stay at home moms #124

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  • melinda, thanks for that info on the breast pump and keep us informed on your WW journey!! I do WW at home and don't attend meetings or anthing so I think you can do this! And I know what you mean about keeping your money so you can spend it on the kids. I do that too. In fact my DH told me to buy myself something last week because I deserved it and I went and bought the kids some new things. It was much more fun.
    Well I am off to go chat. Maybe we will see you there!!
  • Hi! Hope everyone is having a good night! I have to make this quick cause it is thundering and lightening down here. Spryng, looks like you're in for more snow, if I read the weather report right! lol I hope you have a great time going to the baby shower! Thats going to be almost like an adventure! Me and my mom are very close. She is really good about being a good friend, a good mom and not getting too much into my business unless I ask. Oh, and they NEVER say anything negative to Dh so that really helps too! Dh has a boflex and loves it. We got the one that was around $1500. Its really nice and folds up very small so its doesn't take up much room. It's also nice that it folds up so the kids can't play on it. I don't have any advice on a breast pump cause I never used one. sorry!
    Melinda, I know you will do great doing ww at home! I wanted to lose weight when I first joined these ladies but lacked motivation. After chatting with them for awhile, it's jump in or they're all going to be skinny before I make up my mind to do something!lol!!! Anyway we are all rooting for you!!!
    Lori, I had something I wanted to say to you, but I'm doing quick reply and if I go back to the other page I will lose my post! I'm sorry! I'll remember in the morning! Hope you have a great night!

    Hi to Ricci, Geri, Ginny, Candy, and the other newbies who I cant remember your name right now, sorry for being sooo rude! I know you're there though!!! You will get to know me fast, I can't spell and I remember almost nothing!!! Anyway, have a great night! TTYL!
  • Hi everyone,

    Busy day today. Had to get my haircut so was out of the house before 11:00. It's amazing how busy the morning is between getting Will's breakfast, Tony's bottle, my breakfast, then Tony's cereal and fruit, then getting both kids dressed, then hopping in the shower, then doing some dishes, then getting the boys diaper bag packed (gee honey, what did you do all day??? Oh nothing! )) You know it feels like I don't do anything some days and then when you start writing it down... you see why you don't get anything done!!

    Andrea, how're you feeling?? You know you can use the pregnancy to "forget" names, places etc. I still use it even though Tony's 8 months
    Sounds like you're doing great. Have you said when your appt is yet?

    Spryng, enjoy your time at the baby shower. What are you going to do with only one child?? Even just for one night??

    Tony was up every couple of hours again last night Don't know what that was all about but hope he sleeps better tonight. Then I can too.

    We're supposed to get more snow tomorrow night into Friday. I have plans to go out to lunch Friday with a girl I used to work with. We'll have to see what the weather does.

    Keep posting all your workouts ladies .. I'm almost feeling guilty enough to get back on track. I really don't know what's up with me lately! I do great for a week then fall off the wagon. But I'll keep posting here and never give up!! I admire all of you!!

    Got the paint for my half bath so hopefully will get a good start on it this weekend. Dh has been repairing the walls where they need it so I'll have some priming to do before the painting. I took some before pics but since it's the half bath, it's so very small and I don't know how much you'll be able to see. I'll post them when I have it all done.

    We have decided to postpone our FL trip until the fall. That's when we used to go anyway. Dh's brother will be out of town when we were going to go in March and Dh wouldn't have anyone to go scuba diving with....we can't go to FL if he can't go diving It's one if his all time favorite things to do. I will snorkel but have been too chicken to try diving so far. Someday .. maybe! Anyway, we're going to look for someplace around here to go for a weekend by ourselves. As we all know, once you have kids, you don't get too much time alone anymore and we could use some private time!! Don't know where yet but within an hour or so from home.

    That's about it. Sorry I didn't address everyone. This group's getting so big .. which is great! Take care everyone and have a great night. Talk to you all tomorrow.
  • Good morning all!
    Sorry I did not get on here again last night, I was just ready for bed.
    Geri, what color will your half bath be? I can't wait to start on things around here. And what will I do with one child for one night? PARTY!! no, just kidding. But it will be very relaxing to have Ava with me. She is such a good girl. Always has been.
    Andrea, you are right about the snow for me. It has been falling non-stop since yesterday afternoon. We have about 5 inches or so and the streets have not been cleared off so the town has shut down, as usual. But I wasn't planning on going anywhere anyway, but tomorrow it better be gone because DH is coming home and I have so much to do, including filing our taxes. And the of course saturday we will be van shopping all day and I don't want bad weather to interfere with that. We need to get a van this weeked so I will have something reliable to drive down to oklahoma next weekend. So how are you feeling lately? Did you have morning sickness with previous pregnancies? I had a normal case of it with Ava, only a few weeks worth, and a little less with my second, and with Tanner? I had it for 9 days and that was all. Weird huh? Not that I am complaining.
    Well I didn't get enough done on this house yesterday so you all know I will be doing it today. In fact I am shutting the computer down so I will stay off of it while I clean. I also have to wax my eye brows and legs too, so I have alot to do, lol. my SIL is coming here on saturday to watch the kids and I want the house to be very clean because she is bringing her two kids and I know it will be a mess when I get home but at least it won't be my mess, What is everyone having for dinner tonight? I have a bag of lean cuisine skillet dinners that I will be making. But next week I plan on cooking better. I'll be making that list out today also.
    Ok, I guess you won't see me again until nap time today. Have a great morning!!
  • Good Morning!

    Geri and Spryng, I made my doctors appt. and I won't be going in until Feb. 27. Seems like a long time huh? They gave me some prenatal vitimans so I'm good to go. I feel pretty tired and kind-of stressed with Dh gone. I guess I still worry about miscarriages and stuff. But my last one was at 5wks so if I can make it past that, it will help. I know this is just a mental thing. I've been cramping some, but that's normal, right? Overall I feel pretty good, just wish I could FF about 4 wks! As for morning sickness, with Andrew I was DEATHLY ill for 4 mo. It was horrible. With Alex I was mild sick but never threw up. I hope this one is mild too since Dh is gone and I already have 2 kids.

    Well, I don't have much to say this morning, just need to get off here and clean house since Dh is coming home tomorrow. Oh, he told me after this weekend he may not get to come home until the training is over!!!! That would be 4wks!! I'm also sad cause he will miss the first ultrasound.(Feb 27) But I guess this is the life I'm going to have to get use to. TTYL!
  • Good morning!

    Morning sickness...I had absolutely none! I only threw up once and that's because I took my vitamin on an empty stomach and it didn't agree. So I will have good thoughts for you Andrea! And I spotted a little in the beginning with Tony. Didn't tell Dh 'cause I was nervous. I remember it seemed like almost forever before my 1st dr appt. They wanted me to miss 2 periods even though I had a positive pregnancy test.

    We're supposed to get 5-7 inches of snow by noon tomorrow so I canceled my lunch plans for tomorrow. We'll go Tuesday instead.

    Spryng, I'm painting my bathroom a very light turquoise (OK it's almost light blue but has more of the turquoise to it). Then I'll get some turquoise, lime green and maybe bright purple hand towels/wash cloths for accent colors. The tile is white so I need to add some color.

    I may or may not be around to chat today. We have sattelite TV and we're getting another receiver this afternoon. Can't live without our TV's. That makes 3 receivers-one in the living room, one down here in the rec room and one in our bedroom. We moved the bedroom one down here since we spend so much time down here and we thought we could live without it in the bedroom but the reception is horrible. Oh well .. what's another $5 a month???? Can you say part time job soon??

    Oh well, I have to get going and get some stuff done. Have a great rest of the morning and I'll check in again later.

    Dinner's going to be kielbasa because it's quick and I want to get to the grocery store tonight before it really starts snowing.

  • Hi Ladies,

    I've been out of the loop for a while because I haven't felt well. I just wanted to touch base with you all. I am doing better now. Hope all of you are okay.

    What's up with the Janet Jackson boobie fiascal ? I like Janet Jackson but I don't know what she was thinking to do that... talk about dumb moves... It was like one of those Snickers commericals... "not going anywhere for a while... " (hee hee).

    On the diet front the good news is that I haven't gained any weight but I haven't lost any either.. I think because of lack of exercise while I was ill. Anyway, it's back to killing myself on the treadmill now that I feel better.

    Not sure what we are going to have for dinner tonight.. Maybe I will make steaks or something.. I have to go shopping for one thing. I will do that definitely today because of the snow/rain/sleet prediction for the weather.

    Well hope you ladies all have a nice day. Take care!

  • Good afternoon!
    The snow is coming down very hard right now. They said we should only get 3-5 inches but I think we already have about 6 inches out there and it's suppose to keep snowing the rest of the day. I hope I'm able to go to the store tomorrow or Tanner will be out of diapers!! But I have got alot done. I folded and put away about 5 loads of clean laundry, I have one more that just finished drying that needs to be folded and then I'll do one load of towels and be finished with that today (it won't have luandry caught up, but there won't be too much left to do.) My vacuum cleaner died on me too so even though my living room has been cleaned the floors look terrible. I got everything I could see with my hands, but it still looks grimy due to smashed crackers and cheetos. yuck. I guess I'll be getting a new vacuum cleaner this weekend too.
    Geri, I bled for the first 3 months with Ava. I was RH negative and didn't know it, since it was my first pregnancy and my body was trying to abort her... thankfully we found out just in time and got my rho gam shot and the bleeding instantly stopped. My doctor said that if I had went evern one more week without the shot I would have lost her. So it was really scary. Never had a problem with the other two though. Your bathroom sounds like it will be very pretty! I love bright cheerful colors.
    Andrea, take it easy and try not to worry about losing the baby. I know that is easier said than done... but relax if you can. So sorry that this will be your last weekend with your Dh for 4 weeks! I was without mine for 5 weeks right after he started his job (that was his training period too) how far away will he be? Is there anyway you can drive up there to see him? If even for a few hours? I know you will be lonely and I am here for you. Email me anytime you need to talk, ok? I know how you feel. And see if you can tape the ultrasound in case he misses it. I know it isn't quite the same but it will help keep him involved with your pregnancy.
    Well, I guess i will get off of here. TTYL!
  • Spryng, congrats on folding the laundry!! LOL!!!!!
  • Another workout at the gym is the good news. My DH went to the store and brought back cookies and cheesecake. I had told him to get the WW CC, but of course he could not find it and bought the other one. He told me I did not want to look at the package. We will see tomorrow. I am going to make my weigh in day Friday morning. I have been on programs that weigh daily but I do not know how healthy or motivating that really is.
    Andrea: I don't know why they make you wait so long for the drs. appt. Pregnancy was such a miracle to me. Even though, I gained 55 pounds and was so swollen. Lost the inital 55 pounds, but need to lose 20+ pounds. Don't worry and enjoy every minute.

    Like everyone else my house is a mess. I feel I have gotten something accomplished if at least our bed is made and the dishes clean. Laundry is neverending and we only have a family of 3.

    Have a good afternoon.

  • Geri, Spryng, Melinda, thanks for the encouragement! I know I sound like a broken record with the miscarriage thing, I will try to get my mind off of it! Spryng, I'm not glad your husband is gone all of the time, but I am glad I found someone who can relate! Dh is about 4hrs away. I'm sure there will be some way we can see each other maybe meet in Little Rock or something. (he is in Memphis)
    Missy glad you are feeling better!
    I took a bath this morning but put my pajamas right back on! I'm having a lazy day. I have done some cleaning though. Well, I'd better go throw on my coat and get Andrew from school! Hope I don't have to get out of the car!!! lol!!
  • Hey there. Just a quickie to let you know I am alive, barely...I have the flu and have been sacked out on the couch all week. I promise to get personal and catch up when I get better, maybe this weekend. Talk to you all soon!!!
  • I'm turning in for the night. Have had a long day. I'll check in in the morning. Get to feeling better Candy!!!!! Good Night All!!!
  • Good evening all!
    Candy, so sorry to hear you are sick! I've been wondering about you. Get better soon.
    Andrea, no you don't sound like a broken record, you have every right to be concerned. I have never lost a baby but I can imagine the pain you have went through and I understand that you will worry with this pregnancy until your precious baby is safe in your arms! That means that you love this baby already! Did you enjoy your lazy day? lol. I just have to have them every so often. Of course today wasn't one of them. But tomorrow maybe?
    Melinda, great job for getting to the gym again! Do you mean you wanted the smart ones cheesecake? I like that one too, but I really love their chocolate cake. Mmmm... wish I had one right now, lol. I'm lokking forward to your WI tomorrow, that is mine also. I'm anxious and excited about it. I did very well this week so I'm hoping the scale will reflect that.
    Geri, thanks for congratulating me on my laundry, lol. It really is a big deal to me But it feels good to have clothes in our dressers again, lol. My whole house looks great tonight, I wish it would stay this way for the whole weekend. But that will not be the case. by this time tomorrow I'm sure it will look like a tornado has hit it. Hopefully though I can get a vacuum cleaner tomorrow because my floors look bad.
    Well my day as been good. Have any of you ever had those Lean Cuisine Skillet Sensations? It's a bag of veggies, turkey or chicken and sauce and you dump it into your skillet and it makes a quick meal. The best thing is the one I had was only 7 pts for the entire bag!!! Which is ALOT of food. I had that for dinner and I had two cupfulls (4 pts) plus one more side and still had 6 pts left for the day, which never happens to me. And I was so full. So I waited and then had a chocolate chip cookie (the kids and I made some yesterday and I didn't think I could have one because they were 5 pts each!!) for dessert. It was so great and I was still 1 pt under my target. That felt so great. I may have to buy more of those meals.
    Well I guess I should get in bed. DH should be here sometime tomorrow morning (he said it's a possibility he'll be here in the middle of the night, but I'm not counting on it with the roads being so bad) I can't wait to see him. A busy weekend ahead of us. TTYL!
  • Hi! Just wanted to report my WI... down 1# for this week. I am now 136.5 lbs. I was very happy with it.
    Well I have alot to get ready this morning, including getting all the snow and ice off my car so I can take the kids to my SIL for the day. That is going to be a process. (and freezing!) I hope everyone has a great friday and I'm not sure how often you will see me this weekend since I stay pretty busy when DH is home... but I will try! Have a great day and weekend!!