F R I D A Y CHICK CHAT - April 16th

  • Good Morning Ladies

    Lynnie good to see you yesterday, and you look wonderful I'll be praying for your BIL.

    Joanne I hope your birthday was a good one and I'm sorry to hear that your not up to snuff, but its good your going to see your doctor. Maybe trying another antidepressant might help ? what does the doc say ?

    Well I'm awfully glad its FRIDAY this week just dragged but I think its cause the weather was horrible. Its sunny and beautiful today and this weekend is suposed to be the best so I'll be outside as much as possible.

    Watcha all doing this weekend anything exciting ???????????

    I have a 9 am meeting so I'll be back soon. HUGS
  • Good Morning Gang!

    Joanne - I just saw your birthday post and added my message too. Hope you had a wonderful day. Let me know what ya think about Dr. Phil's book.

    Lynnie - you look absolutely MARVELOUS DARLIN! we continue to keep your family in our prayers.

    Leenie - I'm so glad it's Friday too! All the guys around the shop are gone to the Nascar races in Houston today, so I get to leave at noon today. I didn't get to get my haircut yesterday because my hairdresser's daughter was in a little wreck and was gone to tend to all of that. Thankfully she is fine, but the car is not. But she is gonna work me in this afternoon when I leave early and get this mop trimmed up. Then I've got to get groceries and run errands.

    I'm gonna do as little as possible tomorrow will let you know how that works out.

    later gaters,
  • Friday Hurray
    Not much going on today shopping , not in to it but gota do it.

    Lynnie you look amazing. You are all in my prayers

    Leenie you are so right it firday yeah

    Started my day out walking so im having a happy day thought i share my wallking toy with you and show you what i look like theses days.

  • Hi All!!!

    I will be offline for a while. I have to get ready for surgery on Monday and this weekend is going to be crazy beforehand. I'll have hubby pop in though either Monday or Tuesday to let you know I am alive. I might even snap a before and after pic so you can see the eye difference. That is if they aren't looking like someone beat the crap outta me.

    So..take care and I will be back soon!! Can't keep me away from this place..I am like graffiti on the wall. Hehehehe.
  • Hugs noodle good luck miss ya
  • Thanks for the support yall and the compliments...Well they postponed BIL surgeries yet again.... I am starting to think something is going on that they are not telling us.I am so tired today even though its a beautiful day out....It was nice and warm and I loved it...

  • Hi everyone....it's almost 4:30 P.M. here & I'm just getting to the computer....have had a hectic day.
    Up early....to go to coffee at 8....went home to quickly have some breakfast....then off to a class at the hospital at 9:30...for 2 hours....came home for a minute....then went to Costco....then to the grocery store....then after putting the groceries away & eating some lunch....went to sit on the deck with DH for a while.....it is sunny out but I needed a jacket....the wind is cool.

    The class I went to is called Drepression Relief....for 8 weeks.....it's about what to do when you are in a depression.....it's easier to change a behavior....like making yourself get dressed before 9 in the morning or making yourself walk for 10 minutes once a week.... & making small goals everyday about what you are going to do......so you don't cut yourself off from other people.

  • Hello Ladies
    I had a good birthday yesterday. Thanks all of you for your good wishes. One of the best presents I got was that I can FINALLY see the floor of DS's room. He picked up all the clothes that were all over the place. The only problem is that they're all in the wash now

    Noodles: Good luck w/your eye surgery. I have a lazy eye too-it's been so long I've just learned to live with it.

    Lynnie: Your new picture is BEAUTIFUL ! You look great. I'm sorry that you haven't had more good news about your BIL. My prayers are with you and your DH.

    Flower: Keep up the good work with your walking

    Cathy: A Saturday without all the running around sounds great

    April: Your class sounds great. I wish we had something like that nearby. Learning how to set small goals is important. Enjoy

    Leenie: I'm glad your weather is better. Spring can be awfully slow coming up north. Hope your weekend is great

    I've started reading Dr. Phil's book again. I'm starting back on a healthy eating plan on Monday. I just read the readiness inventory. When I got to the part about support, I actually started to cry My DH LOVES to eat, and he sometimes sabatoges (sp?) my efforts to diet. I have friends, but I don't think most understand what a struggle this is. But then I remembered that I DO have support-I have all of you! With GOD and all of you, I CAN.

    This has taken a while to write. My DH keeps interrupting with updates on the Yankees/Red Sox game. We're winning!

    My apologies to any Yankee fans
  • Quote:
    Noodles: Good luck w/your eye surgery. I have a lazy eye too-it's been so long I've just learned to live with it.

    This has taken a while to write. My DH keeps interrupting with updates on the Yankees/Red Sox game. We're winning!

    My apologies to any Yankee fans
    Thanks, Homebound and girls!! I'll be O.K. I have a good positive attitude about it now. I'm ready for new eyes!! I went out yesterday to my vitamin store and spoke with my vitamin man and I got the essential vitamins and minerals your eyes need to help them heal better and stronger after trauma is inflicted on them. Both of my eyes are lazy, Home, so I guess I didn't have much of a choice. It was either scaring people off by looking at them funny or fixing it. LOL!! Kidding but...you get my drift.

    GO Red Sox!! I happen to be a fan of the Sox!! I am hoping this year since they aquired Curt from our Diamondbacks that the "curse" is broken and they will go all the way. So did the teams behave this time or??? The other night on ESPN they re-capped the game from last year where they had the BIG fight during play-off time. I hope they are being good little children now.
