300+ And Ready To Try Again...#498

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  • God Bless America!

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    We chat on Wednesday and Sunday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

  • Hi Everyone! Please make sure to go back to the last thread and read. We have a newbie that posted and I don't want you guys to miss her.

    I had a really busy day. I did a nice circuit to locations that are about 45 minutes from home. I try to gather a bunch out that way and then go just once or twice a month. That's the only way that makes it worthwhile. So today I did six jobs out that way.

    I was hoping to make up for my lack of a visit to Curves yesterday by going today, but I didn't walk back in the door here until 5:30 as it was so alas, no Curves today. I WILL BE THERE TOMORROW!!!! (Andria, have you been there this week?)

    Barb: Thanks for explaining your FISHY story! I would never have guessed. And you're right, I really do get an education from this thread every day! I love that cartoon.

    Katrina: Hi, girlfriend! Bet you can't wait for the weekend off!!!!

    Barbg: Sorry again about the research study but it's good that you're getting in to your regular doctor and have the forethought to get everything documented 'just in case'.

    Judy: We enjoy having you here. I love your avatar. She's soooo pretty.

    Blue: Welcome aboard! We're glad to have you join us. I loved your thankful list. What a great way for you to get started!

    Well, my little Survivor friends. What did you think of tonight??? Ok, I'm gonna sound really pathetic here, but if you watched what happened last time, Sue was going to head down a different plank. Then she spotted Richard coming down the other one and she changed her mind and decided to face off with him. Now, I'm not so dumb as to approve of what Richard did, but she wanted to confront him in some fashion, she just got a whole lot more than she bargained for in inappropriateness. I think what he did was horrible, but she could have avoided the whole thing by avoiding him. Anyway, never liked her anyway. Glad she's gone. Glad Richard's gone. Now if they'd just get rid of Boston Rob, I would be a happy camper.

    As for the Apprentice: I'm doing the happy dance that Omarosa got voted out. She is just a royal pain in the a$$!!!!!

    Well, I'm off to paperwork he!! so I'll be online for awhile, just not here. Might check back before I log off though, just to see if any of my lovelies have posted late. I know you night owls are out there. Anyway, so long for now. Love ya bunches.
  • Well it is now official... God HATES ME !!!!
    I have been soooooo sick with the stomach flu since 1am Wed night.
    I have been permantantly attached to the Porceline Throne.
    OH MY... WAS I SICK !!!!!

    First I got sick Feb 9. Found out I had pnemonia 12 days later plus an enlarged heart. Still sick 10 days later and found out I have a heart murmur.
    Take a second batch of antibiotics and finally Wed about 8pm feel like I am going to get better. THEN WHAM !!!! Went to bed feeling queezy before midnight and was awaken to TORTURE at 1am with a VIOLENT stomach flu. I cannot describe to you how sick I was. Well.. I could... but I will spare you. LOL 12 hours of living **** !!!

    I slept most of today with occasional visits to the throne and just woke up at 1am tonight with such back pain I had to get out of the bed.
    I TRULY FEEL jinxed or hated or something. I keep getting one ailment after another. What did I do to deserve this ??? I apologize to whoever or whatever cursed me with all of this illness. I AM SORRY ... please forgive me and let me get well. PLEASE !!!!

    I am sitting here not knowing what to do. Too sick to feel like chatting ... but in too much back pain to go to bed. I think being in bed so much the last month is what has caused the back problem.

    I have lost another 5 lbs since being so sick the last 24 hours. LOL I am wise enough to know it is temporary. It will come back as soon as I am able to drink and eat. I am so dehydrated and have nothing left in my stomach... even though I still feel queezy. (yes I am drinking diet sprite but can't hold much)

    I want to welcome the newcomers. We love having newcomers join our group.
    Don't let your weight be your focus... let your recovery be your focus.
    Take it ONE DAY AT A TIME... one meal at a time... one hour at a time.
  • Well, I promised I would check back in before I logged off. It's now 3:19 AM and I'm finally going to go upstairs, read a chapter in my latest book and then go to bed. I hope to hit the sheets by 4:00. Still have 2 more reports to do, but they're not due until 2:00 PM so I'll be back up in time to do them in the morning (well, later in the morning ).

    Right now I'm bushed and can barely keep my eyes open.

    Gosh, 2cute, you must have really pi$$ed somebody off for them to smack you with this kind of sick. Geez, your DH get's lucky with the casino and you get unlucky with the porcelain god. My my. I do hope you feel better real soon. [[[hugs]]]

    Later, you guys. Love ya bunches.
  • Hello All,

    I am waiting for my friend to pick me up to to weigh in at WW. I hope I can record a loss again. I want to be below 300 and think I will soon be there...Now the trick is to stay on program!!

    For those that have been following the saga of Syn and Ed, we are still emailing multiple times daily and I am getting nice long phone calls from TX now and then! We are planning on meeting in June. It will be something, as Ed says: Lord Have Mercy!! Kind of amusing to have been such good friends when we were kids, and not have seen each other for 30 years, he becomes a widower, I get divorced and here we are again acting like kids again!! We never run out of things to talk about. I am glad that we have "found" each other again, but I am not expecting anything, just enjoying the whole situation!! I am definitely in LIKE!

    I want to welcome the newbies!! Glad to have you aboard.

    As 2cute ( wise and wonderful woman) said so wellon't let your weight be your focus... let your recovery be your focus. Take it ONE DAY AT A TIME... one meal at a time... one hour at a time. I couldn't possibly say it better than that!

    Oh 2cute, you poor dear, hope you feel better soon! Get well soon so you can go on a serious shopping spree!!!!I have had an enlarged heart since I was 40 and it doesn't seem to bother me, thank God. So maybe it is a little nudge of warning for me to curb my need to feed....Seems like I am not very good at listening to my little nudges!!

    Thinthinker: For Pete's sake go to bed before morning, funny how that makes one feel better the next day!!! WTG about going to Curves again!!

    Where is everybody? I am awol for awhile again and it seems like so many are not posting! I know, I know, I am bad myself!!

    Let's have some kind of a roll call so we know everyone is ok please!! I miss reading about your lives and you all. God Bless and take care and remember to:
  • Good Morning Gals!
    It's a cloudy icky day here, can I just crawl back into bed? Please. I could crawl in there and sleep and watch tv all day. I know the dogs would enjoy it!

    No can do, gotta work, gotta move! It was a good thought for a moment.

    Wow, Survivor was crazy last night! I didn't see that one coming. I knew Sue was going to freak out, but quit??? Not that I agree with Rich, but it seems to me Sue overreacted a bit. However since I'm not in her shoes I guess I should try to judge. I can't believe no one has ever quit the game and now we have 2 all-stars quit. Now to figure out what the bit TWIST is next week.

    I didn't get to watch the Apprentice because I was on the phone with my nephew, but I do know who left - I have it taped I'll go back and watch it.

    We were planning on having a Poker party tonight but not enough of our usuals could make it, so we might be getting together with a smaller group for games or dinner. Not sure. The way I feel at the moment I wouldn't mind just staying home, but I know we'll have fun if we get together. Tomorrow night we are meeting another small group of friends for dinner. Should be fun.
    What's everyone else doing this weekend?

    Barb.g - Sorry about the problems with yet another study. Hopefully it just means that something better is going to come along for you!

    Judy - Great to see you joining in with us! I'm not sure what I'd do without all my friends here!

    Blue - First of all, let me give you a great big {{{{{HUG}}}}}} You have just been through a very difficult day!!! I am so proud of you that you took that news and did a positive thing with it --- coming here for support ---- instead of trying to handle it all on your own! It is so important to have a support system. You will find wonderful women here --- all of us have different stories and are doing different things, but we all have each other and I'm so happy for you that you have found us! Have you thought about how you want to get started in terms of eating healthy and exercise? I'll admit I haven't been doing the greatest the past few weeks, but I try to get to the gym 3-4 days a week and then on the other days I walk or do things at home. Every little bit helps. When I first started this journey just over a year ago I started walking about 5-10 minutes a day and slowly added more time as I started losing. I am trying to follow a modified South Beach diet -- modified in that I add a little more fruit in. I can live without the "white stuff" for the most part, but I need fruit. I find that if I cut it out completely my binges get worse. Ok, I have rambled on long enough. I hope you will continue to join us let us get to know you and you know us (I still have to post my bio )

    Thin - Good job planning on Curves today! Let us know. If you can do it, so can I --- I WILL go to the gym today - during lunch - that way I have no excuse to miss tonight if we all go out!!

    2Cute - Oh dear, not something else to deal with! I am so sorry to hear you have now been spending all your time in the bathroom. Ugh! No fun!! Hopefully you'll get over this and become a healthy chick!!! You shouldn't be sick for years after all you've dealt with later! Hugs and virtual chicken soup coming your way!!! GET REST!!!

    Work is calling my name! Talk to you chickies later!
    Love to all!
  • Syn - We were posting at the same time - you know what they say about great minds!! What fun it is to have a "like" relationship. Sounds great!!! Meeting in June? FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!!! Hope you like what you see at Weigh in --- I haven't been liking the scale lately but I am not letting it get me down. I'm just trying to juggle everything the best I can.

    Have a Great Day!
  • good morning ladies. i hope everyone is doing fine. i am great. i had some friends send me this and i thought you all would appreciate it. the riddle at the end is awesome. i will post answer later. i'll give everyone a chance to read it and think about the answer. hope everyone has a great fri.

    Here is a pretty neat little thing from Paul Harvey. See if you can guess the riddle at the end.

    Paul Harvey Writes:

    We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. For my grandchildren, I'd like better.

    I'd really like for them to know about hand me down clothes and homemade ice cream and leftover meat loaf sandwiches. I really would.

    I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, and that you learn honesty by being cheated.

    I hope you learn to make your own bed and mow the lawn and wash the car.

    And I really hope nobody gives you a brand new car when you are sixteen.

    It will be good if at least one time you can see puppies born and your old dog put to sleep.

    I hope you get a black eye fighting for something you believe in.

    I hope you have to share a bedroom with your younger brother/sister. And it's all right if you have to draw a line down the middle of the room, but when he wants to crawl under the covers with you because he's scared, I hope you let him.

    When you want to see a movie and your little brother/sister wants to tag along, I hope you'll let him/her.

    I hope you have to walk uphill to school with your friends and that you live in a town where you can do it safely.

    On rainy days when you have to catch a ride, I hope you don't ask your driver to drop you two blocks away so you won't be seen riding with someone as uncool as your Mom.

    If you want a slingshot, I hope your Dad teaches you how to make one instead of buying one.

    I hope you learn to dig in the dirt and read books.

    When you learn to use computers, I hope you also learn to add and subtract in your head.

    I hope you get teased by your friends when you have your first crush on a boy\girl, and when you talk back to your mother that you learn what ivory soap tastes like.

    May you skin your knee climbing a mountain, burn your hand on a stove and stick your tongue on a frozen flagpole.

    I don't care if you try a beer once, but I hope you don't like it. And if a friend offers you dope or a joint, I hope you realize he is not your friend.

    I sure hope you make time to sit on a porch with your Grandma/Grandpa and go fishing with your Uncle.
    May you feel sorrow at a funeral and joy during the holidays.

    I hope your mother punishes you when you throw a baseball through your neighbor's window and that she hugs you and kisses you at Hanukkah/Christmas time when you give her a plaster mold of your hand.

    These things I wish for you - tough times and disappointment, hard work and happiness. To me, it's the only way to appreciate life.

    Written with a pen. Sealed with a kiss. I'm here for you. And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

    Send this to all of your friends. We secure our friends, not by accepting favors, but by doing them.


    When asked this riddle, 80% of kindergarten kids got the answer, compared to 17% of Stanford University seniors.

    What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die?

  • Thank you for your kind words Barb. I appreciate the encouragement.

    As far as the diet goes, I am not sure. I do not generally like diets, but Webster’s dictionary describes diet as “To eat and drink sparingly or according to prescribed rules”. I looked it up to see if my bias against the word is valid. It seems it is only half as bad of a word as I thought. I am working on a healthy eating plan. I don’t believe in the deprivation tactics of many diets. I am working on writing out what I intend to do so that I will have an attack plan. My doctor said to have a full glass of water before meals, I believe I will do that. I also plan to have a salad with every meal. I am thinking about going vegetarian. It will be hard in this house considering everyone here eats so much meat, but it has never been one of my sin foods. Other than that I plan NOT to have my sin foods every day. My worst weaknesses are pastries or snack cakes. Generally I do have more of these types of food daily than I would like to admit. However, I know that trying to completely remove them from my diet would set me up for failure. My plan is to work on my cravings and know when to indulge. When I have a really bad desire for something sweet I will eat everything I can trying to fill that space. I will actually eat until I feel extremely uncomfortable. It is not something I admit easily, but bingeing is definitely part of my cycle. However, I know when it occurs and why, so I can be better prepared to deal with it.

    I am also making other little changes. The sweets I mentioned before come in really handy packages which include several individual snack cakes. These might be great for a binge but they are not so great for my health. So, if I am needing to indulge a craving I will buy just ONE individually packaged treat. I will eat that ONE, and even if the craving does not completely disappear, generally the small indulgence will stop me from bingeing. I have spent a lot of time thinking on this because it has been the most troubling aspect of my attempting to change the way I eat. Dealing with cravings without indulging the desire to binge but salving the desire enough to keep me out of trouble is one of my major concerns. My next biggest adversary is the fact that I hate cooking and if I can microwave it, it is my friend! However, foods you can microwave are generally low in nutrients and high in things like carbs, fats, salts, sugars, and calories. Ever heard of ramen noodles? They are the devil! I LOVE ramen. In fact at this very moment I am fighting the urge to heat up ramen rather than whip up a decent breakfast.

    Ah well. I could go on and on. I have so many weaknesses for food. I wouldn’t be the weight I am if I didn’t so there is no point in trying to pretend. I hope that as I shrink, those weaknesses will too.


  • I know the answer but I'll let someone else guess, I'm still lurking and reading. Went to WI on Monday and lost 2.75lbs, I'm not following the SBD anymore to restricted for me. Just eating healthy and started doing some excersice's in the morning.
    Still not sure what's going on at work, were suppose to get our letters by next Wednesday, stating if we have a job and what position, or if were out of a job. I'm pretty sure I will I have a job, but not the position I want. Oh well, it will have to do untill I can find something better.
    Not much else new, glad to see we have some newbies joining us. Welcome
    2Cute hope you get over all your sickness's real quick and feel better.
  • duckie CONGRATS on the loss. keep up the good work.
  • Audrey - I loved what you posted. Got the memories of my childhood going!!
    I KNOW the riddle answer!

    Blue - Sounds like you are thinking on the right track! You can do this. Don't overwhelm yourself all at one. Take is one meal, on step, on day at a time. And if you need to vent, complain, celebrate we are all here!!!

    Duckie - CONGRATULATIONS! Not only did you have a good loss this week, but you surpassed the 50 pound mark!!!!!!! I have been fighting for months to hit that number!!! Keep up the great work! Good luck on the job front. I hope you hear what you want to!

  • Morning ladies! Lots of good stuff being written this morning. I just don't have time to do replies, however, because I went to bed at 4:00 AM last night/this morning and had two reports still left to write. Now I've been on this darn computer procrastinating, still have the reports to do AND need to get out to do today's jobs. Argh!!!

    Anyway, I just wanted to write about last night's thoughts, so here they are:
    As I look up at all of the pics of my cyber buddies I have posted on my computer hutch, there are so many that don't post anymore. It makes me sad.

    Malia from Hawaii with the secret garden hasn't been around in a looong time. Sarah from Canada has been gone for about 10 months other than her short visit last Fall. Tina from Tennessee hasn’t been gone long, but I miss her especially now that Nascar season is here. (BTW, have any of you been to the theatre and seen the new Coke commercial with Tony in it??? Cute, cute.) Lucky from Minnesota hasn't been around lately. Tracy from S. Carolina hasn't been by lately. Joyce from California is probably packing for her move to Utah. JoeAnne from Arizona hasn't been back much since she asked us all to help Riley with his project. Amanda from Colorado came back after her trip to California and hasn't been around since. Sandy from Maine doesn't stop in much anymore. Where’s Steph from she hasn’t been here in a month. Michelle used to be so active here and she hasn’t been around in awhile.

    AndDuckie, you were on this list until this morning when I saw you post.

    I know there are so many more that have come and gone. These are just the faces I see everyday and I wonder about my friends.

    YogaKitty, Stephanie and Carol/Carrotstyx, all newbies that came and were gone just as quickly.

    Hope to see some of you returning. Love you all.
  • I'm Here
    Hi Thinthinker
    Thanks for thinking of me , I have not been a good girl. In fact I gained 6 pounds in the last 4 weeks, because I didn't exercise like I should or eat like I should. And now my diabetes is out of control.
    I went to have lab work done for my diabetes and next week I have visit with the doc, which I am hoping I will not be put on insulin shots. , I know I did this to myself, but I am slowly getting back to the things I should have have been doing.
    I am sure that stress had a lot to do with this weight gain too, since my son and myself were sick, and then trying to catch up with my school work, also having to work on a pageant production for the local tribal pageant. This event was the most stressful, but it's done and over, now I can stop worrying about it. Just to let you know it was a successful event.
    JoeAnne from Arizona hasn't been back much since she asked us all to help Riley with his project.
    As for Riley's project, I haven't been able to get to his classroom to get more picture of their wall, but Riley did say that only a few of his classmates got their journals back and that so far he had the most post cards, of which he is very proud and happy about.
    Thats it for me, Hope you all have a Great weekend
  • Just a quick hello. I am feeling more human today.
    I slept from 4am - 9:30am and actually woke up happy. LOL
    It has been soooo long since I could say that. LOL
    I was happy to not be throwing up or sitting on the throne.
    I was happy my back is feeling better. I slept in the guest room last night. It has a wonderful mattress plus I was glad to be out of my 'sick bed'. LOL

    I have taken it very easy this morning. But there is soooo much I need to do.
    My sister hopefully will fly back today from houston. I sure didn't want to expose her to my stomach bug. She can't afford to be sick.

    I am still not up to chatting... but did want to say how nice it was to peek in and see so many newcomers and a few oldtimers back too.
    My sister will be staying in the guest room so I don't know how much access I will have to the computer this weekend. I will try to get in as often as possible.
    Thanks for all the well wishes. You guys are saints. I am actually afraid to get into a car today with my luck lately. LOL