Beach Body - Slim in 6

  • Has anybody tried this product? I'm considering ordering it, but would like to hear how other people liked it. Thanks! Julie
  • I ordered it and the exercise DVD/tape is great but it comes with a diet guide and some of it is so calorie restrictive there is no wonder you lose weight in so fast a time. I honestly don't know if I would order it again.

  • My sister ordered it too and she liked the exercise as well but she didn't at all like the meal plan, she said it turns you in to an anorexic with almost nothing to eat.
  • Slim in 6
    Hello guys:

    This is my first post since joining and I just wanted to add my 2 cents about this product. Obviously, if you have alot of weight to lose, you aren't going to be slim in 6 weeks, but I thought that I would give it a try anyway.

    First of all, if you are use to variety, don't buy this series.
    Secondly, if you like good music and good choreography, don't buy this series.
    Thirdly, if you are a cardio junkie, do not buy this series.
    Lastly, if you are a person that builds muscle easily, RUN from this series.

    If you don't have any problems with that, this may be up your alley. I personally am like all of the things above and I wish someone had told me prior to purchasing. I devoted nearly 6 weeks to this program and I GAINED 7 lbs. It was very upsetting to me, so i recently got rid of them. It is the same exercises for 6 weeks. The only thing that really changes over the 6 week period is the tempo. It is very monotonous and I personally will never do a series like it again. Give me variety, good music and good choreography. Give me Cathe Friedrich.

    Hope this helps someone.

  • I am currently on my 2nd round of Slim in 6. The first round I had to stop on the 2nd day of week 5, so I technically completed 4 weeks and within that time missed about 3 workouts. I managed to lose 5lbs and about 5 inches.

    From what I've read on their boards the most changes come in the final 2 weeks and beyond. Plus a friend of mine told me the same thing. She had to stop @ the end of her 5th week, and said it wasn't till the 6th and 7th week she saw how nicely her body toned up.

    I have about 4 1/2 weeks to go and will be more than happy to post back and give a final report. The one thing I will say so far is that I really do like the program. I've tried other workout videos/routines and after a few weeks stopped and never picked it up again. This is one of the few routines I am more than willing to give another shot and I do look forward to working out each afternoon.

    Dont get me wrong, I find it challenging and I sometimes curse @ her under my breath but it's a fun routine.

    On their message boards the people who are @ my weight and stuck through it for the 6 weeks do show great results. Not necessarily the exceptional ones on the tv. (those people have done a few rounds of slim and 6 as well as other beachbody programs and they most likely take the supplements) I don't need to look like those people and doubt I'll get into the supplements so I don't use them as a guide. They are more like a nice dream , but I look at the everyday success stories to get a more realistic picture and based on what I've found I think I can be one of those as well.

    Check out my Slim in 6 Training Diary and feel free to contact me if you have specific questions
  • Hereznay, please let me know how you do in the end. Can you tell me a little bit about what you might eat on a typical day. I hear if you pretty much control your portions you will do fine. I haven't ordered it yet, but I'm seriously thinking about it. I do work out 6 days a week but I'm beginning to feel I need something a little more intense. It feels like my body might be getting use to what i'm doing right now so I'm hoping this will get me off the plateau.

    Thank you!
  • Hi niecey,
    I just started the slim in 6 on the 16th It came with a 5 day menu plan and a nutrient guide with the good food not so good food and bad food lol..u try to keep ur cal intake between 1200-1500 cals a day.... Here is one of the
    meal plans
    2/3c oatmeal with 1/2c of banana slices
    1c nonfat milk
    1med size piece of fruit with 1/4 lowfat cottage cheese
    3oz Tuna
    1tbsp nonfat mayo
    2slices whole wheat bread
    1c of fruit juice
    1/2c frozen yogurt
    3oz grilled or broiled salmon with marinad
    steamed mixed veggies
    1c brown rice

    I follow my own low cal diet however, the michi's ladder (nutrient guide) is great to help out with that......
    I just started the ramp it up today and slim and 6pack i feel like i got a good workout...
    Hope this helped...
    best of luck,

    ps. you can always pm me if u wanna ask anything else......
    One long night, after cups of coffee, I found myself unable to sleep so I turned on my TV (du du dum......)and I was hooked on the Beach Body Slim in 6 INFOMERCIAL. (those blasted things!) I had once been extra-chubby and and lost weight eating low carb and introducing exercise into my life. That was 3 years ago, and I've been exercising regularly since (almost everyday of the week!) I have trouble being a bit of a fat chick myself because of eating wrong, so I can maintain my weight easily when exercising, but when I diet and exercise I could (keyword:could) lose big. Anyways, I own over 25 workout videos and I liked having freedom to choose daily on what type of workout I wanted to do, from kickboxing to 80's styled aerobics! BUT that darn infomercial got me! For some reason I thought this program had that "secret move" or "secret advice" that so many of us long for. So I went onto Ebay and saw I could get it for much cheaper than new. Which by the way these workouts are EXTREMELY over priced! So I ended up paying more than $70 for the set. When I got it and read over the diet info and guidelines my heart sunk, I knew I'd wasted my ker-ching. They basicly listed out three popular diets for their program; A portioning of carb/fat/protein ratio diet (AKA the zone), A Low carb/ high protein (AKA atkins), and finally the third being a juice fast! Honestly! It is even stated to not do the juice fast for too long because it is unhealthy! UMMM....So anyways I decided to just stick to my own diet plan of grains, fruit, veggies, meat...and I started the program with small hopes. Now as I said before I KNOW my exercise. I know you must have cardio and strength training to get optimal results. This work out seemed to be minimal cardio with lots of strenth training through moves such as a squat. I still was optimistic about it and said, "Ok it will get better." Moved on to then next level..........mmmm these moves look REALLY REALLY REALLY familiar! There are SO many different ways to exercise any certain spot of your body, so why must they use the same exact moves over and over again? For six weeks....BORING! I do however like the stretching and ab work out. I know this was an awful long story but I had to let you all know, hopefully save you money! Of course anyone (who can stick to this program) who has not been much of an exercising being will lose weight just because they are up and active. I personally would suggest getting a $10 workout video from Target; Kathy Smith, Denise Austin, Tae Bo, ANYTHING. It will save you money! Good luck to everyone on acomplishing your goals to get that body you desire! Cheers!