
  • Anyone ever eat anything that has ever used it? My mom bought something for me today and it has this in it.

    The item carbs are listed like this:

    Total Carb - 24g
    Fiber - 2g
    Sugar - 0g
    Lactitol - 21g

    and then a brief description of Lactitol:

    Lactitol (a sugar substitute) is a slowly metabolized carb that generally causes only a small rise in blood glucose levels.

    Anyone got info on this for me?

    BTW, serving size is 5 pieses in one sitting.

  • I haven't, but I read an email by somebody that liked it, and didn't have stomach upset afterward. What was the brand of candy that used it?
  • Hershey's Sugar Free Candies.

    They come in regular chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate with almonds and Reece's Peanut Butter Cups.
  • I reported on these a while back. They seem to agree with me, for the most part--except for one thing.

    The Reeses. I love them. If I eat one serving of them (4 or 5 pieces), though, I'll drop a couple pounds in less than an hour...and not in a good way. Let's just leave it at that.

    One or two at a time, as an occasional treat, though, isn't a problem for any of them.

    I'd suggest you wait until you are going to be home for the rest of the night before you try having more than 2-3 of any of those at one time. Just in case.

    If you like peppermint patties, look for some of the Russell Stoffer's candies. They have a peppermint patty that are even better than York's. They also have a bunch of others: caramel cups, truffels, pecan delights, etc.