I'm New Here... And I am not a chick (: ? )

  • Hello everyone... I am new here...
    I am a 32 year old man trying to lose weight.
    When I was 12-18 I always maintained a weight of 130lbs.
    When I got diagnosed for a mental illness my weight jumped to 150lbs.
    I rose even higher to 180lbs.
    Then for several years bounced back and forth from 180lbs and 190lbs.

    This year I put on a ton of weight... as of last month I was 230lbs and I am now down to 220lbs and I am aiming for 180lbs.
    I am hoping the resources here can help me lose weight.
  • Welcome, YoungKrypt,

    Not being a chick is OK around here. For example, neither am I.
  • Nice to meet you!
    Thanks for welcoming me here (: ?)
  • I'm a fella as well. What are your weekly weight loss goals? I'm shooting for 2lbs a week for the next 4 weeks and 1lbs a week after.
  • Hello

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