*Christian Encouragers #182*

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  • Tuesday morning
    Good Morning CEers!!!!!!

    Well, it was a MAJOR learning experience!!!

    I just hope the next one is better. You see, for 2 weeks I have been begging for a rule book for Coach Pitch 8 and under. No one could give me one. The President, "Lori" told me they were ordered and hadn't come in yet. And I even got online and searched for one from the Texas teenage ASA division - couldn't find one. She told me she would bring me the scorebook last night, but I didn't like the chance she might not, so I bought my own at Academy Saturday, just in case. She told me the "rules" as she could remember them the other day and was at the game last night WITHOUT the scorebook!!! Then there's "Joe" who coached last year, considers himself the expert and who also happens to have a girl on MY team. So I have Lori and Joe constantly telling me the rules as we go, Oh, then there's "Jose" the umpire, who has HIS OWN set of rules!!!!! Lori is telling me it's this way, then Joe's saying no not according to the rules, which he whips out and then Jose is saying, No, that's not right, it's this way!!!!!! TOO MANY CHIEFS AND NOT NEAR ENOUGH INDIANS!!!!!

    Then there's Mellissa the other coach who was basically in the same boat as I was, since she's never coached this type team either. And we were throughly confused!!!! Well, everything seemed to be going along fine and then I decided to send my subs in. I do so, tell the ump, tell the other team, etc.. Then when we come back into bat, they start batting. Then one of my outspoken little girls wants to bat again and I tell her no, you're not playing right now, but when I put you back in, you can bat again. Then Lori speaks up and says, Yes, Sherry she does bat. And I tell her I have sent the subs in so everyone gets to play and she tells me that after you send in the subs, everyone bats then (all 13!!!!! every inning) and only the "IN" players play the field. WHAT??? Dumb me, "took out" the players I subbed for and "put in" the others. Nope, not in Coach Pitch 8 and under!!!! UGH!!!

    Well, after ALL we didn't do badly. We did lose but the final score was 7 to 8. Under the circumstances, the game was a good one. The poor girls only did what we told them to, but everyone, well, almost everyone, had fun!!!!
    We practice again this afternoon. But at least now I kinda understand the rules. Gotta laugh!!!

    I was suppose to be able to relax and take it easy today, but now have 3 patients today with one out of town, and a manitory meeting an hour's drive away. So, so much for taking it easy!!

    I totally appreciate all your support!!!!!!!!! I knew all my ducks weren't in a row and that's why I was so nervous, and justly so. If the big ducks weren't organized, how was the little duck gonna be???

    Anyway, my eating has been HORRIBLE!!!!! I have been way OFF PLAN and hopefully can get it back!!!

    Gotta go, now and hit the shower. Will try to check in later this afternoon!
  • Good Morning!
    I just got back from my Curves workout and am enjoying my bowl of Optimum cereal. Yum! It felt great to be back there after a long weekend. Now, we're busy planning for our weekend away coming up. I am so looking forward to it. I picked up some Sante Fe marinated chicken breasts and plan to take along baking potatoes and a salad.

    I had a great Easter weekend. All the meals I had to prepare went over well. I have so much ham leftover that I might have to freeze some.

    Oldest DS just came home yesterday from meeting his girlfriend's family. He really enjoyed himself and realized that meeting new people isn't really that scary. Now it's into exams for both guys and then to work!!!

    sunshinelady: I admire you for coaching. I was always a great fan or scorekeeper when my guys played. You'll get back on track eating wise. Don't give up.

    Deenie: I agree with Sunny. It's probably water weight. I'm feeling it right now to with having eaten ham and it being TOM. Give it a week. Just keep doing what you're doing.

    ceejay: Welcome! You can post as much as you want. Let us know a bit about yourself.

    Michele: It sounds like things are great in you life. Are you still doing SBD?

    Gary: Glad to see your long post. We've been missing them. Rylee is so adorable but I'm glad YOU are the one cleaning up after here.

    Sunny: It sounds like Curves is working for you too. I just got my tote bag for my 100th workout today. Quite exciting!!

    Angel: My prayers are with you and those you love.

    Sprout: How are things going with you? Hope to hear from you soon!

    Well, gotta go. I think I've missed somebody but my prayers are with everyone on this thread. I need all of you in my life. Thank you for being there for me.

    Have a great day!
  • Pictures...
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    First off... I am going to post all my pictures, okay.
    I have a few to share with you all.

    1) All our eggs in a basket So pretty!

    2 & 3) Joe coloring his eggs - we each had 9 eggs to color.
    I did some solid and tie-dye and Joe likes to do stripes and plaids -
    So pretty!

    4) Me with ALL 18 of our colored Easter eggs
    My eyes were so swollen!!
    I have allergies to mildew and it has been so hard on me
    with all the rain!!


  • Pics again...
    1) Our new guy - "Mickey"
    He lives with "Smudge" our goldfish
    better then the beta's did...

    2) The Beta Fish 'Sadie & Zoe' - had to seperate them
    even though the guy at the pet shop said they
    could live together in one bowl --- NOT!

    3) My Office where I spend way too much time
    See all my fish?


  • I love the one of Joe coloring eggs and your kitty just watching him! How cute! You look so pretty, Sunny. Wish I looked like that with swollen allergy eyes! Love seeing your "space" too where you keep in contact with us. That is cool that you share so much with us. Thanks!
  • Me again...

    Hi again...
    I do have 3 more pictures to share with you, but somehow the site wouldn't accept them... I will try later, maybe I posted too many right now I'll post them tomorrow sometime.

    **Don't forget to CLICK ON THE PICTURE
    so you can see it full size **


    Hi SHERRY -
    I think you did wonderfully for not knowing what to do and having so many Indian Chiefs! I know what you mean... Joe & I have experienced that more then you will care to know!! But I think all-in-all... you did very well! You should give yourself a huge "pat-on-the-back!"!!! You are a better person then I - I would never have signed up for something like that. I am so proud of you for doing it and stepping out of your comfort for those kids!

    Hope your practice goes well this afternoon!!
    How is your health? Feeling any better

    Hi MICHELE -
    Thanks!! You are so sweet! I am so glad you guys don't mind all my pictures Did you have a nice Easter? Did you enjoy your catch-up time? How have you been feeling these days?? How that back of yours? And your health?

    I pray for You (and Charlie) all the time... hoping that if he IS the one - that God will let you know without a doubt, so you will not be hurt again.

    Hi WILMA -
    So good to hear from you after the long weekend... sounds like your Easter was really nice!! I too went to Curves this morning... not near close enough to get my 100th class bag yet
    for you!!!!!!
    It was a busy morning this morning... everyone wanting to exercise
    off their Easter goodies

    That's right! You and hubby are going away this weekend.
    I bet you are so excited! You both have a wonderful time!!!

    Hi GARY -
    You are so blessed to have such nice weather! We had some sunshine, but it is still cold here We are suppose to go into the 70's this coming Saturday I hope! I hope!

    I was going to go see "The Passion" again, but we just have had way too much going on with all our practices for Easter. I think we'll go again real soon before it is out of the theatre's... which I do not think will be all that soon It has grossed over THREE HUNDRED & FOURTY MILLION DOLLARS!!! I knew it would!! I told my Joe that when I read that Gibson put in 30MIL of his own monies in to get it out - that God would give him back 10fold! And he has and then some! Not to mention all the lives that have changed from the movie!
    God is so Awesome!!!!!

    I cannot believe how fast your pup, Rylee, has grown! Is she still eating your Angie's roses and I bet many other things too. She is a beautiful dog! Whoa... don't let her see my post... she probably thinks she's people and will be stunned to see she's not !!! I know allot of people that get their pets Christmas gifts and Easter baskets - nothing wrong with that... Joe & I have done it!!! Did you get one for Rylee?? Have pics? I love the pictures... keep 'em coming!

    How was your Easter with the family, Gary?
    I bet you had a wonderful day enjoying your family and friends.

    Our Bread was marvelous!! We kept a loaf for ourselves this time and I made French Toast with it --- soooooo gooooood! I ate two of them and they felt like lead in my stomach afterwards, but I enjoyed it We only put out 6 loaves this year vs/ the usual 12 loaves. Joe & I had so much to do this year. Gary, we don't use any machines (although they are nice)... we do it all by hand and from scratch. That's the only way we know how and we love the process. I should have gotten pics for you - oh well, next time.

    Hi SPROUT -
    How are you feeling?? How was your Easter??
    What did you do? Did you go to someone's home
    or did you have Easter dinner at home?

    Hi ANGEL -
    Still praying for you and your family... How was your Easter???
    I sure do miss hearing from you these days.
    Have you done any more to the house?

    Hi CONNIE -
    Where have you gone off to again???
    Hope you come back!!!

    Hi SAMI -
    How was your Easter??? Did you have the whole gang over or did you go to someone's home and get treated for a change?

    Hi SUE -
    You working hard still for "our" trip??? Which is getting closer!!!!
    How was your Easter weekend? Come back soon and fill us in on your days... it's been a long time since we've heard from you

    Hi AGGIE -
    Come back and tell us how everything went over your Easter weekend

    You too DEENIE & CEEJAY


    I really must be going... I have allot of laundry to catch up on and the washer has just stopped and the dryer is ready for another load... not to mention the ones I have to fold and put away.

    *God Bless you guys allot*

  • Sunny!~thanks for the prayers for Charlie and I. I have been doing a lot of praying too about it. We are getting closer everytime we are together. I'm finding myself thinking of him a lot....all the time. I anticipate when i'll see him again. It seems odd, it's been a long time since i've had these feelings stirred in me again. It's really exciting, but i'm also realizing it's very scary. There's a part of me that's afraid to go there. But i'm not going to pull away, i'm going to let God take care of it. I don't want to be hurt either, but i'm willing to be vulnerable enough to find out if he's the one. My friend called me the other day and first thing out of her mouth was.....Are you engaged yet? I laughed and said, where'd that come from? She tells me i'll be engaged or married by the time i'm 40, which is just shy of a year away! Isn't that wild to think of?

    I am feeling pretty good, my back is a lot better, but sometimes still nags me. I'm going for massage tonight, hopefully that'll help. My hip is aching, need to get to the chiro, but i'm just dealing with it. The worst problem i'm having is fatigue. The Epstein Barr is really a drag, so i'm trying to take care of myself. Last night i got some good sleep and felt a little better this a.m. I can tell it's bad when i sleep 8+ hours a night and wake up thinking, Oh, i want to stay in bed....it's a real drag. But my back not hurting daily is a big improvement. I feel that the healing service a couple weeks ago had something to do with it. Praise God!
  • Pics...
    Here are the last of the pictures I tried to show you all that
    wouldn't upload the last time I was on for some odd reason...

    1) Joe's sister, Annie holding her grandbaby
    Mikala, & the bunny we gave Mikala for Easter... she's
    not too sure about it

    2) Jadah (2yrs old) also a grandbaby of Annie's...
    she looks as if she just got off the boat! We were going
    for an after dinner walk and it was colder then we thought,
    so we were looking for anything to put on the kids heads to
    keep them warm --- isn't she adorable!

    3) Mikala Rose (6mo)


    Joe just called me - he's getting dinner & will be home in 30min., so we can make practice tonight @ 7:00, so I have to get myself in gear and get that shower out !! I just got off the T-Mill and walked 2.25miles, burning 306Cal/99Fat Cal for 1hour.

    Later everyone!


  • Hi Everyone,
    A note about myself. I live in a small city in Arkansas and I'm a licensed water treatment plant operator.

    SunnyD-Always like to see pictures. I don't have the equipment to do all of that yet. Also like your Easter Chick.

    Not much time tonight. I'm catching up on laundry from the week-end. I went to my sister's in South East Missouri.

    Will try to address everyone tomorrow night.
    Have a good evening.

    weight now-184.0 (thought it would be more especially after the week end)
    goal weight-130.0

    Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. NIV
  • Hello All,

    Sounds like everyone had a wonderful weekend. I too had a wonderful weekend, it was too wonderful!!!! I got way off plan and now I have to get back on, that is so hard. Why do we do such foollish things. I could just kick myself!!! I really enjoy all the posts and am still trying to get to know everyone. I love all the great animations, I am such a udffus when it comes to computers, but I am thankful I can post and do email and such.
    The weather here in south Texas hass been great the past few days, dry and a little cool, I am thanking God for this blessing. I am dreading the heat and humidity that comes with summer. But I have many other blessings and I must not forget to count them. God Bless You All.
  • However I need better command of the keyboard hehe!! thats duffus!
  • Wow it took awhile to catch up. Sorry I have been MIA but I have been on the run a lot. I feels so good to feel better. I got my exercise bike and have been riding away!!!!! I still have pain after using but I am going to keep on working out..... I also have been tanning after working out becausse the heat really feels good on my back and hips. The plus is I am really getting dark. Today the Big boss looked at me and said losing weight and all tanned too who are you trying to impress? I said that would be my husband! We had a great Easter we did the Easter Breadfast and then went to my mother-in -laws and had a great time. My DN also has fibromyalgia so it was good to get some Ideal on coping form her. I can tell that the healthy eating and the workouts are making me feel better.

    Sunny-I can't belive the pet store said the fish could be in the same bowl. I love your pictures!!!! I have 170 pictures on my camera I have to send some more to be posted. I want everyone to see my puppy. You are my true hero with your great weight loss! I am not going to WI until I go to the Dr. in 4 more weeks. I am praying I see a big loss at that time. (I am scared if I get on and haven't lost as much as I think I should I might get discuraged) I keep telling myself It is all about getting healthy. I have been eating a salad everyday to increase my fiber and my IBS is doing so much better. And with working out I am not hungry anymore. But I still eat 3 meals and 2 snacks.

    Sherry-You did great!!! Sorry I wasn't here for you. I will pray for kaci My Staci is in the same boat. she is so pretty (looks just like Julia stiles) but she goes through depression. A year latter she is doing so much better. I will be praying for her and for you. So glad your team did so well.

    Mitchypoo-Charlie sounds like he is a good guy. I can understand why you feel like you have to be careful. I will keep you in my prayers! You just let Charlie know you have friends from all over and we don't want our friend hurt!!! My Dr. put me on b-6 3x a day and it does seem to help. Maybe you can try that it can't hurt and it is cheap!

    Wilma-So glad your son had a great time. Isn't it fun (and sad) to see them through another stage in life?

    Ceejay52-So glad to have you! What kind of Diet are you doing? I think you will really love the prayers and support here.

    DeenieM-So glad to have you pop back in. I know you will get back OP. I have been bad for two days. I love peanut butter eggs and of course I got some for easter. I let the kids have all the rest of my candy but not my peanut butter eggs!

    Ez-Thanks for your kind words. I think seeing this Dr. who understands how I feel has really helped a lot. And think the time is right after seeing the Passion of the Lord my heart is closer to the Lord. And I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I told the Dr. I am willing to do anything to get better so I am willing to be in pain to gain more strength. When I walked out of work today the weather had turned cold and windy (and cold makes me ache) but I felt so good to feel the wind against my face I feel a freedom I have not felt in a long time. I know I have a long way to go but for the first time I feel I am really going to do it this time!

    Sprout-your post are sure up lifting! I am so glad you found a place to workout. How did your check up go?

    AngleLover-How are you? I am praying you and your family are doing well. With all the unrest over seas I think about your DD's FIL. So glad your SIL is home. I hope you had a Blessed Easter.

    Aggie-I am still learning even though I use a computer at work all day long I have someone on hand to help when I get into trouble. At home when I ask for help my teens take over the computer! Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    Sue-How was your Easter? I forget when is the trip? My neighbors DD lives in alaska and she sent pictures it is a winter wonderland.

    I pray I have not missed anyone. My Prayers go to all of you I Thank God for your Friendship daily.
  • Morning All
    Good Morning Gang!
    I am feeling better today - still up 3 pounds but at least its not 4. I drank water like a fish yesterday and I also got to walk 2.8 miles in 50 minutes. That helped me feel better and less sluggish even if I didn't lose all that water weight. I really need to go to the grocery today and buy some non-salty foods. I have a real problem with sodium and it shows so easily on the scales and even though I was OP yesterday and didn't overeat - I still had salty stuff and I can still feel the bloat this morning. But I refuse to be defeated by this little set back like I usually am - because I know my God is bigger than any of this and I am relying on Him fully. I really liked the verse from Prov. 16:3 that CeeJay had posted with her message it really spoke to me this morning - I am committing all that I do to the Lord and He is always faithful! I have promised myself not to step on the scale again until Friday which is my WI day so that is the plan. I must confess to being a scale addict!!! I am still trying to read and catch up with all of you but I have not gotten back to thread 181 to finish reading about you guys. I am really looking forward to getting to know each of you in the coming weeks. I will keep you all in my prayers!

    In His Love,
  • Meant to add this to my other message
    SunnyD - how beautiful you are!!! and what a wonderful job you did on those eggs - looks like you had fun!! Have a great day!
  • New to message board
    Hi my name is Valerie. I have lost 28 lbs this past year and need to get back on track. I look forward to getting to know you all. I am not sure how to use this message board. Here goes.

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