"No-Sweets" Week

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  • OK Ladies, as far as *I'm* concerned, it's time for another one of these. Not a long one, just from now (Tues.) through Fri. On Sat. (after weigh-in--coincidental? I think not!) I'm going to have a nice big treat of my choosing, but it has to be OUT at a restaurant somewhere (for portion control purposes).
    It's time for me to take a short break from sweets--I get kinda weird & obsessive about them, so I think this'll be good for me. The last time I did a no-sweets challenge of this length, it was pretty effective! I'd like to see that result again.
    So....anyone that wants to join me, feel free! Thanks for bringing up the idea again, Jenicra. It's time!!!!
  • ok, Jen I am going to attempt this. this will be my first challenge in a long time due to my total lack of will power... note the 2 frosted cherry pop tarts I just inhaled before my next class! weighing in on friday so we will see. do you count juice when you do this for yourself? I'm thinking I will since I have been drinking an abundance of oj since getting sick again.
  • Jamie--my personal version of "no-sweets" is to cut out TREATS--for me, that's cookies, brownies, candy, ice cream, stuff of that nature. It is not a no-SUGAR thing (at least for me). I would go crazy! I still eat sweetened yogurt, and granola bars on occasion, and that type of thing. The reason being, I don't overdo it on yogurt & granola bars. I tend to overdo it, though, on the actual desserts, the REAL treats as far as I'm concerned. So that's what I need to take a break on!
    This week is going to be awesome--I am renewed in my motivation & ready to succeed when I weigh on Saturday! We can do this!
  • You know I'm in. But I'm seeing this so late in the day today, that it will have to be a real short one - starting Wednesday morning ending Saturday morning. That is only 3 whole days - but sounds like quite the accomplishment for me! I'm saying no to:
    - cookies
    - candies
    - ice cream
    - cakes
    - other assorted sweets that I can't bear to think of right now

    It's good to see you around again Jamie!
  • I'm on this one! NO sweets for me. Which normally wouldn't be too much of a challenge but this week is that dreaded "few days before" so you can believe chocolate is screaming my name right now!

    We can do this!
  • Glad you're joining us, aimes & jenicra! We can DO this. Besides, when temptation gets rough, remember you get to have your favorite treat on Saturday! That's not so far away.....
  • Day 2:
    So far, no problems. I had to squelch the usual thought after dinner of "oh, I should have a caramel now." Nope! Not tonight. (-;
    How are the rest of you ladies that joined me doing on this?
  • Well, the ugly PMS monster is rearing its head but the fact I had to put on 3 different pairs of pants this morning before I could find a pair that wasn't too tight on the butt for 7th graders was enough to keep me motivated!

    I'm doing good though. By the way, do chocolate flavored teddy grahams count as sweets???? I haven't eaten them...yet. I can hold off a few more days I suppose.

  • Day 1: I made it. There was fudge at work - fudge... need I say more? And I didn't eat any fudge. 6 months ago I would have eaten the entire plate, today I didn't even eat ONE.
  • WTG jenicra! That's awesome--fudge IS hard to pass up, I agree. (-;
    aimes--my personal way of figuring out whether or not I should have something during the no-sweets week, is this: I ask, "is this something I could easily overdo it on?" For instance, I've had yogurt, granola bars, and a cup of cocoa over the past 2 days. I decided they were all fine, because I'm never going to eat too much of any of those items. Though it IS chocolate-y, I have never once had a "cocoa binge." Know what I mean? (-;
  • Cocoa binge - that made me laugh out loud. I can just picture some whacked-out PMSing woman with a 64 oz. cup chugging hot cocoa.
    Well so far so good for Day 2 - today there is chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream at work IN ADDITION to the same fudge - saboteurs, that's what they all are! Hmmm... well since my birthday is this weekend, my "treat" will probably be a small amount of cake and ice cream.
  • jenicra, you are facing *TONS* of temptation! Good grief! (-;
    SO, today....Day 3--still goin' strong! This is not hard, because I think I actually WANTED a break from sweets (subconsciously, at least). I can make it through one more day.....
  • oh yeah....day 3....oh yeah....

    cupcakes on the table in the lounge today and i said NO. woohoo!!!
    tomorrow is friday and that means only one more day!

    i'm thinking ice cream for saturday
  • WTG aimes! That's so awesome.... we CAN resist & be strong! I'm thankful, though, that there haven't been any difficult temptations at work this week (I'm a teacher).
  • Doughnuts at school this morning - haven't gotten to work yet but I'm sure they'll be some tasty yum-yums that I'll have to fight against! So far, doing good.