New kid on the block...

  • Hello Everyone

    I would like someone to buddy up with me if thats the phrase, I need to lose about 56 lb in the next 4 months if possible...Is it possible i am wondering too.

    I am doing a charity slim, between me and my neice, we are weighing each other every monday, where we have to put in a box £1.50 and in 4 months time, whichever ones loses the most gets to chose where the monies go via a charity of our own choice.

    We are both 182lbs and i would like to lose 56lbs in 4 months, I would love to show my boyfriend that i can be slim, he has told me it doesn't matter, but recently i have had heart scares, and am always out of breathe even in a short walking distance...

    Its willpower i lack and boredom i guess that i pulls me down each time i do a diet...

    I just need a friend that also is going through the same thing, I see my neice once a week, so that isn't enough to me i don't think.

  • hiya Helen,
    I need to lose around 25lbs by 3months that when my fiance is getting out of the army and moving to texas... If you wanna chat pm me sometime... I know I need all the encouragement I can get
    It is possible to 56lbs in 4months my best friend lost 60lbs in 3half months and has kept it off for a 1yr so far... Why don't you tell me what ur doing eating and exercise wise. I lowed my calorie intake to 1200-1400 a day and I do curcuit training at ladies express workout 3times a week for 30 minutes, I walk everyday for at least 30minutes, and i do the treadmill and pilates on days I don't do the curcuit training or if it raining and i can't walk...
    Anyways I know you can do it,
    Heather 8)