Finding Truth at the Beach DAILY Wednesday

  • Look into your souls and tell the truth.

    What are you afraid of?
    Why are you fat?
    What is stopping you from succeeding?

    Soul searching is one of the best tools to weight loss.
    You find out the inermost secrets to yourself.

    We tackle the "bad" then the "good" can come forth.

    We fly like the eagle. Higher and higher.

    We then can tackle the weight.

    We will see like the eagle all that we have been hiding.

    Think about your truths as you go through this day.


    Almost finished reading my novel then I shall start a new one.

    Thank you to all that have asked about my mom. She said to say HI!

    How was your first day of Fall?

    Have a nice day.

  • Good morning fellow chicksters! Good morning, Grandma Marcie!

    Fears....we all have them! True courage is facing your fear, and still going ahead! I'm not always great at telling myself the truth, especially when it hurts. I go through the days on autopilot sometimes, putting on a brave face even when I don't feel very brave! I think my biggest fear is fear of failure....don't we all suffer from that sometimes?

    I have to run...promised myself a pedicure this morning before I get to bed!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day full of soul searching! :grouphugs:
  • Big hugs to you, too, Marcie.

    The first day of fall was a wonderful one for me. (until I had a major snack attack in the evening )

    Franny, good for you for giving yourself a pedicure.

    Busy day ahead of me, including my DD's appointment with her psychiatrist... must run...

    love and hugs to all
  • Good morning, Marcie. Now I'll be singing "On Eagle's Wings" all day - which is not a bad thing!

    Our first day of fall was a bit grey and cold but my kitchen smelled very autumnal with chutney and salsa on the go. There is something very satisfying about preserving and they make good Christmas gifts!

    Happy pedicure, Franny. I am so overdue on one! I still have a gift certificate from last Christmas. It'll be on my list for my next ME day.

    Ellis, hands off that darn snack stuff! Eat pistachios! Or Laughing Cow Cheese. Give Miss M. a hug from me before or after her appointment - or both times. I love that girl!

    Speaking of truth, I need to change my stats. Never mind, I'll be back in ONEderland soon.
  • Good Morning, Marcie!! .......and all my friends on the Beach this beautiful Fall day!

    Thank you for reminding us to do some soul searching about why we do what we do to our bodies. I think I grew up loving the wrong kind of "comfort" foods. If I'd always run for some Asparagus or Celery when I got stressed or "Down" I wouldn't have the problems with weight I have today!

    Anyway, our new WOE will pull us all through. Right?

    So happy your mom is a bit healthier today, Marcie. Did you enjoy your novel? I have to get another started very soon!

    Ellis....good luck with your DD's dr. app't. Hope all is well.

    Franny....a pedicure sounds wonderful! Boy do I need one!
    A good "ME" thing for me to think of! Hm-m-m!
    Ruth......You put us all to shame in the kitchen! Wish we lived closer!

    Gotta go check in with Boot Camp!
  • Mornin fellow beachsters

    It's so beautiful. I just love Fall! Enjoy your pedicure, Franny! I just love being pampered

    I didn't make my monthly goal...missed it by like 3 lbs. But I'll just try extra harder this month

    Enjoy your day everybody!
  • I've had alot of stress in my life lately, so last night I proceeded to eat a few kit-kats and yanno what...there was no comfort in them. Amazed as I was, first to actually realize that I am an emotional eater and second to realize they did nothing for me! They did not help in any way, shape or form. So I stopped right away. Big victory for me I did not, I repeat I did not eat the whole bag! Thanks for listening
  • Hello everyone. Very godd topic today Marcie, thanks.

    Sflake--good for you for in realizing what's going on and having the power to stop. Sometimes we think we want something more if we can't have it than if we can, and often times when we submit and have it we experience the same reaction you had. We really do play mind games with ourselves sometimes, but realizing that it's happening and taking positive action on it is a real revelation.
    Hang in there!
  • sflake
    Great job on not eating the bag.....but even more so, great job on the realization. Those things that once brought comfort now bring such sadness. There is peace in finally getting that we are emotinal eaters, because then we are available to see what we are doing a affect change.

    Your share was inspiring......and thisis the start of things getting better for you!!!

  • Hello Beauties!!

    Marcie, great topic as usual. You are good at making me stop and think, and to pay attention to myself and my truths (and non-truths as well).

    Franny, how are your toes after their beauty treatment?

    Ellis, I hope your DD's appointment went well today.

    Ruth, I wish I was in your kitchen smelling your wonderful smells! It sounds so cozy and comforting. And I do believe that you will very soon be back in ONEderland!!

    Deets, I agree 100% about the comfort food. Somehow, a stick of celery just doesn't seem as comforting as a warm chocolate chip cookie right out of the oven! (OK....need to get that cookie image out of my head now)

    Ms24Gal, don't look at what you didn't do, look at what you DID do!! Concentrate on the positive!! You'll get there!

    sflake, I'm so sorry that you've been having a rough time. I hear ya girl, I know what you're saying, a lot of times a bunch of "little" things are harder to deal with than one large issue. I too am an emotional eater, and that is very hard to overcome. Good for you for not eating that whole bag of candy. This is a great accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourself. are making great strides in your journey to your healthier self!

    Hi Snoozin and Rowan, hope you had a nice day!

    I've been working some long hours this week, and it will continue through the rest of the week, as we have a huge project that is nearing completion. I've been going in at around 6:00 a.m. and working until after 6:00 p.m. I'm really not complaining, just wanted to let you know why I'm not here until late in the evening these past couple of days. And by next week I should be working more normal hours again (whatever normal is )