Guilty as heck...........

  • of being AWOL.........
    Shoot! I can't even remember the last time I posted - easily maybe last May? I must say, tho, I have been lurking on a daily basis. My eating got sooooo off track that I have been in a dogpile of depression, gained back about 25 of the 30 or so lbs that it took me a whole year to lose, and have been having a VERY hard time trying to get back........ that's why I haven't posted..... I've kept up with all of your successes and troubles - and those of you who need them have been in my prayers.
    It's been sad for me to see our daily fall away.......... but I haven't felt like I have anything to contribute.......... the comments on today's thread made me realize that in order for our little corner of the coop to survive we ALL need to show up - even me! - so. here I am.........

    Peachie - I hope you're feeling wonderful and terrific
    Jiff - happy belated mutual birthday!
    Ruthie - great big hugs
    Pooky - hope the move thing is going not too badly
    Robin - good luck with gearing up for your busy season

    oh gosh...... I can't think of names - my mind is having an extensive senior moment (what I really call a brain fart!! - ) especially after the anniversary dinner/dessert I ate tonight! - but ......... I do miss you all and think of you often

    To all the new chickies - and of course our rooster....... it's nice to meet you all........ you are doing spectacularly! Brad, wtg on twoderville!

    Well....... I guess that's it for me tonight........ I promise to try to come back regularly
  • SONO !!!!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!
    It is wonderful to see you! Another long lost very missed chicky bud!!!!

    I've fallen on and off the wagon so much over the years I've been here that I'm surprised they've not kicked me out of the hen house!

    I'm sure hoping you'll fall right back in here! I know I could sure use a good ol'fashion arse kick back on track!


  • Thanks, Janice...... I'll kick yours if you kick mine!
  • Deal ------ you first -----bend over !!!!
  • oh boy! can I wear boots?

    Hey Sono! glad to see you back...I thought you were missing cause of the Mets!!!

    missed you!

    I do feel terrific...fussy at times, but what else is new?

  • Dearest Peachie -
    Passing Peachie the Texas size boots ~ happy sweeite? Now start kickin some booty!
  • Yes, I AM happy?


    peach who is going to start the dishwasher and go to bed!
  • yes, Peachie, I AM happy to be back here with my a$$-kicking buddies......... 'cause I sure did NEED all of you, and missed you! Didn't do too badly today with food - must have been knowing that Janice was waiting for me with those big Texas boots!!!

    Peach..... about those Mets, let me just say this: I was one very very very happy chickie to see the Marlins win!!!