling the familiar tug at the shins, just not enough exercise!!! then let the boys swim while I finished my book. nice way to relax now it is time to finish the house. (I know it is late but that is about the only time I can get close to the house and well the kids were more important. You guys are not coming today are you???)
  • Hi folks. More planting up of containers and baskets this morning. Peter is finally (after 9 years living here) putting the final rafters of the pergola up over our patio. Now I won't be able to open up the sun umbrella. I have a feeling that until the grapevine covers all the rafters, it's going to be a bit too sunny out there for me. Oh well, I'm just glad the job is nearly finished.

    I invented a muffin today. Now I have to try to remember exactly how I made them because they are not bad at all. I started with a full bag of pork rinds which I crushed. Then I beat up 3 eggs with 1/2 cup of cream and 1/2 cup of water. I then stirred in 1 cup of low carb baking mix and an extra tsp of baking powder, plus 1 cup of grated cheese. Baked in greased muffin tin and got a dozen out of it. VERY filling with just a bit of that soy taste. Improved with buttering. I haven't checked it out but probably not more than 2 gr per muffin.