uh oh...how do I fix this?

  • Eariler this week I used up all of my Flex Points...but then today I ate over my Target! Yoday is the last day of my week...I don't know what to do. Do I just subtract from tomorrow's Target, even though tomorrow starts a new week? Help! I'm freaking out here.
  • Hi

    Personally, having done that myself with the Winning Points WW plan, I wouldn't start messing with next week. Too depressing! I'd just exercise a bit more the next day, be sure I drank my water... and chalk it up to a bad moment.

    Low-Point snacks save me most nights from going nutty and finding myself WAY over my Points for the day, heh!

    Good luck! Don't freak out, just keep at it...
  • Thank you for the adivice, but just moving on isn't something I'm good at. I've tried it, and ended up just getting depressed and bingeing a lot. I suppose you're much more emotionally "together" than I am. I appreciate your suggestion though.
  • Use the situation as a learning experience. Look at what you did, try to see what you can do better next time and start the new week! One day (if it is only occasional) will not hurt you that much!
  • a-marie,

    If it makes you feel more accountable and more comfortable, than by all means take it out of Monday's allotment...

    As for me, emotionally together? Ha! Maybe more recently than in the past, but I didn't regain most of my weight lost by having my head on straight. More like emotionally binge eating and drinking.

    So I can sympathize... again, best of luck! Take care of yourself.

  • I see...
    Well, I think I will just take it out of Monday's points but after that I will not beat myself up about it for the next 2 weeks. Thanks, you made me feel better.
  • Well I think you could just deduct the over points from this weeks flex points. If it was lets say 10 points over, deduct 10 points from your flex points and have 25 for the week. Take the week to make up for it. i think that is why this program is great...It is FLEXABLE
  • I'm glad you asked that question, because I over did things by 2 points today. I was wondering if I should subtract 2 points tomorrow or what. I'm doing this solo this week, and am not sure I understand what flex points are. I have the kit, including the points calculator and the book that tells you what point value certain foods are, I'm supposed to have between 20 and 27 points.I thought I'd do this by internet instead of attending meetings. We want to visit the East Coast next summer and cannot spend the money on extras right now. Besides my grandchildren always need something, like shoes and coats and school clothes and the like. So I was really glad someone else asked the question instead of me, thanks. Judy
  • I think I saved my butt...
    I do 1/2 hour of cardio exercise every day but had never previously chosen to eat my Activity Points...but I earn 2 a day, so i recounted my week's points, subtracting Activity Points from what I had eaten, and it pretty much balances out for the week. Relief!
  • good. I am glad you found a way out other than "punishment" We all make mistakes and under estemate, over eat or just, well...make mistakes.
  • I've never used those Activity Points before, but boy, did they save my butt! I'm glad I was able to both learn my lesson and not hurt my diet at the same time.