Recommitment to summer challenge!

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  • Amy To combat hubby's badness i am going to grocery store, and i have a very specific high veggie list made up. what i plan to do is get 3-4 days worth of fresh veggies, come home and make up a bunch of salads, fresh veggie platter and keep it right in front of fridge. i will eat it if it is there. and i have really been craving salads. so i am going to indulge that craving ( at least it is a good one)
  • Sounds like a good plan blu. I'm feeling better about things today. I bought a lot of veggies yesterday for healthy snacks at work and home. I haven't had a soda for 2 days, fewer sweets, lots of water. So far so good. I'm doing a walk to benefit the Humane Society of North Texas this weekend with my doggie and its about a mile so that should be fun. I'm going to try to increase my exercise from 3 days to 4 or 5. And just eat more veggies. Hope you're all doing well.
  • I have had a rubbish week I have not been feeling well and have not been op since I have not felt like cooking or exercising much. I am getting fed up - I have been 6 lbs within reach of my WW goal for the last 2 months and just can't seem to get there

    So I am kicking my own rear end and getting back to it starting tomorrow morning


    a) no junk food in house
    b) get back into the habit of exercising every morning
    c) plan out my meals for the week and prepare my lunches in advance.
    d) water, water, everywhere!
  • Go mauvais :
    i have just been stagnating. stuck stuck. so i realize it is me my mentality holding me back. haven't exercised in oh i don't know forever. was eating oh so wrong.
    so i feel as if i am starting over. and in a way i am . so i am recommiting to myself. relearning thought processes. and trying.
    diet wise, i bought only vegetarian at store, and healthy at that. no junk what so ever. hubby is kicking up a storm, but oh well.
    am starting to try and make myself eat three meals, two snacks. this is something i never really did. i was bad and would go all day and not eat, and then have one big meal in the evening.
    still doing my water. am hopelessly addicted.
    have been feeling so unmotivated to move lately. but i did get out and go to the woods and walk around the resoiver monday. so my goal this week is to do same fri, and sun. I figure starting with three days a week. and then moving up to more.
    so that is how my summer challenge is going.
    does endless forum typing count as finger exercises?
  • I'd like to join you ladies too, I need a focus for the last few pounds. I've been doing well, in terms of diet and exercise, but I may need to do something extra to get over the hump-- I'm not sure.

    I'm willing to go a little more vegan, and organic. I have this idea that steroids and hormones in meat, milk, etc. might not be good for someone with a hormonal endocrine disorder like PCOS. (Gee, ya think?) I've cut down on meat quite a bit since January, maybe it's time to buy all organic, and organic dairy and eggs, too.

    I'm having some trouble with my left leg, so I'm just walking fast on the treadmill. It's pronating badly, the knee is a bit twisted, and the hip hurts a bit. ( I sprained it a couple of years ago, and it never healed right.) The right leg is fine. I may have to get a gait analysis at a running clinic and an orthotic in the left shoe, so I can jog/run regularly.

    Other than that, I'm not sure what more I can do. It may be I just have to hang and wait it out. And it may be that size 12 is where I should be. If that's the way "it is written," I'm o.k. with it.

    The fat that's left is basically on my abdomen and around the top of my hips. I wish I could take it off there and nowhere else, as I like my T & A the way they are. I'm growing my hair out, and going for the whole boom-boom Betty Boop look. Where's my corset and stockings?
  • blugrrrl - I posted to you in the Vegetarian thread under "Saying Hi" and also started a new thread for family friendly vegetarian recipes
  • thanks Mauvais. you rock
  • Hey chicks! Long time no hear! I've been hiding again. I'm not going to make my June 21 goal as I have not lost ANYTHING. But I haven't really changed my eating. I did good last week but then I had a wonderful romantic getaway holiday and ate great food. Its been hard to get back into it this week. I have my 3 day exercise routine down but I just can't seem to get more than 3 days. I walked a ton over the holiday and I've exercised reluctantly since I got back. But I still can't control how much and what I eat. u think I can lose weight by my birthday on 7/8? Say 5-10? How am I gonna do it? Any suggestions? I also have PCOS which seems to make it soooo much harder to lose ANYTHING, especially on my stomach. My stomach just seems to be getting bigger even though my legs are getting leaner and my face is thinning. Ok. I know I'm just rambling now. Hope you're all doing well.
  • Hi Amy! I've got PCOS too. Also the "male type" stomach fat. I've had good luck with journaling and taking my measurements regularly. (Your stomach probably isn't really getting bigger, it just seems bigger in proportion to the smaller arms, legs, and face.) But I do have to be very disciplined about diet and exercise, and I have to do more exercise than the average person to see results. I wish things were different, but that's the way it is for me.

    However, it's not all bad. One advantage -- in a way-- with PCOS: the high testosterone levels make it easier to build muscle, which helps burn fat. At least that's been my discovery. So I lift weights as well as do aerobic (cardio) work. I also have to severely limit fat and sugar. I mainly eat low-glycemic carbs, as well. In fact most of my carbs are veggies-- lots and lots of veggies.

    It is possible to lose fairly quickly with PCOS, I've gone down from 190 to my current number (see sig below) since January 1, 2004. But that's with a lot of control over diet, and a lot of exercise, nearly every day. And a treat maybe once every 2 weeks. Again, I wish it were easier than that, but it's just not, for me. Good Luck!
  • You are welcome Blugrrl!

    I am about to post some more food info for you over there.
  • Thanks Thin Chick You're doing so good! I'm so proud of you! I'm ready to be back on track. I don't want to be diabetic like my mom and aunt. I know I do have to work harder than other people. I need to quit resenting it and just do it. This week I'm going to increase my exercise from 3 days to 4. I have an ultimate goal of 5 days a week, hopefully I can be there very soon since I've already had the 3 days exercise down for a year. NO more sodas. NO sugar. More veggies. Hope everyones doing good. u think we're going to extend our goal again? Or are you all getting close? Take care - Amy
  • Shoequeen! Welcome back!

    Re: the summer is ending all to soon (haven't reached my goal yet either ) but I was thinking of starting a new challenge when that one is over if anyone is interested.....

    If anyone has any suggestions or anything they would like incorporated into the new challenge then let me know
  • Thanks Mauvaisroux! I went to the YMCA last night to get a new membership card because I lost my old one. So I got all dolled up, eye shadow, eye liner, thinking I would get a new photo right? Wrong. They just re-print the old ugly one! I was so disappointed! My face has really changed a lot since last year. When I lose all the weight I'm going to insist on a new card! I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and some arm weights. I'm a little sore today. So what scale should I believe? The one at the Y said 200 and the one at home said 195. And this a.m. the one at home said 192. Right now I'm favoring the one at home I think it is pretty accurate though. I've weighed myself on it after a doctor visit to compare and its pretty right on. So is it better to go by the evening weight-after a day of eating compared to the morning when I haven't eaten yet?
  • You can do it Amy! If you have PCOS, diet and exercise are both so very important! Please don't wait until you get a medical wake-up call, or until you start to go bald, like I did! If you get this under control now, you can lead a normal life, if you don't, it tends to spiral out of control, and gets to a point where it's difficult, if not impossible, to reverse. And once PCOS is entrenched, you could be looking at "follow on" diseases, not just diabetes but heart disease and ovarian cancer. I'm not trying to scare you, I just want you to really come to grips with this: PCOS can kill you. Please stick with your program, you won't regret it.
  • Oh yes Mauvais, i really need a new challenge, i bombed out on this one. but thank god i didn't gain back all the weight i had lost since last year( well 10 pounds). will have to think what things to incorporate into a new challenge.

    Seek, i have been putting off going to the Dr. since my last one insisted that it was all in my head. but i have been fairly certain that i have PCOS for a while. hairy chin, and moustache, really erratic periods. super heavy bleeding skipping 3 months at a time, spare tire around my waist where i carry all my weight. anyhoo i was curious what kinds of things you eat to help . would you mind posting a day in the diet of for me?