644 days to go....the saga continues

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  • 634....

    Just waiting to see what the magic eight ball of a scale says on Sunday. I feel lousy, exhausted and hungry which for me are signs I am on the right track. I wonder what it is like to feel better from eating healthier, sleeping more and exercising....

    Isn't that suppose to be what happens?
  • 633...

    Let's add irritability to the list.

    Tomorrow is official weigh-in day. Will I get a small trickle of validation?
  • 630....(recalculated)

    There was indeed a small vindication on the scale. I was able to confirm a half pound loss. It allowed me to change my sidebar to -25 lbs (from -24.5). I've also recalculated the number of days based on this new data point.

    Was it worth it? This morning I was thinking definitely not. It took five weeks to edge off that half a pound and I was quite miserable at times. It has helped me see clearly what I get from overeating, peace of mind. I don't know if I have enough grit to even make it through the next half a pound let alone the whole journey.

    Tomorrow is another day. I am hoping I can stay dialed into my current plan. I am also hoping my current plan stays good enough. I've been on-plan for a long time but my plan was seemingly no good until my relatively recent changes.
  • 629...

    Well I need to get crackin' and start my tally that was suppose to start at 5:00 pm. Had a doctor's visit today. No help with weight loss or the fatigue on that front. Just a round of blood tests that may or may not lead to more tests. All tests seem unlikely to lead to an answer. I've been down this road before....

    This is not sustainable. I have very little energy; it's like there is a delay in moving my muscles. Also, I am making stupid cognitive mistakes at work. I hope it is just a phase. Please, please let it pass quickly. The scale is down two pounds since Sunday. I feel so rotten that I don't even care.
  • Here! I had a massive headache this morning. It didn't last too long though...
  • Adding foot cramps/pain while skating to my litany of complaints. It was really bad in my better foot and I don't remember ever having pain like this while skating. This really stinks- when will it turn around?
  • Hey, I wanted to chime in and say that's for your log here. The journey can be lonely... and frustrating. It's good to share the burden. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the support! That's pretty much why I started this thread- to have a dumping ground for my gripes.

    I felt a little better today but I also ate nearly to my calorie limit. I also took a nap today. I was still so tired afterward, I drank a caffeinated drink in the late afternoon. Typically, I don't have caffeine after 1 pm. Skating was tough again and not only because of the foot pain. My hands got so cold they hurt even though the temperature at the rink was warmer than usual. Scale is being kind but it almost doesn't matter. I feel awful and can regain weight so quickly.
  • Caught up on my needed calories deficit today. My reward- I wanted to rest for 10 minutes before skating. Fell asleep for 40 minutes and nearly missed skating. It was also very hard to skate tonight. I thought being healthier meant feeling better and having more energy. Definitely not true today!
  • Barely eked out a half pound confirmed loss and changed sidebar to -25.5 (from -25). Original weight this morning was up 4 pounds from my weight 2 days ago. Thankfully, a couple hours of extra sleep seemed to have worked a miracle. Nothing waiting in the wings for confirmation next week.

    Paid the price for eating less yesterday to account for a previous overage and way overate today. Overate so much, I'll just need to let it go. There is no way I can cut back enough to make up for it. Still exhausted and feeling more frustrated.
  • It is looking like a pound loss for the month. We will see what tomorrow and Wednesday show. I under-ate by a fair amount today so I am feeling better about my overage yesterday. I seem to be feeling a little better today but unfortunately, it also corresponds with overeating.
  • Option 1 is a 2.5 lb loss for the month (putting my total unconfirmed loss to -27 lbs). We'll see what tomorrow shows for option 2. Weight is still higher than it was at the beginning of the year (-28 lb).
  • Well this is unexpected. Option 2 is a 3 pound loss for the month (putting total unconfirmed loss to -27.5 lbs). The scale also announced that its battery is low. Hopefully, that is not affecting its accuracy.

    I will hedge my bets and go with option 1. A 2.5 pound loss for the month (putting total unconfirmed loss to -27 lbs).

    The first time I was at -27 lbs was October 13, 2020. The last time before recently was February 5 this year. Then my weight just crept up. I was at -28 lbs at the start of the year so I am on the cusp of losing 'new' weight this year.
  • Replaced the batteries in the scale and it reported the same number which is good news. I realized I was wrong when I said below -28 was "new" weight to lose. The "new" weight mark is at -30.5 lbs. The goal post is a little further than I thought yesterday.