Anyone else see Entertainment Tonight last night?

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  • They were interviewing Renee Zellweger (she was in Jerry Maquire, Nurse Betty). She played a role where she had to gain weight for the part. ET made it sound like she really had packed on the weight & plumped up. I come to find out that she was up to a "whopping" 120 pounds at a height of 5'5" tall - her normal weight is only 100 pounds!! How screwed up is that!!

    No wonder most women have such a distorted view of what they should really weigh. And, to top it off, her co-star Hugh Grant said they he still thought she was sexy at her somewhat "plumper" weight. Gimme a break - Sheesh....

  • No actually her normal weight is 105 and she "plumped" up to 125. She did look a lot heavier than normal but I also said, "Geez that means I'm still a blimp!" DH said she is too thin at 105 and was starting to look good at 125.
  • I didn't see that but I saw Dateline last night. Courtney Thorne Smith was on there talking about how she had decided to not be pencil thin and she was about 5'7" and weighed about 125. She said she had been on a starvation diet to wear all the designer clothes and that she had no energy at all.
  • My mom actually called me to complain about Renee's interview. Renee looked fine with the extra weight on her. The Ironic thing is, is that Renee is just being as obsessed as the character she is playing in the movie. If she did not want to gain weight then why did she pursue the part (yes, probably due to popularity of the book and the money, but the only thing I have heard her say about the movie is how fat she got). Doesn't make sense to me, but I digress.

    I wish stars would not throw out their weights like that. It gives many people a unrealistic objective weight and make people who are normal think they are fat.

    Take Care Y'All

  • Oh, my stars, Ali, have you by any chance noticed that you are incredibly close to goal? And have lost an amazing amount of weight? Bet you're wearing smaller sweaters now! You go, girl!
  • Bumby: Thanks!! Yes, I am so close to goal and I am really happy about it! I am just bitter about that Renee interview though, I weigh 158.6lbs and my size 10s are getting big on me. I will always weigh a lot, but I have decided not to concentrate on the numbers of the scale (I want to be a lean size 8). I just think overall there needs to be new attitudes on weight and health and Ms. Zellweger is putting that back years by stating how fat she was at 120-125 (heck I am only 1 inch taller than her).

    Take Care!

  • You know, it's possible that she's lying about her weight, too. I wonder how many people in show business share what they *really* weigh.

  • Lauren: I have thought of that possibility too of her lying about her weight. I am sure many actresses do. Again, it all has to do with the notion that all women are suppose to be under 120 (which is ridiculous) regardless of height.

    Take Care, and I love your pic

  • Hi,

    What's funny about all of this Hollywood-fueled attitude that too thin is sexy is that every male I know prefers a little more weight on women. For example, my sons complain a lot about how skinny many of the actresses and models are. They ask me why women do that to themselves and tell me that it doesn't make sense. If they're trying to attract men and men prefer a little more weight, why do they think they'll get more men if they weigh less? I tell them that many people just do what they've been told is right, in this case to weigh less, and they don't really think about it. People want to fit in and in our weird culture, we think that to fit in means weighing what is really, for most people, an amount that is generally unhealthy. Even if the weight itself isn't unhealthy, the amount of food most people would have to restrict themselves to in order to maintain that weight is.

    If we look at women who have been considered sexy, many of them would be considered fat by today's standards. Like Marilyn Monroe and Mae West.

  • You can't really say that "all" men like women who are heavier. Men are individuals. Some like twigs, some like some meat and some like "hefty" women. Just like all women don't like skinny types some like hefty types and some like those in between.

    However Renee's "normal" weight of 105 is well under W/W standards. The important thing is to remember it's how these women feel about themselves and not what we think (while we are entitled to our opinion though).
  • I didn't see the interview, but cringe everytime I see a star--especially some of the teen ones, because I have an 11 year old daughter. I work in a hospital in the Psychiatry department and have had alot of intakes with eating disorders. It is amazing how this has ballooned since I was in high school in the late 70's. I thought I was fat at 135 lbs and 5 '8!! Little did I know that most of the girls in my California High School were anorexic! What I would give to be that size now--but working on it. The scariest thing about eating disorders is that these kids are starting in early grade school--I believe it should be addressed as much as smoking, drugs and alcohol is. Many parents don't know what to look for and by the time it they realize it--the kids are pretty far into. Don't fool ourselves this is becoming familiar in boys as well as girls.
    My daughter came home yesterday saying the gym teacher was going to weigh the whole class in front of everyone--I was on the phone first thing this morning--explaining to her how kids are very sensitive of this issue and should have their privacy. I belive that I convinced her--at least I hope so. Kids can be so cruel to each other.

    HW: 256/CW: 246; Ideal weight--when I am comfortable with it!
  • I WILL take Renee Z. at 105, 125 or 175! she is a hottie!
  • I think it was in People magazine that I saw the same story about Renee Z. (?) I was curious to hear how much she gained, but when I found that her gain put her at a level that is generally considered to be "slim" I about died! I'm afraid one of these days, one of these size 0 starlets is going to die as a result of her anorexic quest to be skinny. The really sad part of all this is the girls/women who want to be a size 0 just like their favorite tv star. These tv stars, as gaunt as they might be, can pull off that low weight (for the most part) because of either their proportionate distribution of what little body fat they have or because of some "selective" surgical enhancements. If I got down to that low a weight, I'd be so gaunt through my face, neck, and chest that it would be utterly hideous.

    Kelly-Lin didn't say "all" men, she said all the men she knows feel that way.
  • What I think is funny is that she had to "get so big" for the role when the point of Bridget's weight obsession in the book is that she thinks she is so fat and goes on all these diets only to get down to a weight that she thinks is low enough to have people tell her she looked better at her regular weight. Meaning her regular weight is a good weight for her.

    I wonder in way thin hollywood if Renee is being made fun of right now for being "fat." so sad.
  • Stars and their weights
    You all are so correct. You know who I think looks incredible? Kate Winslet!
    She's great! I heard somewhere that she's up to a size 16 now, but you know
    how rumours go! She looks wonderful...she used to have eating disorders, but
    now she says she's comfy with her weight and is so tired of people talking about it.
    It must really be awful to get turned down for roles though, because people say
    you're fat!!!


    Hey, this is the first time I've found someone from Peoria here! Hello!