Steel Mahnolias — #8

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  • Good Morning! It's dark, gloomy, wet, and very humid in my neighborhood this morning. We got a got up to a good sized, leafless tree branch down in the yard. We had planned to head to Ian's double header this morning but plans have changed. SD storms are moving in from two directions then heading our way. Jason thinks the games will be cancelled or postponed. They had a game last night; Ian and another player collided in the outfield, both went down, and were pulled from the game. Four moms, who are nurses, went running to the dugout to check the damage. Ian is bruised from his shoulder to his fingertips so wouldn't have played today anyway. So my plans for the day are laundry, getting books together for the book sale next week, and maybe a couple more kitchen drawers. Baby can open the drawers and she rearranges, taking little things out and dropping them on the floor. I swear she smiles at me as I pick stuff up.

    Ceejay, the finch is our state bird but we have only seen two yellow ones this summer. Some have a faint red color around their head and neck and we’ve had a few of those from time to time. We put out thistle seed which is what they supposedly like best but no luck with the yellow ones. They are such a bright yellow and so pretty.

    Hope the sun is shining on you and you enjoy a nice day!

  • afternoon
    Yesterday was a shop till you drop day for me. went with sis and she can shop. but she hasn't been for awhile. she's getting ready for a 3 day weekend in Texas with her man friend. she took me out to Applebees for dinner
    We've been for a walk this morning but it started sprinkling so we came home. heard it thunder one time and that was it
    my nephew C sent a video of his son crawling up the stairs at 7 months old. He's going to be tall like his momma

    Sorry the rain/slash storms are keeping you from the game. Did the storms cause the tree limb to come down?
  • Good Morning! The sun is kind of hazy this morning but it's a nice 80 degrees and no wind. I've been trying to find my mistake on the gift shop bank statement and finally found a missing deposit from June. I can't multi task very well is all I can attribute it to. I've done some laundry and found some more books for the book sale. I have a lot of cat books that people have given me over the years. Zowie loves cats too, so will give her a couple of my favorites. Otherwise not much is happening in my neighborhood this morning. It's quiet and I like it like that, except the birds are even quiet right now.

    Ceejay, I’m not much of a shopper so I would “drop” pretty quickly. For some reason stairs seem to attract kids; our grandkids still will sit on the stairs for pictures. The branch was a dead one and caught on a couple of other branches. Our maple trees are huge and we would need a bucket truck to reach some of the higher branches that need to be trimmed. To get a truck back there means driving over the sewer line and that makes Bob nervous.

    I need to put my paperwork away and decide on lunch. Hope you enjoy a terrific Tuesday!
  • 7/15/21
    The plumber came yesterday and replace the new faucet. I ordered it online and picked it up yesterday at Lowe's.
    I pushed mowed the backyard and weedeated yesterday also. Next week I'm riding. it's to hot. Today is the front yard.
    not much else is going on.
  • 7/16/22
    I'm resting today. Finished the front yard and weedeated yesterday. I was worn out. This morning I had to get up at 4 a.m to get my sister to the airport for her flight to Midland by 5.30 a.m. It was raining hard. and I don't like to drive in the rain or in the dark.
    I called the plumber back to fix the leak at the cold water cut off valve. he had put on a new valve and didn't get enough sealant on it. hopefully that's done.
    Not much else is going on
  • Good Afternoon! It's a beautiful afternoon in my neighborhood although a little more humid than yesterday. I spent the morning at the book sale. I was surprised to see how many books we had left but guess the early bird sale on Thursday and then all day Friday were super busy and lots of puzzles and books were sold. It closes at 3:00 today and the library will take our left over books on Monday. Bob is mowing, both cats are sleeping in the recliner, and I have a load of laundry that should be ready for the dryer.

    Ceejay, you will have a quiet weekend with your sister gone. You did have a early morning to take her to the airport. I don’t like driving in the rain and dark either.

    Hope you are enjoying a nice day and doing something you enjoy!
  • Good Morning! It's cloudy and humid in my neighborhood this morning. I've been to the grocery store and then pulled 4th of July flags out of my flower pots. "Something" ripped holes in my garden flag so I took it down yesterday. This morning one of my flower pot flags was on the deck with holes in it. We're pretty sure a squirrel is the culprit but he/she isn't going to rip up any more. Our big flag is too high so hope it is out of reach unless it hops from the roof. We went to Ian's sad game yesterday, his team was number one but it seemed like they hit every ball for the opposing player to catch while their own team couldn't catch a ball or throw it straight. They play again tonight then once more if they win tonight. I hate to see the season end but the late nights are getting old too. Not much else is going on and I need to think about lunch for Bob. I have leftover quesadilla from lunch bunch yesterday. Hope you have a nice day!
  • morning
    I'm still dealing with leaky faucet. The plumber has been here several times. when I called back again, the receptionist told me that she would send a different person.
    I don't go outside often but yesterday I mowed and weedeated the backyard. It was hot and I sweated but that's okay. don't know why I don't get outside more often. I did use the rider yesterday but I will push mow the front.
    I ordered some meals from a company called Freshly. I got them yesterday. The meals were half thawed. I contacted them and they had me to take pictures. I was refunded my money. then canceled my subscription.

    I'm not much of a sports fan. My great niece is playing softball and should go to watch her but it's to humid for me..
    Our 7 month old baby boy is beginning to stand on his own and is waving and saying bye bye. I sure love these kiddos.
  • Good Afternoon! It's another hot and humid day in my neighborhood. I have done a couple loads of laundry, counted the gift shop money, and balanced the "house" checkbook; think that will be my effort for the day. I feel like I am moving in slow motion after sitting through four baseball games and traveling 1000+ miles since Wednesday. Ian's team ended up being #2, losing by one run, after having two players injured in the first game last night. Ian is not a pitcher but ended up pitching the last inning because the others had used up their amount of pitches. He did pretty well considering he's not a regular pitcher. So his baseball career is over which is kind of sad. It was 95 degrees but there was a breeze even though it was a hot breeze. Getting home at midnight or later leaves me dragging the next day, and I sure don't accomplish much around the house.

    Ceejay, I hope your leaky faucet is fixed by now. That is frustrating I’m sure. I’ve wondered how ordering meals would work. It’s good you got a refund! We have been watching high school and college softball games on tv. I am amazed how fast the pitched balls are, even the boys throw hard. Ian has been hit quite a few times and had bruises.

    Next week will be some commitment every morning plus a couple afternoons. I like to spread things out more but it will work out. Hope you are keeping cool, enjoying a nice day, and doing something you enjoy.
  • Good Morning! It's going to be a hot one, 99-100 says the weatherman. We need rain! Tomorrow is supposed to be as hot then start "cooling" down to the high 80s. I have the Olympics on tv and was shocked about Simone Biles being off the U.S. team. I can't imagine the fan/team pressure on her, even the pressure she puts on herself. I'm so sad for her! My car is getting an oil change this morning and I have a haircut this afternoon. The humidity just makes me frizzy and I fight it every day. Tomorrow is my day to work in the gift shop. They have hired a new "boss" for the volunteers but I haven't met her yet. She has been in charge of the cafeteria and staff for a few years so should be ok. I need to give Maddy a call and see when she is working so we can make a road trip there. We need a few things from SAMs Club and I have school money for the kids to do some shopping. Kolby always tries for a video game but I specify clothes or school supplies. Ian and Zowie got their money at the last game. Ian invited Bob to help him move into the dorm; he really wants to use Bob's two wheel cart. ​ Not much else is newsy from here hope you enjoy a terrific Tuesday!
  • Tuesday
    It's hot but cool on the inside.
    Yesterday I went with sis to Muskogee,OK to pick up her grand-daughter. to keep her for a week.
    we went out to the house this morning to get a doll house and accessories for gd. she's been playing with it ever since. she plays well by herself.
    Nephew A is coming back home this weekend.
    Is the young lady you posted on FB your grand-daughter. She's beautiful.
  • Ceejay, yes the FB blonde is our granddaughter, Zowie. She is Ian’s sister and will be a sophomore this year. Thank you for the compliment; we think she is pretty special as all our grands are to us.
  • morning
    we are keeping my sissy's 7 year old step granddaughter this week. She's starved for attention. she's an only child. but she plays well by herself until she gets bored and then she's high maintenance. We will meet her mom half way on Saturday to take her back home.
    We are taking her to the pool this afternoon and tomorrow to a place that has trampolines etc. she's excited about the pool and wants to leave immediately but Nana is working on her practitioners license renewal this morning
    My nephew A is back from rehab and went straight to a halfway house. Im praying this time he will do better

  • Good Evening! It is much cooler today after a nice rain during the night; .97" was more than welcome and much needed. Slicing doors are open and air conditioner is off! Three guys came yesterday morning to work on the basement wall. I felt so sorry for Ernie! Usually he and Baby head to the basement when strange people come but they beat him to the door going down. He tried to get behind the tv stand and Bob finally picked him up and took him on upstairs. He hid under the desk in the spare bedroom until the guys finished four hours later. They put four large metal plates on the basement wall, then inserted rods to four metal plates they buried in the yard. The wall was only off 3/4" so Bob will use a special wrench to tighten each plate, not sure just when. Most walls are off much more than that but the original diagnosis was that it won't get any better over time. The moisture content of the soil, or lack of, is what makes walls collapse. We've seen the company trucks around town all summer but some houses are having tiling done. This afternoon we went to a visitation for a teacher who died of COVID in February. We got to visit with some other teachers and people Bob knew. The daughters are about the same ages as Beth and Jason so it was nice to see them. The husband said to be sure and take a souvenir Christmas pin displayed on a table. The teacher collected Christmas pins and had each numbered with a tiny tag. On a printed directory was the date, pin description, where she bought it, and how much she paid for it. There were hundreds listed; mine was #383, bought in Omaha, 1981, $4.00. I thought that was really special. Bob has been doing some repair work on the deck. Two corner posts had a wet wood base making them wobble, so he is engineering a better set up of some sort. I'm so thankful he is handy!

    Ceejay, I’ll bet your sister’s step granddaughter livened up your week. Hope you enjoyed having her visit. Sending positive vibes for your nephew!

    I'm thinking bed and book are beginning to sound inviting. Hope all is well with you and enjoy a super Sunday tomorrow!
  • morning
    can't believe it is August .
    yes our little one did liven up the place. she wanted to spend every minute with her Nana. even when Nana went to the bathroom but I think she had a good time. she talked all the time. Nana had to remind her several times that she was the adult and made the decisions. we are both tired.
    Nephew A went to church with us yesterday. He really looks and sounds good. The sober living place where he is staying now is in a good neighborhood and he has rules and regs for the next couple of weeks then he will be moved to a different location. This is what he needs right now. He took his laptop into work this morning. we are not sure whether he still has a job but his status was still active. He will get to see. his kids this coming weekend.
    That was a special thing for relatives to do. Tom, my bill who passed a couple of years ago. wore bow ties. we took then all. to the church and laid them on a table. Each male member took a tie and wore it. it would have made Tom proud.
    guess I need to get on with my day. need to go buy groceries and do some house cleaning
    have a great day.