Hi Everyone!

  • Hi! I'm new here and haven't even looked through the forum yet! Just wanted to introduce myself!
  • Welcome. I just started a couple of days ago and the people here are great. Enjoy and best of luck
  • Hiya buzzie,
    How much weight are u wanting to lose, do u exercise, and have u started a diet yet????
    Anyways if u ever wanna talk just give me a buzz.
  • Thanks for the welcome.

    I'm 44 and I have PCOS. I've had a hysterectomy. The ovaries were not removed and I am still plagued with PCOS symptoms. I currently weigh 180 and would like to lose 30 to 40 pounds.

    I've just knuckled down and started back watching my calories, fat, and protein intake. I'm trying to keep my fat grams under 30 per day.

    I did Curves for a few months when my son was still home, and that worked well. I went down a full size in my jeans and lost 4 inches on my waist alone - but gained three in my chest. Now that my son has moved out on his own - I don't like leaving my daughter alone in the house to go work out. So, we're digging the treadmill out of storage this weekend and I'm going to start walking again.
  • come join us at april chicks.........
    Sound like a great plan. Digging that treadmill out from storage sounds like a big workout to me hehe...... WOW a full pants size and 4" thats great.. I feel ya on the bra size thingy mine this week went up 1" grrrr and its the stupid cup so i have boobage leakage in the front of my shirt hehe.......
    YOU should come join this thread under support called "april chicks" u should read the posts (I think there are now 3 different threads titled april chicks I would start at the first one back in april) the ladies there are so supportive and encouraging . Since I joined here I have lost 3lbs and a lot has to do with reporting in to those ladies everyday....
    Have a wonderful day,
  • What's April Chicks about?