Chit Chat #27

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  • Okay, elephant ears do sound just like funnel cakes. They had them at the home show today and DH and I almost got one. Of course we would have shared because as Marti said they are HUGE! And oh so yummy! Now I am wishing I had gotten one, no telling when I will next, maybe in Sept. when the fair comes. I don't know if I can wait that long, darn. I may have to go to the home show tomorrow just to get one of those. Just kidding.

    All right Marti, you and James are going to make soap or is it just James? Let us know how your first page goes. I know you will do a great job with your scrapbook. Sounds like you got some great deals at Michael's. I should go visit the one here by the mall. They are getting ready to shut it down because they are moving to a bigger store, that and they are widening the road so it will be torn down. They are trying to get rid of what they can so they don't have to move it. And the good part is the new store is A LOT closer to us. Well, I don't know if that is actually good or not.

    Angie~how is DS doing? Did he break his finger or just hurt it bad? How are you enjoying not working?

    Kayecee~we are missing you lady.

    HI to everyone else, Shanna, Katie, Jana & Susan.

    Well, just wanted to check in and see what's up with everyone. You ladies have been quite chatty the last few nights and I am finding it hard to keep up. TTFN
  • Hello you wild bunch!

    Angie - I looked for Mr. Clean eraser, but couldn't find it.... isn't it in a bottle like the other Mr. Clean stuff?? Your barnacle comments really made me laugh out loud.... Neal is suspicious of what I'm doing over here, lol.

    Marti - we want details about the wedding! When exactly? Do you have a dress? Will Jhania be your maid of honor? Or are you flying ME in for the job?? Yes, funnel cakes and elephant ears are the same, and yes, we did do quite a bit of talking about them last summer at fair time, as I remember!! YUM!

    Susan - You are doing so well with the water and weight loss efforts. YAY for you! FYI - I like beets, too, especially Harvard (sweet and sour, for those of you who don't know)

    Cristi - you wanted to get WHERE when it opens? What were you and DH doing today? Inquiring minds want to know..... and so do us nosy parkers!

    Katie - I did FT for just one week, and let me say that was long enough! I do WW at home and have a doctors scale and I get my support here. Hope you had a good day buying shoes and pants with your young 'un.

    Kayecee - where are you?? Don't make me come after you....

    First things first: I lost 2 1/2 pounds more this week!! That makes 11 so far. After this, it should slow down quite a bit, but I have to say I am one happy camper!

    The twins were so cute! Their skin is just like velvet, and they smelled devine! While in Indy, I got the rest of our Disney park-hopper tickets, a new crockpot that turns to "warm" automatically, some Ralph Lauren Blue body lotion to go with my perfume, some padded hangers, and John Grisham's new book "The Last Juror". Neal got a lock for his ... uh.... something. I don't really know.....probably his wallet, LOL!!!

    It's past 10:30 here, so I gotta go get some beauty sleep.

    Be good,
  • Hi,

    My turn to say it is hard to keep up.I almost had all the names down but now I have to start all over......

    Now, who is this Angie chick??? lol
    Ok ,maybe you only ate 2 elephant ears.......but didn't turn down my offer to freeze and mail you some.Of course I never did get around to doing that....
    Hard not to tease you......I guess I do remember standing on a step the whole time you were
    Anyway, like I said I was rather scattered brained back than. I could remember things the wrong way.
    I will say this if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be friends.I have always been overweight and a loner.I think you & Brian were the first ones that went out of your way to be friends with me.
    So, when I struggled on how (and still do) to be a friend back you both were really,angels to me.So thanks.

    I was going to go back home and scrapbook too Marti.I work in property management and use the computer in the office.I live across the parking lot and work in the evenings.So, when I say "I am going home"....I am walking across and uo to my apartment.

    Thinking it was Jana? 110 pounds did it feel healthy?? I think so. It came off over 17 months and it was only when I got to goal weight that I felt lost. I didn't
    think I really figured out the "whys" of the overeating. I just was doing something that I felt would be a cure all........and it wasn't.
    I think these last 2 years I have , I hope, figured out the reasons why I turn to food for comfort.

    I had a good day today.It might be wishful thinking but I feel lighter (ok...............roll your eyes,,,,,lol.....)) I do though. I think making the decision to stop putting off and get back on track was a huge thing.
    So, yes........I feel really good. I ate healthy and did some walking outside.

    Now, I am going to go home and scrapbook.

    Just wanted to pop in ans say hi

  • Posting quickly---

    It's late. But I wanted to tell Jana that Mr. Eraser is not in a bottle. It's like a sponge. And you'll find it in a blue box. At least mine was.

    I went through pictures today, put aside some that I want in the scrapbook. Haven't actually put anything in it yet, I need to decide which ones I want in there. That took a lot of time! Especially when James and I were yappin about what we were doing in the pictures!!

    James made soap today. We are trying to find the rest of our molds that we had, and since we've moved, I have no idea where anything is!! We even went through some of the stuff in our shed!! And to answer your question Cristi,,James made the soap. He had bought me all the stuff one year to make soap and candles (for my birthday) and he is the one who ended up enjoying making them. I enjoyed watching him!! Eventually I will someday try it myself.

    Jana--Congrats on another 2 1/2 pounds!!!! I am so proud of you and so happy!! That is absolutely wonderful. You must be bouncing around!! I haven't weighed myself yet. I'd hate to see a gain! Monday though I will.

    Ok... I need to get off here and get some sleep. I will yap more tomorrow.

  • Oh my Gawd!!!!
    Dang girls! I miss a couple of days and y'all all turn into novelists!!!! O.k. so here's the latest: Landon and Vallory had stomach virus Sunday night- Vallory got strep throat and went to the doctor on Wednesday- then Tim and Landon got strep and went to the doctor on Thursday. After the dust settled, I'm the only one still standing! LOL Everyone was much better by Friday (after they all got poked in the butt with a STRONG antibiotic ) Anyway, yesterday, Landon's "girlfriend" went with us and we went to our place in the hills. When we got there, the place was COVERED with about 3 inches of snow! I know- I know- they shouldn't have been out in it after being sick last week, but I couldn't stand all the little pathetic faces. We hadn't expected the snow to still be there, or we wouldn't have gone. So I wound up bundling them up good and giving them 15 minutes. They had a BLAST! (I just hope they don't have a relapse) We drove over and checked on our horse then came back to Jonesboro and went to the big annual Sports Show. They all shot paintball guns, looked at all the four-wheelers and boats, fished in the trout tank, and looked at all the snakes and fish on display. Vallory actually caught a trout and she was soooo excited. I wish you could have seen us! The kids would get up in these huge fancy $30,000 boats and I would yell (in my best southern drawl) "Y'all look rich now" while I snapped their pictures! And of course, after being around all that fancy stuff, we couldn't eat a lowly burger before going home so we splurged and went to eat steak! LOL So that's a good time in Arkansas (Are you listening, Susan?) LOL

    I actually live in northeast Arkansas- near Jonesboro. Hope your online romance goes well. One thing I have heard- if you are going to do an online romance, it's better to use one where you have to pay for the service because that helps weed out the wackos.

    Well, I didn't have time to do individual replies but DH is getting impatient. See y'all later.
  • I,m Baaaaack!!!!
    I figured if Kayecee got back on here I would have to get my hinny in gear too. It just seems like I would have to be on this forum twenty four seven to keep up with all you chatterboxes. I miss one day and I am lost to what everyone is talking about. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!11

    Jana: Well, let me be the thousandth person to congratulate you on another bit of weight loss. Good for you. It is great to go in little baby steps. Even when it seems like it is taking you forever. I am not a patient person and it drives me nuts to not see instant results. I get frustrated that way and then end up giving in to tons of temptations. It is a vicious cycle. Must break out, and it is motivated to hear someone else getting somewhere. Way to go.

    Mom2Gaby:If I haven't said it already ( bad memory) Howdy and welcome. It is so nice to have another west coast person, especially one so close. I am a good friend of Marti's and I live in Springfield. I am envious of you living so close to the Zoo. I love that place and rarely get a chance to get up there to visit our mammal friends. I must say with looking at your picture, you are a beautiful, youthful looking woman. It must be nice to not look your age. Especially with having kids. I only have two furry babies so far. Anywho, enough babbling, nice to have you in here.

    Miss marti: I want to make soap too!!!! Whine, whine whine!!!!!! I have been meaning to do that for years now, but being the craft queen I haven't had time and the moeny to fit it into all my other projects. I seem to always have something I am working on. Good for you that you actually have someone to do crafts with, I wish I could share a hobby with my man. Whootboo!!!! I am jealous!!!!!!! Anywho.....

    Tp all the rest of you: Angie, Cristi, Da fat and the furious and anyone else I missed.... Enough of talking about fatting food. IE. Elephant ears. Now I am hungry for one. Grrrrrrrrrr I just love those Churro things too. Yummy for my taste buds, but not for my growing hips. hee heee. I hope you all are doing great and enjoying the weekend, or what is left of it. Well, this is a pretty big post, so I hope it halfway makes up for not posting in a while. I am sure Kayecee will left me know if it isn't.
  • Good Morning ladies--

    I weighed my self this morning and I'm STILL sitting at 150lbs. GEEZ!!! Will it EVER budge?? I guess I can feel lucky that it's not going up!! Of coarse, I invited Ben & Jerry over last night, I think they may have something to do with not letting me lose anything quite yet!! Got to quit getting the icky stuff down my throat and concentrate on healthy eating and more exercise!!

    Ok..I need to get off to wake James up, he has to work an overtime today! I'll be back later.

  • It's me again............ (what a surprise!)
    Hello, I'm back again--

    Jana--Details?? Not much details I can give right now. We plan on just going to the court house to get married. Would really like to have a small ceremony somewhere, but our budget won't allow it. And as for a dress....well, I know I don't want to wear Jeans again. (I did the first time I got married) As soon as this divorce things if Officially dealt with I will let you know what I'm doing. (and it better be soon....March is just next month!!)

    Kayecee--Wow....everybody but you with Strep throat!! I hope once they all get better that they decide to spoil you for taking care of them have been taking care of them haven't you?? You didn't decide to go away on vacation or anything and let them fend for themselves?

    Shanna--You must post more whether Kayecee does or not!! No excuses now!! James likes to do some crafty things. Only if it appeals to him. (I guess that would be for anybody) but last night we finally found all our old soap molds (after going through everything!!) and he made some more. What's funny is that he just went and bought some glycerin soap that was already made and scented, then remelted it down and used his own molding for the second set of soaps he made! That cut half his soap making in half!

    Susan--Work just across the street? That must be nice. I would love to find a job close to home, but Cottage Grove isn't much for jobs. But who knows,,, maybe something will come around.

    Cristi--How is the packing going? When exactly do you get to move into the house? (or did you already say and I just missed it?) I can't wait to see the pictures....that's if I GET to see the photos!! I still can't see Susan...can't figure out why. But when I do get on the site,,, a tiny little box appears and when I right click on it...nothing.

    Angie--How is everything going? Do you want to come over and dust my house once you're finished with yours? I have wood floors and I must have tons of dust bunnies running around!!

    Katie--How has your weekend been? Were you able to manage in picking up some shoes and pants for me during your shopping spree?? Hope all is good your way.

    Have I missed anyone? Well, I'm sending out my Valentines cards out tomorrow. I decided to put two stamps on Angies just incase....

    Well, it's time for me to quit yappin and to go dry my hair and tackle some of the scrapbooking. I also need to head to town and put air in my tire!! It's looking a little low!

    Talk to you gals later

  • Geez, Good Afternoon.

    I am at the library now. lol.

    My ex husband got the computer in the divorce,hich is ok. I got the couch.

    SqueakMouse, does that equal Shanna?? You are in Springfield? I will go look at your profile. Must be great to live close to Marti?? Yes......that is a No, I am sure it must be, she seems like a nice person.
    You both get together as exercise buddies? Coffee buddies??
    If you come to Portland , lets go to the zoo!! I could probably walk there, might be 4 miles, very pretty up there in the Oregon Zoo......
    Thanks for the Howdy!!! Send me your addie, would love to send you something.

    Kayecee is NE Arkansas?? It sounds like a lovely place. I MAY be there in MArch, not 100% sure yet. Indiana sounds like a better bet.Was meaning to ask how you came up with the spelling of Vallory?? Interesting and different.She is your daughter? How old is she?

    Jana, sending CONGRATS on your weight loss!!!

    Marti~ I wanted to "call" it scrapbooking. I just looked through the mess of pictures last night. I am interested in scrapbooking but have not gotten to it yet.
    When you said scrapbooking, just made me want to be a part of it...........ugh........aren't I pathetic?? lol

    I like my job, lets me be a mother.I do like just walking across the parking lot, makes it easy.Though I am on call every 5th weekend, so I do ravel at that time.
    Oh, the pic`s in the mail for you!!! Strange how I don't pop up for, so sorry.

    I am having a good day! I would LOVE to be 150 like Marti but weighed in at 160 this morning. I was teetering towards a solid 165 a few weeks ago, so I am THRILLED to be so close to 159......
    I made a turkey breast yesterday , so having turkey & veggies today.Might make a soup for tomorrow.

    Busy with the kids , so better go.

    Take Care!

  • I need tips on scrapbooking!!

    I did my first page in my scrapbook and it is soooo plain! I have a photo of me, and one of James in there, and it took me forever to get it to where I liked it!

    Here is my question for any of you who has done this many times. How in the world do you cut a straight line with those fancy scissors!? I wanted to put trim on the photos and my little cut outs where not necessarily straight. But I did manage to get to look close to straight so you wouldn't notice.

    Also, I told James that I need to buy one of those circle cutters because, frankly, it's a PITA! But I managed to do that too. That is why it took so long! If any of you would like to share...feel free to do it because I would very much like to know how you do it!! Do I need to buy more equipment? Or do you have a special technique? to clean up my mess!

  • I am loving being unemployed!
    I slept in again this morning,,,then went to see a movie at the cheap theatre...ELF OMG I laughed so much...he just is too funny...Anyone see Old School?

    Went shopping, needed a new set of blinds for Brandon's room,,,no idea why his are like distroyed...hmmmm Bought Monte a really nice jacket for 35 bucks. And the boys pooled their money and bought an X box

    Jana I found my erasers by the magic mops and such in the grocery the cleaning isle (sp) I used one eraser for the whole house...not bad
    Heather (SIL) told me to go on line and get a free one...let me ask her what the site is.
    I saw Micheal's flyer ,,,14 bucks for these scissors and hole that a good price? And you can get 4 sheets for a buck...thats pretty good right? Im going there to buy paint. And see when their next class starts. I used to teach painting classes (tole-painting on wood) and in the last 4 years havent' done anything like that. And Brandon bought Monte a cool drawing of Steve Yzerman (hockey player for Detroit) and he wants me to get it framed.

    Susan you were easy to be friends with.....*smile

    So ok Im thinking I can't live this life of leisure for So I think Im going to go and get a part time pressures or anything...and put in a thing that says I get 2 weeks off in August.

    Marti I would love to make soap. I find myself always buying soaps from those little kiosks... 3 for 10 bucks...geesh I could buy a starter kit for that price couldn't I?

    I got a call from one of the ladies I worked with...she was pretty upset finding out that I had quit. She understood and is praying that the DSM will fire that manager...not likely. I promised her we would do a movie or karioke some night. (like I would get up and sing in front of
    well Im going to go and finish my book...The Impossible Bride/ Allie Shaw