WW Newbie..help!!!!!!!!

  • Ok im starting this week im going to the meeting on monday i think..And i was wondering how fast do you loose the weight..I mean that dosent reall matter as long as i loose weight..im 14 200 pounds 5'3...and im at a high risk for like everything..So i need to get my weight down..My summer goal is 160-150 sumthing like that..Does any one have any tips..ima very active person also..Lots of sporty thingZ and I workout in the Gym alot..but anyways can yall just gimme some feedbackon how ur first weeks on da diet where?? thanks

    Shai (aka shani)
  • Well, I just started WW this past Tuesday at 197 - I'm 5'4" and would also like to be down around 150 by summer. The first couple weeks the weight comes off alot faster - most of it is water, but after that, if you are strick a couple pounds per week is good.

    I had done Weight Watchers - YEARS ago - actually it was about 18, when my daughter was a baby. I think the hardest is getting into a grove and learning the points for certain things. Make sure you use the QuikTrak System - this will accomplish two things - one you keep better track of your points for the day and second, if you aren't loosing, they can look over it at your meeting to see what might be the problem. I made a list of alternative meals I can have and the point value, so I can mix and match them.

    We have our "monthly" food day today, there wasn't much that I wanted to use my points on - I stuck with some fruit and fresh veggies. I had mock french toast for breakfast (two egg whites beaten with a little vanilla, cinnamon and sweetner) topped with a little sugar free maple syrup. so hopefully that will hold me over until lunch.

    I see you are from Texas - what part?
  • The average loss after the first week to three weeks will be .5-2 pounds a week. The first few you will lose much water weight with some fat loss.
  • hiya
    Hey Debra..Um i live in Houston.. I dont care if i loose oil, water vinigar or sugar..I just wanna loose it!! lol...but im gonna try reall har to get to 150 -160 this summer Thanks by...

    ps...do u live in texas also???
  • Dear Oreo,
    Good luck! You've got a great attitude and I wish you much success.