Fibro Thread #16

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  • Hello all, how are you doing today? It was blustery and snowing here this morning, but has now cleared up and the snow has melted. Spring is sure and up and down season, and it makes me hurt.

    Meme and Tootie - I sure hope you find us. Thought I should start a new thread as the other one is really slow to load because of the graphics. Meme, how are you enjoying your Mystery shopper job? You must still be going like a mad lady because we don't hear much from you - or perhaps you have fallen asleep and can't wake up. Is it spring in Tennessee now? I suppose you are like Phyllis and have temps in the 70's. I can only dream of that for the next couple of months.

    Candice - How do you stay on the straight and narrow road when dieting? I don't know how you do it. I am back on track again, but I am still so tired I don't know if I am coming or going and I CRAVE sugar big time when I get like this. It is a constant battle with myself and I usually end up losing (lol). Haven't gained any back, but if this continues it won't be long I am sure.

    Ally - Glad you had a Margarita for me. I sure did enjoy it. Hope you had a great lunch as well. I am in my sugar craving mode as I am exhausted - just rying to hold my own right now. How is the fiber thing going. I hope that it works for you. Diets get old real fast don't they?

    Well guys, I am hurting like a son of a gun. Hate to complain, but gee whiz my shoulders and my right arm are killing me, as well as my legs. Went to the Chiro this morning and had my back adjusted, so now that feels a little bit better. Wish I could find a 'magic' pill that would just take away the pain for a few days. It seems that all the Drs. seem to think I want to spend my life in a daze. All the pain killers put you to sleep, and then they tell you when the pain dies down, try exercising - GO FIGURE!!!!

    What happened to judy. Did we scare her away already?

  • lost it again but at least i'm on the track
    Hi ladies, just checking in again because I lost another post.
    I'll make it quick, Happy could you erase the old thread after everybody get's on this one because it gets in the way?
    Went to the new ruhemi and guess what, firstly all the tests are pretty good. I still have a chance of losing weight and regaining some tone and health.
    secondly, last time I spoke to her, I told her what I was on and she got the book and started sugar busters with her beloved and she lost 5 lbs. told her the newspaper just this sunday pooh poohed all over this and the zone,atkins and sugar busters. said the best diet should be loaded up with carbohydrates.The more the better, like beans,pasta,rice and whole grains.
    Question who of you have been on neurontin?? she is suggestting that I should take it. It is epilepsi{?} medication but in small doses wards off nerve pain.
    goota go, back and legs getting stiff.need to lie flat for a while.
    does my doggie come out on this?
  • Anne, it's no problem to find the new thread IF I know it has moved. I bookmark the thread...not the board...then if a new thread gets started I wouldn't know unless I went to the board and I never do that!!! Sorry you are in so much pain. I'm getting another hole in my ankle and am having to stay off my feet for awhile. Sure hope it doesn't turn into another skin ulcer. I've had three and that is some of the worst pain I have ever had. Had one cut out back years ago and just last year I had to stay in bed with my legs up for nearly 3 months because of a hole about the size of a half a dollar and over 1/2 inch deep! OUCH!

    tootie...I'm on Neurontin for migraines. What do you want to know about it? I take 300 mgs. every night before bed without fail and more if I'm having a series of migraines. I think Candice was going to start taking it for anxiety, too....not sure about that, though. It is used to control seizures, too. Have you tried 5 HTP?
  • Well, Meme..we will have to see if I got a graphic here...I am not real good at following directions this late in the day. must be a really good typer. I read one of your longer posts over on Clouds and that would ahve taken me all day.
    I don't have total persepctive on pain anymore. Today was a good day, but only in comparison to my bad ones. I dont know what a painfree day is. Today the weather was a little warmer and muscles weren't so tight. But, I still don't have lots and lots of energy.

    And what little I have I used in yelling at my teens who are going to drive me nuts. Almost 16 but somedays they act like they are 2. They had friends over without my permission, they watched and laughed as one launched glass bottles into the neighbors drive. I was the one who had a heated and angry neighbor at the door. I did a wonderful job. Yelled at them in front of her. I told them I want them to live with my beloved. I left the house with the dogs and went to McDonalds for a cathartic fish sandwich. Lots of fiber there, no doubt.

    Meme...thanks for the guidance. Will try some more tomorrow. Tootie....I don't have a problem following the new thread...but am glad to hear someone else gets confused too.

    What happened to Judy? Candice....are you still losing weight???
  • lost another gem
    Okay, okay I lost another post again!!!!
    I will have to figure out why a short ittie bittie one gets through and the profound thoughtful one's get lost.
    Must be rabble babble rejection!
  • I'm here!
    Yes....I'm still losing....the key I think is finding a healthy way you can live with to eat! We will see..time will tell!

    My elbow hurt so bad I couldn't stand it last night so I got out some old Vioxx and took helped but the reason I don't keep taking it is that it upsets my tummy! If medicine didn't have so many side effects for me I think I would be on tons!LOL

    I didn't eat enough yesterday! I was way under my WW points! Didn't think that would ever happen! When Dh is not here to eat I don't cook much! That helps alot! He will be gone 4 nights this week..nice to get a break from cooking and eating! I'm finding eating to be a chore....and if you believe that I have some swamp land to sell you!

    Nice and sunny today but I was in bed since I didn't sleep well! I really have my days and nights mixed up!LOL
  • Send me some of that sun please...we had SNOW today. Our pear trees are all abloom, too! Hope this cold snap doesn't set them back! Jenna (who just turned two Saturday) was jumping up and down in front of the French Doors yelling, "No, Meme, No...See Meme...See No!" We called her Mommy at work and left a message on her ans. mach....she said, "No Mommy...See No...I wike No!" It took my daughter a minute to figure out what was going on when she got the message. I didn't really think about it at the time but I guess it was a shock to push the message button and hear what sounds like a hysterical baby yelling "No, Mommy!" Oh well...I said I'm over half a century old, have 2 kinds of arthritis and fibro +migraines...what do you want??? I'll have my fun where ever I can find it!

    Wish my hubby would go somewhere for a few days. I wouldn't want him gone permanently but I sure could use a break! He's still only working 4 days a week and killing me the other 3! It is nearly 2:30 here...he just poked his head in my room and said, "you still up"...I just looked at him and said "what are YOU doing up? I guess I'm old enough to stay up ALL NIGHT if I want!" He just shook his head and went back to bed. That's one reason we have different rooms! AND I LOVE IT!!!

    I also wish I found eating a chore! I just find FIXING the food a chore...have no problem eating it!

    Ally...where'd your graphic go? Go back to the other thread and follow the directions exactly and do it again. It works and I have confidence in you...YOU CAN DO THIS! (are you blonde???)

    Hey time you do a long post COPY it before you click submit and then you won't lose it. If it doesn't show up just hit reply...paste it in the box and try again. To copy (in case you don't know...which you probably do) Just click at the beginning of the message and hold your LEFT mouse button down as you highlight all the message. When it is all highlighted place your arrow is somewhere in the highlighted area and RIGHT click. A box will pop up...just click "COPY" and your message is saved. If you need to paste just click in the empty message box and RIGHT click again and click on "PASTE" and it will put the message back.

    Gotta go to bed before it is time to get up! Sometimes I feel like that old donut commercial...I've already made the donuts...Like I'm meeting myself coming in as I am going out! Too much to do...not enough days in the week and definitely not enough sleep!
  • I will try anything once!!!!
    Okay Meme will do!!
    I have been doing a little research and its5 something in the AM again and i'm relly too tired now.
    have a good day all!!!!
  • Hello fibro gals
    Hope you are all doing well today.

    Meme - hope the hole in your ankle is not to bad. That would be terribly painful. I liked it when my hubby worked only 4 days. Always had a long weekend and could go away or do something interesting. Now he is back to the 5 day workweek.

    Canadice - Surely you jest. Getting tired of food? It will never happen. This diet that I am on is a great one. I feel fine, have lots of energy and occassionaly need a boot in the pants. I have tried ww and have gotten nowhere with it. I haven't tried the 123 but a time or two before that. My daughter is on the 123 and has lost almost 50 pounds. She also went 'off' her diet between Sept. and Jan., and then got back to it. She is looking great, and her insentive is to eat right so her daughter won't have the same problem. My daughter has thyroid problems. Started out as Grave's disease (when she was 20) and after the radioactive drink it went really low and she has been on synthroid ever since. She knows when it is low (really tired) and goes to Dr. for a change in meds. You are not lonely, are you! You are enjoying your space and your time alone. Good girl!!!

    Ally - Oh yeah! I can type. I just hate it. I was a secretary for 6 years (that was a total fluke). Never was one before and I really despise typing. I also cannot spell anymore. I think that is one of the' use it or lose it' things. That article was good I thought, and a lot of people on that board could use it. Sometimes, however, the ones that you want to read it, don't . I try stay away from the General FM board because it can be a real downer. I am quite happy on the nonfm board.
    I remember when my kids were teenagers. My son was so easy, but my daughter was a nightmare. Always was a strong willed girl. The funny thing was, that when she turned 18, she started phoning me at midnight to tell me she would be late! I told her she really didn't have to do that because she was now her own person, and totally responsible for herself. I wouldn't have minded a couple of phone calls when she was 16 (lol). She never, however, missed her curfew on the weekends of 1:00 a.m. ; Nor did my son. I always told them both, that their teen years could be as easy or as hard as they choose to make them. That seemed to work to a certain extent.

    Phyllis - I hope that the copy and paste will work for you. It is so frusterating to type a long post and have it lost. With the way we feel, and think, most of the time, once is more than enough. Hope you are well. If you don't have fibro, what in the world do they think you have? Could it be polymyalgia instead? I think that is an inflammation of the joints etc. My girlfriends father has this, and it is very painful. The good news is that you take some kind of cortisone meds and they pain goes away. So hope for that instead of FM.

    Judy - if you are reading the posts, come in an join us.

    Meme - I can't seem to get any gifs on the screen. I go to browse, and click into my gif file and put a file into the space, and nothing come up. I don't know what I am doing wrong all of a sudden. Any ideas?

  • Well...I guess you don't see any graphics here do you must think I am blonde.
    Nope. But I did find a few new grays there this weekend when I was in a miserable mood. That helped.

    I see Tootie has the graphic thing figured out, she just keeps losing her posts.

    I think I might like being a grandparent better than a parent of teens. My kids are kind of immature which is nice when you think about what they could be getting into....but the things they do are just impulsive and stupid. If THEY got yelled at and I was left out of the whole thing I would be fine...but I hate getting the angry neighbor at the door.

    But because I had a bad night, I had a terrible day today. Stress=pain. No doubt about it.

    Neurontin. I have seen lots on Clouds talk about it. I really hope (knock on wood) that I don't have to go back on a prescription med. I hated all the side effects. Did anyone ever do Flexeril? I would get all weepy on that.

    I still swear by this bout you Meme? I don't notice any help carb addiction, but that might be a lost cause.

    I'll try the graphics tomorrow. Gotta go watch Survivor rerun.
  • Meme that doesn't work
    gone again!!!It's too late, I'm going to bed.
  • Hello
    I'm trying MEME's explanation cause I don't do it that way! time you do a long post COPY it before
    you click submit and then you won't lose it. If it doesn't
    show up just hit reply...paste it in the box and try again.
    To copy (in case you don't know...which you probably do)
    Just click at the beginning of the message and hold your
    LEFT mouse button down as you highlight all the message.
    When it is all highlighted place your arrow is somewhere in
    the highlighted area and RIGHT click. A box will pop
    up...just click "COPY" and your message is saved. If you
    need to paste just click in the empty message box and
    RIGHT click again and click on "PASTE" and it will put the
    message back.

    It worked Toots!!!!!!!!

    I highlight and hit ctrl c to copy and ctrl v to paste! They both work!

    Now Meme can you answer my question about downloading IE from the web?????

    My elbow still hurts and I hate takin gthe Vioxx I'm retaining fluid and my face is all puffy!

    I think I am part Vampire since I have been sleeping in the daytime!
  • Candice...sorry...I don't remember what the question was!?! Guess that's a sign I'm getting old. But if you are just wanting to download IE go here:

    You can actually run BOTH browsers at the same time if you want to. I do it all the a matter of fact, I have Netscape and IE both open right now. I'm kind of an impatient person so I'm usually doing 2 things at once. For example, you could open both browsers and come in here and read and type messages while you are waiting for a search result on the other browser. Say you are on the message board, like I am now, and someone wants a link to somewhere else. You know where to find it but you need to go there and copy it before you can give it to them. You open the other browser and go get your link and then come back to the window where the message board has been there in the background the whole time and you don't have to reenter the site (that's what I just did to get the URL above to microsoft!) It's not really complicated...I sometimes have 4 or 5 browser windows open at the same time! It drives hubby nuts...says he doesn't know how I keep them all straight! To just open a new window in the same browser, you just click on "file" then "new" then "window" (in Netscape it says "Navigator Window") A new screen will come up while the one you had is still in the background. You can go back and forth from one to the other by clicking the icons in your tray area. I learned everything I know on the computer and Net by trial and one showed me can too! Just takes some "trying"!

    Gotta a fussy baby today!
  • real quickly Candice
    In regards to the Vioxx, make sure if you take it on a regular basis, to have more frequent blood tests. If I had had more frequent blood tests, last year, I would not have ended up in emergency room getting blood transfusions.
    That episode set me back who knows where.
    I have had 2 endoscopy's/colonoscopy because of bleeding from these anti-inflammatory meds.
    Other drugs can do the silent bleeding also, no pain/ no signs.
    Have to go and get exrays of hip and lower back.Hurts so much
    see you guys later
  • A snow day here in NY. No school. I left work early. I should be playing with graphics, but it is a good time to clean doggy piddle off the rug.
    How do you train a two year old cocker spaniel to stop this? When it snows she won't even step outside in this mess. I wouldn't want to either...but then I find stinky little puddles.
    So tell me did you get to know your computers so well?
    I have a friend who is envious because my nice rich brother bought me and the kids this very nice Dell computer...and I don't do anything with it other than talk to you girls and visit a few other sites. Don't get me wrong I do a lot of browsing and self-educating but I have not taken the time to find out what this thing can do. How did you learn?
    May I be the first here to wish Happy Anne a Happy Birthday. I read that over on the Clouds site.
    Are you having a nice big piece of cake?????
    Does this make you a Pisces too?
    My sons knew I was Soooooo mad at them that they have cleaned out closets, toy boxes etc. Good use of a day off school in snowy, windy, wet, muddy NY state.