Boot Camp Challenge Day 34-Why Water?

  • Morning, troops!

    I was going to continue talking about food today, but recieved an interesting e-mail from my aunt that I wanted to share. It actually has 2 parts: the first part is about water, the second part is about Coke. So today, the water...tomorrow, the Coke.


    This is really an eye opener.... Water or Coke? We all know that water is important but I've never seen it written down like this before.

    1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

    2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

    3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

    4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

    5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

    6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

    7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

    8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

    WOW! This really explains a lot! My new challenge for myself this week is to drink a BIG glass of water the minute I get out of bed and see if that helps shake off that "fuzzy" feeling!

    Where can you fit more water into your schedule? I knew I needed to drink more, but seeing all the reasons in writing might just get me to stick to it!

    Comments? Ideas? Goals? Let's hear it recruits!

    Group Activity for Week of 9/28-453 minutes!

    Keep up the good work! And that's an order!
  • Good one, Franny. I haven't been drinking my water lately. I've been drinking diet pop and no-sugar juices. I'm sure that's one of the reasons why I'm eating more.
    Today... water!!
  • Water seems to be no problem for me, unless it's the weekend then everything in the trinity is a problem
  • Water is my biggest problem. I hate it. I rather have a DC. I will try to drink some today. Not that I want to but because I really should. Thanks for the reminder.
  • Morning, Sarge Franny!

    So-o-o-o good for our whole body. When I was doing the WW thing for a year and a half trying to get to my goal, I got into the wonderful habit of drinking 8 to 10 glasses of H2o daily. That habit has stayed with me. I don't actually have room for anything else except a couple of cups of coffee daily.

    Habits take a long time to form, but they stay with you . This is one that I have cultivated, because I know it has done so much for me. I used to get bladder infections, and dry skin. The water cleared this up! I really feel like it rinses my body of impurities! Does that sound silly??? Oh, Well!!

    Off to exercise.....45 minutes of brisk walking today!

    Have a day filled with H2o Beach Chickies!!
  • Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink...
    Water is a great topic! I LOVED all that great info Franny!! Thanks so much! I never saw it in B&W before.

    The only suggestion that I have is to have your water IN HAND! When I am holding it, I drink it. When I'm not HOLDING it, I don't. So, you non-water drinkers like me, try buying one of those bottles with the sports (pop up) tops and keep it in your hand and your cup holder in the car. Take it in with you to the market or the cleaners or wherever you go. Keep refilling the same bottle! Always carry it with you! It makes a HUGE difference!

    Keep in mind, if you have to get up to tinkle at night, to have your last one earlier (before 4pm?)...or... be happy to just know that it is washing fat out of your system and every time you pee, you're losing weight and getting healthier!!! Oh! I have to go lose weight now!!! See how easy that was!!!? Power of suggestion!!!

    Have a great, "wet" day!

    Oh yeah, Sarge: I did 20 minutes on my step machine today and will definately go to kickboxing (1 hour class) tonight. I'll be bringing my water with me too!!!
  • Quick Update!
    Sarge Franny.....

    Just to let you know for Talley Time, I told you earlier that

    I was going to walk for 45 min........But, I felt pretty energetic

    today,so I stretched it to 55 minutes!

    I keep forgetting to thank you for suggesting the book "The

    Secret Life Of Bees" not too long ago. Anyway, I found it at the

    book store, and am loving it. Wonderful story...kind of sad .

    Have a good one!
  • I got 15 minutes of exercise today, but it was higher intensity than yesterday's 20.

    And water is a great topic!

  • Just wanted to make sure you got my exercise, Franny. 2 1/2 hours yesterday.
  • Pvt. Lizzie reporting: Been having computer problems, but think now they are repaired. Time will tell.

    Exercise today - total 1 hour. Walking and curves.

    Water is a great subject. I have a hard time with my DH. He drinks coffee, and definately not enough h2o.
    From my WW experience I know how important water is. And I know that my MIL wouldn't drink and she got dehydrated, and then it made her act is she was senile. It is interesting to note that for many the thirst response is weak. I wonder if that is because people don't want to drink water, and the old rule 'use it or lose it' kicks in.

    Hope all have had a great day. Lizzie
  • Hi ladies:

    Great job on the exercise yesterday Ellis!!!

    I do really well with the water during the week ... 48 oz before work, 48 oz during the day and 48 oz at night ... I slack off on the weekends...

    Exercise time today ... 45 minutes before work on treadmill ... at the gym after work 15 minutes stationary bike, 15 minutes weights and 45 minutes elliptical trainer ...

    Have a good night!!!