Stay at home moms #92

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  • Welcome!!!
    Welcome to a thread full of laughter, encouragment and friendship as we raise families, regain health and lose weight together. All are welcome- newcomers and present friends.
  • Hello everybody!
    First off, Hi to all the new people. I have been MIA for a week or so, but i think my world is finally starting to settle down for now anyway.
    Sounds like everyone is doing good OP. As for me, I haven't lost any weight in about 2 months. I think I need to change my exercise program, or kick it up a notch. anything to start losing again.
    Today was the family reunion, and it wasn't much fun. A cousin and me weren't well recepted by most of the out of state people. I don't know what I ahve done to to them, but oh well. Secondly, when I left at 6pm, my oldest ds wanted to stay. His granpa said, we are going to leave here as soon as it gets dark, and will bring him home. I thought, ok, he will get to stay and play for another hour, no biggie. Well I got home, and almost 2 and a half hours had gone by, and no ds. We called them and they said well we want to stay for fireworks. Told inlaws no, and if I had known that they wouldn't have been here when they said, I would've brought ds home. Well, they got mad and brought him home. Just left ds on the porch, knocked on the door, and were gone by the time we got there. Only ds on the porch. Think maybe we started a family feud. Time will tell. Sorry to make this so long, but had to vent a little. Dh was upset that I let ds stay. Anyway, keep up the good work ladies.
  • Hi!

    Can I join this thread? I'm a bit confused as to what to do here, so I just picked the thread most like me.

    I'm a sahm most the time and teach piano from my home studio, so this seemed like the logical place to jump into. My kids are 12 & 13, and I'm 36, happily married for 15 years.

    I've been losing weight for about 11 months now. Don't really follow an official plan, kind of made up my own. Look forward to getting involved and reading all your posts.
  • WELCOME PIANOLADY!! U will like it here, u will find support , laughter, lots of good ideas and tons of encouragement.
    Ricci... u just stick to your guns and be strong with the inlaws... after all they are YOUR children. I know the feeling... my MIL used to be the same way.... but i just struck to my guns and know she tells my sisiter in law that she respcets me because i follow my instincts... The bottom line is u are the parent and u decide until they can decide for themselves. Hope that helps... Besides... if u are true to yourself... everything else falls into place. Thats what i believe...
    Hope you all have a wonderful day... stay strong and take care of u...

  • Welcome pianolady You will find the ladies here to be a wonderful support group for losing weight and for the trials of motherhood. I am a sahm to 2 boys, 5 and3. I am trying to lose weight by portion control, and exercise. I have hit a plateau right now, but thats life.
    Sandy, thank you so much for your words of encoragement. I know that in the eyes of the family at the reunion that I am probraly an overprotective horrible mother who doesn't trust any one with her kid. At least I know that you all understand, Even if they don't.
    Where is everyone? Out having fun I hope. Dh and I took the boys to see Finding Nemo at the $2 movie today. It was our second time to see it, and it was just as good as the first. Can't wait for it to come out on dvd. (it comes out on November 4th, in case you all are interested) Here is one of lifes great mysteries. If anyone has it solved, let me know. Why is it whenever you go to wal mart, you always remember what you went for when you get home? I will be on here later, I am sure.
  • Thanks for the welcome Sandy & Ricci. I'm using the portion control and exercise method of weight loss too. I've become a bike fanatic, whether inside on an exercise bike, or outside on my mountain bike. Ah, winter is a coming though, afraid it's going to be all inside soon. You'll find I'm a little bit of an analytical nut, I like to keep track of exactly what I eat each day on a computer program.
  • Good evening all!!
    Welcome Julie! I am Spryng, mother of 3. Ava who is 3, Joseph who is 2, and Tanner who is 3 1/2 months. I'm on weight wacthers now after having tried just about every diet out there. I have finally found the perfect plan for me. But your stats look amazing! You'll have to give us more info on your plan... obviously it is working great for you. I look forward to getting to know you better and please feel free to post often!!
    Ricci, I am so sorry your family reunion went badly. I know how it feels to be on the outs with family. I have't spoke to my parents in over a year now. It's so sad how some can treat people just because we are blood related. *sigh* hopefully though your family understands why you wanted ds home.
    Well, my weekend has been going great. Went to in-laws yesterday for a movie and dinner (we saw the In-Laws, ironic huh?? lol) but it was very cute. I liked it. Then today my SIL came over to watch Italian Job and have lunch with me. I made that crockpot salsa and sour cream chicken I posted and it was great! We had burritos with it. She had 5!!! So I think she really liked it and couldn't believe it was "healthy", lol. But it has been a good weekend and now I'm ready for this week to begin because DH comes home on friday and I can't wait to see him. SIL said she will watch the kids on saturday if we want a day to ourselves so I may take her up on that and go watch a movie or something. But we'll see.
    Well, I rented the Pianist today and have been trying to watch it all evening. Needless to say I have been crying alot... I hate movies about the haulacaust (sp?) because they always tear my heart out yet I still watch them. I guess I am warped. But I can see why it won so many oscars. But anyway, now that the kids are down I'll go finish it. I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow! Have a great night!
  • Well.....this is kind of long, but the shortest summary of my weight loss history I can give.

    I've always been "big", probably since I was 5. By 8th grade, I weighed in at a whopping 232. With high school on the horizon, I managed to get down to 168 over a period of 1 year by eating way too little, and not exercising enough. I think I set myself up for failure later, as my metobolism was probably practically non-existent.

    Enjoyed HS, attended every dance, so all was well in Julie-ville. Then college dorm food hit, and the free fast food coupons from basketball games, and whammo, that weight went back on very quickly. I was back up to 210 within a few years. Two kids later, I was up to 235. Last year I hit rock bottom when my scale read 250 and was denied health insurance coverage (my current policy is expensive, trying to get another policy).

    I started out on Adkins, but just didn't like it, and switched to Sugarbusters after a few weeks. For 3 weeks, I cut back my portion sizes dramatically, and made a vow to exercise at least 30 minutes every single day with no exceptions. I networked a computer next to my recumbant bike so I could surf the net and chat at the same time I rode my bike. Pretty soon I found myself riding my bike 2 hours per night while I chatted in chat rooms. I wore my bike out! The weight started falling off like mad. I probably lost 5 pounds per week for several weeks.

    Now, I don't follow any prescribed diet, but many of the habits I formed on Sugarbusters are still with me. I've gone to cutting my portions in half of what I normally eat when I plateau. Learning restraint has been the biggest part of my success I think, and lots of exercise. I now eat about 1500 calories per day with about 120g carbs, 60g fat (<20g saturated fat), 20g fiber per day.
  • Good morning all!
    Well I have had an eventful morning so far... was in the ER at 4 am this morning! I woke up at 3:30 am with severe pain in my abdomen (lower) it was so bad I could only walk bent over and got very nauseated with it. So I called my MIL and she came over and rushed me to the ER. of course by the time they got me in an exam room the pain was gone. I got x-rays and blood work done and my liver enzyme levels were high, so they thought maybe it had something to do with my gallbladder but couldn't find anything. SO I got sent home without knowing what caused it. Ugh. Now I am sooooo tired... counting down the minutes to nap time! lol. But the good news is I'm not pregnant. I'm a week late with TOM so I was glad they checked for that and it was negative. I kow my chances of getting pregnant with an IUD is very slim to none... but you never know. But anyway.. I may not post much today because when the kids go down for a nap I will be going down too. I've only ad 4 hours of sleep and I don't do well on little sleep. So anyway, here's to a long morning and a long day ahead of me!
    Julie, it sounds like you know what you are doing. Your plan sounds very good. And that is what everyone has to do, if there isn't a plan out there that they can stick with 100%, even after they hit their goal weight, then most can adapt a plan of their own by combining what works for them and what is realistic to do forever. because losing the weight is only half the battle... maintaining it is the real challenge.
    Well, guess I'll get off here. I have a house to pick up. I'll get back on here when I can!
  • Welcome Julie! I am Emily, 34 mom to 3 boys, 5, 3 (on Thursday) and almost 6 months. I hope you enjoy it here!

    Ginny- thanks for the tip on the gasket- I will look at the hardware store for sure!

    Ricci- I agree about your ILs- they must repect your parenting!! Too bad the family reunion wasn't as fun as it should have been for you.

    Spryng- how scary about your "attack"- I hope it was only a one-time thing!! Get some rest today and take care!

    Well, Ian woke up this morning with a fever and has thrown up twice so I don't know if I'm going to get to the Thanksgiving a way I don't care. It will save me a bunch of calories and today is the first day of TOM so would be nice to not go out. On the other hand- it is always nice spending time with good friends and I did go to a lot of work. I made 4 pies yesterday 2 pumpkin, 1 pecan and 1 apple. Sure hope they taste as good as they smell. I don't know why I got stuck with pies- I had a hard time not getting the crust too brown- (pumplin and pecan always take longer to cook than the recipe says)- I should have bothered with the foil since I was cooking for others, but didn't. Oh well, it's not burned, just darker than I like. I'm making sweet potatoes and a green bean casserole too (the one with french fried onions) I'll send DH and the older boys even if I don't go...

    Well, I'm in a much better "place" this week and I'm challenging myself to a good loss this week. I was up 5# since my weigh-in 2 weeks ago...after a road trip and a week of PMS eating...I know some is water and bloat so we'll see how much damage I can undo.

    Hope you all are having a good Monday!
  • Hi gang........... been a busy weekend... I worked the last 3 nights... today is a re-grouping day... gotta get the house picked up this afternoon.

    I just wanted to check in. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Today was WI for me.... the scale shows no loss, but no gain, either. So, I guess that's ok. I know I did not exercise as much as I'd liked to have last week. I am going to try to exercise every day from now til Friday, as well as watch my points very strictly, because Friday is my first goal date. I need to lose 6lbs to hit it, which is not likely. But, I would like to try to get as close as possible.

    I really am not all that down about not losing. I am getting so toned with the exercise, and I feel good and am liking the way I look. So, I will just keep chugging......

    Sorry for not getting personal......... I'll try to get back later, or else tomorrow.
  • Hi everyone!

    Welcome Julie! I am Karen SAHM of 2 ages 5 and 7! I have been hanging around with these gals for almost over a year now.. close to 2 maybe? They are the greatest! I am doing Atkins and it is working well for me. I was put on it by my doctor because I have Inuslin Resistance and that is why I have struggled with my weight for so long!

    WI today and I am down another 1.5 pounds for a total of 19.5 pounds in 10 weeks! WOO HOO!! Even being sick and on Steroids for my asthma didnt stop me from losing! WOO HOO!

    I will try to get more personal later.. I have a bunch of stuff to do today!

  • Hi all!! I hope I'm submitting this at the right spot! *cross fingers* I'm brad spankin' new to all of this. I'm 31, and a SAHM. I do web-site work, and whatever work my family and friends try to push on me since I don't have to go out of the home for a job. *roll eyes* I need some kind of support or maybe a buddy to just converse with and make sure that I do my daily exercise. I end up doing a lot of physical activity, because my husband was sent to another state to work for a year, and everything fell to me. So, my support system was relocated for awhile. With all the physical chores that have fallen to my shoulders I have lost 41 pounds since last May of 2002. SW 271 CW 230. I'm still losing inches, but it's frustrating that the scale hasn't moved for a little while. I wish I would have found this site sooner! Sorry for the long message. I'm hoping to find someone who can "hold my hand" if you will. lol!! If anyone is interested I would appreciate any help possible! Thanks!
  • Good morning.

    Welcome to the newbies, Julie and kleekitten. I am Jen, SAHM to 3, ages 8, 6, and soon-to-be-3. I am currently working the Weight Watchers program, and really loving it. My husband has also started it and is doing well. Stick around.... this is a terrific group.

    Ginny, how did your college visits go? Where in Mass. did you end up? Sunday was an absolutely dismal day here, but the rest f the weekend was beautiful. You and I are really not all that far apart..... maybe someday we could arrange a meeting.....

    Spryng, I know you must be psyched that dh will be home this Friday! So sorry about your ER visit, but glad it was nothing serious. Hope you are feeling well today.

    Karen, congrats on another great loss! You are starting to make me feel jealous!!!

    Emily, hope your ds is feeling better. I am so sorry your Thanksgiving plans seemed to not turn out as you wanted. I hope you were able to salvage the day.

    Well, I have things to do today. Ds needs a haircut, and I need to get to the mall to pick up a few things for this weekend. It will be a busy week, since I have to get dh and I ready to go away, plus get the kids packed up to go with their grandparents. I am going to treat myself today, and look for some nice new lingerie to wear this weekend.

    Hope everyone is well..... will talk later.......
  • Welcome KleeKitten! I am KAren SAHM mom to 2 kids, ages 5 and 7. You have come to the right place! Post often, it really helps!! THese gals are terrific! Lots of support and laughter!

    I am having another busy day today... first I work in my Ds's classroom, then Daisy Scouts meeting, then DD's Soccer Practice, then girl Scout Leader meeting this evening... sheesh.. will it never end?

    Anyway.. I am off to get the kids ready for school.. Talk to you all later!