sugar alcohols

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  • really are the devil.

    that is all.
  • *From behind bathroom door*....yes...yes they are.
  • Yup, I think they are. As an occasional treat, maybe not.

    Calories is the devil for me.......... @_%&#%@_&%_(@&%@_!!!!!
  • I totally agree! I think they're part of the reason I'm stuck! I had just stocked my work drawer with them because I heard they cancelled out the carbs. They are now ALL in the garbage! Too bad too, cause they were good. I think they were making my sugar cravings come back though. This is the first day without them. I hope I survive. I do so love chocolate...
  • On a positive note, it may be hard to live without sugar alcohols, but it's certainly effective and really breaking some bad eating habits.

    Junk food is junk food regardless of the carb levels. If you eat a candy bar every day, you are still giving yourself a bunch of empty calories and not learning how to really eat properly.

    Those people that just want our money are not making healthier food for us, they're continuing to make junk in a way that will make us think it's ok to have.

    Stick with whole foods and leave the junk to a very occasional thing. It works much better.
  • yeah, i got really addicted to the low carb ice cream. i'm not eating it anymore.
  • I had a wicked bout with the LC carb smart ice cream, it gave me a stomach ache for a week, diarreah and gas, blew up like a blow fish and gained a few pounds that week from the gas, no kidding. Yes I ate more than one portion and learned my lesson.
  • Star - you have such good advice! You're absolutely right.

  • "I had a wicked bout with the LC carb smart ice cream, it gave me a stomach ache for a week, diarreah and gas, blew up like a blow fish and gained a few pounds that week from the gas, no kidding. Yes I ate more than one portion and learned my lesson."

    ...I'll never forget the day I spent a week in the bathroom after eating an entire bag of no carb gummy bears
  • Marie, when will we learn
  • *looks up from gallon of LC ice cream*.....Huh?
  • I'm slowly, in daily bite-size chunks, finishing the last of my Darrell Lea chocolate bar...then NO MORE!
    Oh, does anyone know if the Atkins Breakfast Bars are bad in the way of sugar alcohols?
  • Atkins Morning Start Apple Crisp:
    Total Carbs: 13g
    Dietary Fiber: 6g
    sugars: 1g
    Sugar Alcohol: 1g

    (I'm still trying to figure out how they call it only 2 g Of Net Carbs!!! 4g of Glycerin...Where??? It's not in the list)
  • So the way I count it, only fiber gets subtracted because it's the only thing I know I don't digest. So one of those bars would be 7 grams of carbs.
  • Yup. That's what I figure. So where they're coming up with the 2 is anyone's guess. I use them on an emergency eat. If I can't make it home for lunch, etc. They're not my every day thing.