Steel Magnolias — #50

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  • The whole summer i was waiting for winter and now that it's upon us I HATE IT. why can't it remein just moderately cold and not hot outside. I feel the chills even in my bones
  • It is a nice day today. I should be outside doing some things. Just lazy.
    Sis called and said that nephew is trying to get back home. His insurance is not going to pay. She told me do not give him money or buy him a plane ticket.
    Not much else is going on today. Need to exercise so I think I'm going to ride my stationary bike. better than nothing.
    Have a good afternoon.

    Welcome. Where do you live?
  • Not bad here today. It is 70 right now. We are going to get off and on rain it looks like.

    I finally finished the baby blanket and hat. I have to say I’m glad. I was bored with it. I now can go back and get my bff's white sweater done. It’s a tricky one because it’s all in one piece and it has shell scallops at the bottom and sleeves. I hope I don’t screw it up. So far so good.

    We never went out for our anniversary. I wasn’t feeling well. We’ll go out over the weekend.

    CeeJay: Where is your nephew going to go when he gets out, back home? I sure feel for your bil. He has been put through the wringer with tests and chemo and such. I hope you all don’t receive bad news today and that it is great news. I went and bought a Thanksgiving dinner from Cracker Barrel this year. It says it feeds 6 so they’ll be some leftovers. My husband loves dressing sandwiches. Ya, I know ick bread on bread, but he loves them. Are you going to your sister’s for Thanksgiving?

    Alexa: Welcome tell us about yourself. We are just three old gals now, but we enjoy each other’s company. I live in Memphis, my husband is retired Navy but still works full time for the City of Memphis. We have two kids, a son and a daughter and two grandsons, 12 and 19. I am a stay at home and pretty much knit all the time. We are big cruisers so we travel doing that year to year.

    Everyone have a good Wednesday!!
  • Good Afternoon! The sun has been in and out most of the day, a 20+ mph wind is blowing left over leaves around, and it is a "warm" 57 degrees. Rain is predicted during the night mixed with snow tomorrow. The crazy weather continues. I think I over cleaned (?? ha ha) for card club. I finally gave up and hit the places that were pretty visible and called it good, but I have been tired ever since! Next card club is in March so will start getting ready sooner than I did this time. Not much is going on in my corner of the world except my "mom" is in the hospital. Her daughter sent me a text saying they were going to drain fluid. I'm not sure why or from where so waiting to hear. She is 93 and spends her days sitting in her recliner with no interest in tv, reading, or anything else. I can't imagine how long her days must be.

    “Gma,” a belated Happy Anniversary to you and Jack! The years do have a way of flying by for sure. The last time we were in Maui there was an Elvis impersonator there. I wanted to go see the show and Bob was willing to go but the other couple voted for something else on the same night. Afterwards we heard from several people he was very good. I told Bob if he is still there (most likely not) I am going to the show no matter what! I wasn’t much of a fan as a kid but do like his singing now.

    Alexa, welcome to our very small group! We offer lots of moral support! I am not a big winter fan but somehow we missed out on spring and fall weather this year. We’ve had some of each mixed in with winter and summer this year.

    Ceejay, I hope your bil gets good news from the doctor today. I have heard that Branson really decorates for Christmas. We have bus tours from around our area but it seems like I always have too many things on my schedule so never go. I hope there is some way your nephew can stay in rehab. It sounds like it would qualify for a hardship case with what is going on with his wife, selling the house, moving, etc. I wish him good luck.

    I need to unload the dishwasher, then fold a load of towels. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
  • Bil did not get a good report from his surgeon. The tumor has not decreased in size. But it hasn't spread. Plus the spots on his liver are not looking good.
    Nephew is coming back this afternoon. His mom bought him a bus ticket, and he will be staying with her in Branson until he can make other living arrangements.
    I mulched the leaves yesterday as they were getting thick but after the rain today I'll have to do them again next week. I use the riding mower so it's not to bad. Tree is almost bare.
    It's time for me to get started for the day. Have my "just for today" list written down.
    My nephew made it home about 3.20 Thursday afternoon. He was tired. His bus trip ended up being 26 hours long.
  • Good evening. It was rainy today. I did a few things around the house, folded a load of laundry and that was about it. I have a hair appt tomorrow to get this mop cut and colored. It has run amok.

    Unless I feel unwell we’re going out for our anniversary dinner. It is supposed to rain again, but hopefully it will have stopped by the time we go out. I hate wearing raincoats and dragging umbrellas and such.

    Jack seems pretty tired tonight again. I think working full time is beginning to catch up with him. He has gained weight which doesn’t help either. He’s going to have to have the other hand worked on next year. It is starting to give him a lot of trouble. The good thing is the cortisone shot he got for the “trigger” finger is still working.

    CeeJay: I am so sorry you all didn’t get better news. Hopefully the new stuff will work for him better. I hope your nephew can get his head on straight and get himself straightened around. He has children he needs to be responsible for even if they don’t stay together.

    Jean: The ship is now out of their refurb so it has on the new things on it. I am looking forward to going to Miami as I have never been. We’ll get there Thursday and ship leaves on Sunday. My friend flies in on Friday. We saw an Elvis impersonator who was a real young guy in Branson a few years ago. He was really good. He gave me his scarf and a teddy bear. I had a lady get irked he gave me two things. It was ridiculous but she was mad.

    Everyone have a goodcevening.
  • Good Afternoon! We have sunshine! It's a chilly 32 degrees but seems warmer than that because the wind isn't blowing. I've done some laundry and now trying to sort through a gift shop snafu. The bank statement says the gift shop charged $3000+ for merchandise, my invoices don't come close to that figure, and the list from the hospital accountant doesn't match either figure. I called my "boss" and she will work on it Monday with the accountants. There are two new accountants and the third "supervisor" in charge who is clueless. I've asked her questions before, when she is helping, and I might as well ask Ernie!

    Ceejay, I am sorry about your bil’s latest report. It’s good the tumor isn’t growing but the liver spots are not good news. I hope your nephew did some soul searching on his bus ride home. That is a long ride! I’m glad he will be staying with his mom instead of you. We have more leaves down after the rain and wind on Wednesday; Bob said he will get the mower out again and bag them for the landfill. I like your “just for today list” idea!

    “Gma,” Bob has gotten into the habit of an after lunch nap. Usually it’s 15 or 20 minutes then he’s ready to go again. His bad habit is watching a late night movie, falling asleep, then coming to bed. My trigger thumb is working 100% since my cortisone shot. I hope Jack’s continues likewise. Where do you usually sail from? I am to say I don’t remember where we left from since our travel companion made all the arrangements and we just paid our bill.

    Hope you are enjoying a nice day and looking forward to the weekend!
  • Evening
    I've gotten a lot done today. Cleaned out the upper cabinets in the kitchen and will clean out a couple of drawers tomorrow. Even though I don't get everything done on my just for today list I am getting some things accomplished.
    I ate a whole small pizza yesterday and did not enjoy it one bit. I didn't realize how much grease sits on the top of those things. I paid for it last night and this morning. plus I gained 2 pounds from it. I hope I've learned my lesson. sigh.
    Not much else is going on.

    Hope the error can be found.
    I hope the best for my nephew. He needs to take one day at a time. and work on his steps, which he is meeting with his AA counselor tonight and then going to an AA meeting. I am a bit concerned that he will be driving those hills in the bad weather and I'm going to suggest he stay with me those days and or nights or go to Ash Grove.
  • Good morning. Overcast and chilly this morning. Very gloomy outside. Got my hair cut and colored and it feels so much better. I told her to pixie cut it and showed her a picture. She really liked it so now I have a cut I can handle better.

    I’m going to be doing some housecleaning today and the tv will be on all day with college football. The neighbors woke me up around three pounding on walls and moving furniture or something. So I am kind of pooped this morning.

    We had a nice dinner last night even though it was raining heavy the whole evening. I think tomorrow afternoon we’re going to see “The Battle of Midway.”

    Jean: We started having dinner later and having Jack come home and take a nap or at least just relax for an hour or so. Sounds like somebody boobooed with the gift shop stuff. For the big ships they sail out of Port Canaveral, Miami, or Fort Lauderdale. They also sail out of Bayonne, NJ. I think, if I remember right, you sailed out of Fort Lauderdale. They cut down any trees that were on our decks, but I still have oak leaves on the deck from somewhere.

    CeeJay: Lawn wise it’s definitely the worst time of year because of leaves. The owner of my salon owns two, one in a warehouse and the other in an old style home. The gal took me to the shampoo room and I was smelling pizza. They were cooking pizza in the kitchen for the employees. Man, it smelled good. If you have a pizza craving, get english muffins, jarred pizza sauce, mozzarella, and veggies and make single pizzas. Your nephew can get the dragon off his back if he’d just lean on his sponsor and go to meetings. Wishing good luck for him.

    Everybody have a good weekend!
  • Good Morning! The sun is shining again today! I've washed sheets, have another load washing, and written gift shop checks this morning. Bob worked on his tractor yesterday while his farmer friend cleaned corn out of the grain cart. It was stuck to the sides from being wet when put in the cart. He just dumped the corn on the ground so Bob went back with buckets and scooped it up. We will have happy squirrels and blue jays! I need to write a couple sympathy cards as well as church birthday cards.

    Ceejay, you were a busy gal yesterday! I need to go through my kitchen cupboards, clean them, and get rid of things I no longer use. I have several of the silver (doesn’t tarnish kind) serving trays and bowls given to us as wedding gifts. They need to go! Once in awhile we will order a pepperoni pizza and I always mop the grease off the top. Obviously the “new” hospital accountant needs to look for the mistake and put the money back in the gift shop account. Unfortunately it probably won’t be until the next cycle and we will lose what little interest we earn. I hope your nephew has recovery success this time! He has the tools to use.

    ”Gma,” I heard the Midway movie is a good one. It hasn’t been here yet but would like to see it. Did you have shrimp last night? We had left over card club munchies. I think we did leave from Fort Lauderdale; I know it was a smaller ship to go through the canal. It doesn’t seem so cold with the sun shining but I am ready for warm! Several couples from church head to Arizona and have tried to talk us into coming there for a month or so. Several have bought in retirement areas with all kinds of activities. Ernie isn’t a good rider and I can’t see paying a sitter for him so not happening any time soon. We weren’t that impressed with Arizona when we visited Bob’s parents years ago but have been assured there are nicer areas than where we were.

    I need to get my cards written and out in the mail box. Hope you all have a nice day and enjoy it!
  • Good Afternoon! We have had another sunny day but the weather is supposed to change tomorrow with 5-7" of snow tomorrow night and into Wednesday. Rain and snow on Thursday, then more snow Friday and Saturday. It will be interesting to see what really happens. I am making a Snickers salad for Thursday and debated about the grocery store stop this morning. I needed to practice my bell piece so did that after we finished church counting. Then I made the gift shop deposit and dropped checks off at the hospital. I really just needed apples and Cool Whip so went to the store right after lunch. It was crazy busy to say the least. I knew the checker and said that people acted like they were never going to eat again, thinking it was Thanksgiving shopping. She said it was the weather forecast that brought people out, and it was just as crazy this morning. If the weather cancels Thursday travel we will eat hamburger and Snickers salad!

    I need to put some laundry away and think about something for supper. We have pizza I bought from a day care fund raiser, so that might be it. Enjoy your evening!
  • Good Evening! We have serious snow fall going on with an east wind blowing off the lake. At least one kitten is holed up in their little house, maybe two. The black kitten is hard to see except for his eyes when he is at the door peeking out. I've been doing house chores trying to ignore the weather that started about 2 this afternoon. Lots of schools are already closed for tomorrow and area colleges sent students home yesterday in anticipation of the bad weather moving in. I guess winter has officially begun ready or not.

    I need to clear off the counter clutter and write a church birthday card. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
  • Good morning! From around 2 pm yesterday all through the night we had major storms. It rained so hard the windows rattled. Somehow we never lost power though. This morning it is cooler again and the sun is shining and the skies are clear. I know a lot of the country is expecting bad weather for Thanksgiving. We’re just going to be cloudy tomorrow.

    We have to go pick up our Thanksgiving dinner at 3 pm. I got an email saying not to come early just be on time. Everything will be cooked and refrigerated then tomorrow we just heat it up. We’ve gone to Cracker Barrel on Thanksgiving before with Tom and Kelly so we know the food is good. We get sliced turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, green beans, mac n cheese and rolls. We ordered a pumpkin and pecan pie. It serves 6 but thats ok we’ll have some leftovers that way. You always want a bit of leftover.

    Jack took today off so he has a 5 day little vacation. I’m sure he’ll enjoy it.

    Jean: Oh boy hope you can get out to go for Thanksgiving. My sister loves living in AZ. I think if we’d come into money, at this point we’d move out there. I did have shrimp for our dinner. It was yummy. My bff doesn’t eat much seafood so we are going to take her to Bubba Gumps after she gets off the plane. I guess she can get a hamburger if she doesn’t want to try anything. I’m not real adventurous, but I’ll eat crab, shrimp, lobster, and fish. Jack likes scallops.

    Well everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow.
  • Good Morning! It has quit snowing and Bob estimated 5-6". Thank goodness we have a good snow blower because this was a heavy wet snow and where the plow piles the end of the driveway is even worse. People aren't good about removing leaves along the curbs so have leaves along with snow. The wind is blowing and supposedly it feels like 15 degrees outside. I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere today! Bob had a dentist appointment at 8 and the dentist called to tell him not to come until she could get to the office. He went a half hour later then was going to his office.

    “Gma,” your dinner sounds delicious! I am always surprised when macaroni and cheese is included in the menu. I’ve never known anyone up here who does that. It’s nice that Jack has a longer than usual weekend. Will he lose vacation days if he doesn’t use them? Beth’s company lets them take half days, or in her case, hours. That works nicely for the kid’s doctor appointments. My stepmom is still in the hospital so will visit her there tomorrow if she is still there. It will be quick because she doesn’t visit much any more. The four lane highway on the way to Sioux City was closed during the night because they pulled the plows off. There are some pretty good hills and I wondered how they could see where to plow when they could go again. Bob said there was a tv program about how they use GPS in the mountains. I think I would stay home! I hope the weather cooperates for your friend to get to Florida and you all can sail with no problems.

    Ceejay, are you ready for Thanksgiving?

    I need to find my Christmas wreath and candle for the coffee table, dust, and vacuum. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Wednesday!
  • Morning
    My sis is having Thanksgiving at her house on Saturday this year. I usually help her that day but don't have to bring anything.

    Don't blame you for doing the Cracker Barrel Thanksgiving meal. My niece, who lives in Georgia, is doing that this year also. I've tried to talk sis in to doing this but she likes to cook.

    Nephew has been staying with me since Monday. I'm going to let him go back to moms after the holidays. Sis says I spoil him and I probably do. And he needs continuity in his life and sis can do that easier than myself. And he needs to learn that life has certain consequences when you fail.
    His wife is getting ready to close on the house. They moved some things in the garage last night. Nephew thinks he'll go back home after this. But I don't think he's ready to do that yet, nor does his wife. She needs him for sure to help with the kiddo's etc. and pay the bills. But to cause disruption in her and the children's life no.
    Went to the gym yesterday and it felt good but I was really tired from my work out.
    Still cleaning and reorganizing in the kitchen. Almost done there.
    We had storms yesterday and last night that seemed to break apart before they got here. We did get a bit of rain and wind when the cold front came through last night. Today we have sunshine and temps in the high 30's. with very cold wind. My bones are cold this morning.
    Bil had his new chemo treatment on Monday and he's tolerating it better. I was shocked when he called me at 11 and told me he would be through by noon. Sis was still at home due to a stomach bug and thankfully he nor I caught it. She went back to work yesterday.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving