Stay at Home Moms #154

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  • Melinda - you snuck in on me WTG on making it to the gym this morning Yes I only have 2 kids, the one standing to my left in the picture (on the right as you look at it) is my niece Zoe she comes over to play a lot she's 4 and would you believe she was born at 28 weeks just by looking at her? Such a cutie

    Take Care and Have a wonderful Thursday!!

  • Well,I am back- but just for a short post. Got to WW this am- down 1.2# (I think, I forget the decimal) which is just fine with me. I ate a whole bag of popcorn yesterday (2pts) but knew that the salt was gonna get me. Add to that that I was wearing "heavy" clothes (a problem WIs at home do not have a problem with!) and I am happy. The scale is going down, and that is all that matters. Plus I have had several people tell me how much better I look now- that I appear to have lost more weight.....guess that WW video with all the toning excercises works.

    Michele- congrats on a good nights sleep.....and sleeping till 8!!!! (I forgot what that is like)

    Melinda- sounds like you are having a fun, social week! Enjoy it!

    Geri- did you get your 3 miles in this am??? Hope your weather improves. Some spring sun would be nice, I am sure.

    Cindi- glad the scale was so encouraging!!!! Let us know when your official WI is!

    Leigh- hope gymboree was fun.

    Dena-I give a ton of credit to home schoolers.....I wanted to do that with 2 out of 3 of my children......Dh wanted the kids in a traditional school. Oh, well.

    Spryng- how nice that you slept thru the night without visitors!!!!!! Bet that felt good.

    Crystal- I am usually up at 4:40.......5:15 if I sleep in. Ugh. Hope you got your fridge done, that is one of my less favorite jobs.

    Ok, nuff blabbering. Gotta go send out an email. See ya.
  • Ricci, and anyone else I missed.........forgive me!
  • Way to go gals!
    I was just reading through the posts and noticing everyone's starting weight and current weights. Way to go ya'll....It is really inspiring to see that.
  • Quick post here to say fridge is cleaned out and I mean cleaned. I took out shelves, took the glass out of the shelves and everything, it looks great. I didn't school today, Alisa could've schooled while I was cleaning fridge, but instead she helped me, that was good evough.
    Dena, yes I homeschool. Only have the one in K, though. How long have you been doing it?
    Hope everyone's day is going good.

    Check in later, TTYL.
  • Good evening all!
    Well it looks like Tanner is developing pink eye in both of his eyes. Have any ideas on how to treat it without a doctor's visit?? I was reading some home remedy sites and they call for honey and water and then drop into the eyes, tea bags placed over the eyes (which Tanner did not like at all and wouldn't sit still for) I may just take him in to his ped. after nap time. I have to run to town anyway to return some dvds.
    Crystal, your fridge sounds great! I need to hit mine. I will probably clean it next wednesday, that is when flylady is wanting us to clean it so I'll wait.
    Ginny congrats on your loss!!!!! How close are you to your goal now? It was so great to see a long post from you.
    Michelle, so nice that you got to sleep in today! Sometimes Tanner will sleep until 8, but usually he's up by 7:30. So glad you were able to copy my soft taco idea for dinner! LOL. I'm actually using the low carb tortillas too because they are only 1 pt and have lots of fiber. Only I'll be using boca crumbles and you'll get to use real ground beef, lol. But I'm sure it will be great. I love soft taco night with fat free refried beans on the side.
    Melinda, those 3 clubs must be keeping you busy! I wish I was part of one.
    Geri, HTH stands for Hope That Helps . Your Dh likes blueberry pie over b-day cake?? Hope you find some! Sounds great right now.
    Cindi, so sorry you are stressed about your dh and work. When my DH had his back surgery when I was 35 weeks along with Tanner I was beyond stressed. No income for 8 weeks!!! And then he went to truck driving school for 4 weeks (no pay) so I know where you are coming from. It's hard to be a sahm and not worry about bills and such since we aren't the ones bringing in the income. I hope he finds something soon.

    Well, I spent more than 15 min in my room today. I knew it would take longer than 15 min to hang all the clothes up. But I turned on my mp3's and rocked out so the time went by fast. I do think my master bedroom will be completed tomorrow! It's been alot of hard work. Thank goodness we are just doing the living room next week because it stays really clean already. Do you all mop once a week? What about vacuuming? I have it on my schedule to vacuum twice a week. Is that enough or too much? Flylady does it once a week but I have bourbor (sp?) carpet and any little thing on it makes it look bad so once a week wouldn't work for me. How often do you all do it?
    Well I guess I'll get off here for now. Have a great afternoon!
  • Another quick post.
    Spryng, I vacuum every day or every other day only in the living room, where all the traffic is. My carpet is dark blue so it shows EVERYTHING. I haven't been able to spend 15 minutes in my room. I did the first day and the next in the closet, since it's stayed perfect. Glad to know livingroom is next, I haven't checked.
    I'm making lime-sauced chicken for dinner with a large salad with the works. That's probably it and some sides for the kids. What's everyone else having? Let us know about your son. I've never had to deal with pink eye before.

    Cindi, my dh works for family and it's a small company, so usually once a year in the winter time he has to go with no pay even up to a month or so. That's why we're in the bind now, we've used the cards to keep going. Just pray about it, it always seems to work itself out.

    Hope everyone else is having a good day.

  • Spryng - My husband, 2yo and my sister and her boyfriend all had pink eye in the last 2 weeks, now the doctor said that if it's viral that taking the prescription drops won't do a thing for them, but if its not viral then you need the drops. I really recommend taking a trip to the doctor. When I took dd I asked if the rest of the family could use the drops if we happened to get it and he said yes and even gave a refill just incase we needed it, I dunno I always like to go to the doc to make sure its not more serious, take me for instance, a few times it looked like I had really bad cases of pink eye and it turned out that I had horrible corneal ulcers on my eyes and had to have drops, gel, and another drop that paralizes the eye and it took me a week and a half to recover from it. Not tryin to scare ya hun just lettin you know my experience I hope it all turns out ok

    Take Care

  • Michelle, thanks for the advice on the pink eye. As soon as Tanner gets up from his nap I'll call his ped and see what he wants me to do.
    Crystal, is that lime sauced chicken from that I thought I saw one there that looked really good. I'm having soft tacos.

    well I finally uploaded my pictures from this past weekend at our bbq/fishing day at the park so I want to share a few with you all! (so brace yourself, lol, my mug will be on your screen soon, lol)
    so here are a few.... enjoy!

  • the first one is my two oldest fishing, second one is them fishing and me standing there like an idiot, lol, 3rd, of Tanner and his daddy (my dh, in case you didn't know, lol) and the 4th is Tanner before we left the house. i thought his outfit was so cute and summery.
  • Hi gals!
    Liam sat up today!!! He did it several times in a row and was quite pleased with himself!

    Spryng - I'm holding off on his first solids until DH gets home this evening. He wants to be here to see it too. Don't know what's for dinner yet, but I love soft tacos What adorable pictures!!! I'll attach Liam's most recent for you to see. And thanks for the help about when guests are visiting.

    Cindi - I'm sending positive thoughts for your DH's job.

    Dena - hope you got some of your goals met today - it can be hard with the little ones sometimes

    Geri - thanks for the suggestions for when my guests are here.

    Melinda - it sounds like you're doing excellent right now!!

    Michelle - we love Gymboree. It's fun and also breaks up the day. Maybe that tape is something I can try for other days during the week - it sounds like fun.

    Ginny - congrats on the loss - way to go!

    Crystal - wow! You're soooo productive. I'm impressed.

  • Gonna start a new thread......see ya there!
  • Pink eye
    The only thing I know about pink eye is that it is really contagious. My sister was plagued with it when we were growing up and I just remember her having to keep her hands clean and pressing really warm cloths to it.
    Good luck with that!