Any Plan Switchers Out There........

  • I guess you could call me a plan switcher. I recently switched what eating plan I am using because the one I was using was not working!!! Can you relate to this? I was counting fat grams, but that got old. Now I am using another plan. Afterall, it's a ladies perogative to change her mind!!! ~~~Carol in Florida
  • Best thing you can do is to start a plan, stick to it at least 2-4 months than switch if you find you don't like it or it is not working for you! I am sure you will find one that you like and works great! I have kept to cal and fat counting with good success, though I am now using a modified American Heart Assoc diet because dh has a heart attack 2 weeks ago. I like it just fine and am still losing. Good luck to you and much success!

  • Plan switching? Me?? Yep, been there, done that, got the Tshirt (size XL )

    My problem is that I get too easily bored with one plan and fall off of it. Guess it's better to switch to another plan than to give up completely, eh?

    I've found that the one that seems to work best for me is WW and their points program combined with their old exchange program. Guess I'll call that the Jello Program, market it and make oodles of money.

    ... probably not.

    I don't think there's any harm in switching programs. Anyone have any info otherwise? Hope you find whatever works for you.