July Daily Thread South Beach

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  • Good morning,

    Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit! Going to start off us strong and hope we have a good month. June wasn't a good month for me op, so going to commit to staying on track this month despite work issues. As long as I am eating op I am not going to get on the scale so I can keep going without worrying about loss. If I go off plan, then I will get on the scale the next day. I am going to continue to do walking videos this month but have to give up the bike as it flared up my right knee tendinitis and still trying to calm that down.

    Here's to a great month for all of us.
  • Good afternoon,

    Well yesterday was a good day op, going for another day. Joined my fitness pal with my boss so we can stay accountable for staying on track as well. Today was wfh, had to take kitty to vet for annual and then tonight we are going to see the new spider man movie.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Happy 4th of July!
  • Hello everyone!

    Happy 4th of July!

    I've not had access to 3FC for at least a week now. Nothing on my phone and I persisted on my computer and finally got in. Just to let you know I'm still kicking and motivated to be OP. I'm nearing my lowest weight since starting this journey but clothes are baggier then they were at this weight last time around....probably due to continued days at restaurant.

    My news of the month is that Kirk and I are headed to Grand Canyon on the 21st. Rose and Beth may remember his rim to rim trips with his geology class. The professor is having a reunion with students in honor of the 100th Anniversary of GC becoming a National Park. We will be gone for 4-1/2 days total but 2 nights on the North Rim. We have coverage for both the Laundromat and Lily the pup....I made a hotel reservation in January knowing we might have to cancel. It looks good at this point.

    I've been working hard in the yards both East and West of the Continental Divide. We've had funny weather here. My sister went skiing today if you can believe it. Rivers are running high as lots of snow still melting.

    Well I'd best get to some chores. I work tomorrow.

    If you still aren't hearing from me its because I still don't have access from my phone....I rarely get to the computer these days.

    Take care everyone!
  • Good morning chicks 🙋
    Hope everyone had a fun 4th. Ours was quiet at home, happily watching parades, concerts & fireworks on TV.
    Lexxiss, your adventures never end. Enjoy!
    Pearlrose, thanks for getting July going & keeping us active.
    Beth, hope your vacation is wonderful.
    I continue to keep my eating between ph1.5-2. Walking's been limited to out with the dog, which is hardly exercise. I need to do better. Weight's down another lb, I'll take it.
    Hope everyone has an amazing weekend✌
  • Good morning, chicks!
    We are back from a week in Maine. We had a good time and it was great that both of my boys were able to join us. My only regret is we didn't do a whale watch but I'll put that on next year's list!
    Rose, thanks for holding down the fort while the rest of us were MIA. This is the week you might find out about your job, correct? Sending you positive vibes!
    Cenari, we usually spend the 4th at home as well, although there is a local parade I like to attend. This year there was an awesome fireworks display on the beach to view!
    Debbie, I came back from a week away to find the garden had exploded with growth, both the veggies/flowers and the weeds. Weeding is on the morning's agenda.

    Today I am starting in on 2 weeks of clean P1. I need to reset my eating and mindset. I think I will head over to the recipe section and jog my memory of some favorite recipes I have forgotten.

    Have a great day, chicks.
  • One successful day of P1.
    Here's to Day 2 (and maybe that whoosh....)
  • Starting in on Day 3. Dropped 2 pounds so far (yes, I know it is water weight but I'll take it!). Getting back into the mindset.

    Other than that I have been busy with lots of yard work. This morning's agenda is DMV and groceries. Not sure if I will try to walk today since we are looking at 90*.

    Have a great day, chicks!
  • Good morning!
    Way to go Beth The woosh will come.
    I have gotten in decent daily walks this week, without the dog. They dug the foundation on our lot & the walk up is quite an incline. I look forward to that getting easier. I'm also getting myself back to yoga with a class Fri, so been stretching to prepare for that.
    Hope all ya'll have a wonderful hump day✌
  • Good evening,

    Sorry I have been MIA but been a busy week having to go in every day to work with the company that is taking over in planning phase. So the position I applied for changed a bit so now I have to apply again. I applied for 3 they said we would know who was hired by Aug 15th so we will know if we need to look elsewhere before Dec 6th. Ugh I am over this already. Food has not been good and I injured my right knee while bike riding. Went for Post op today and Doctor was very please with progress of left knee, thinks I may have torn meniscus on right knee so have MRI scheduled for next Thursday.

    Sorry for the downer post, I will try to stay upbeat and am just wore out right now.

    Beth so glad you are doing well, I will go back to phase 1 shortly, just haven't had time to go grocery shopping.

    Ceneri good for you getting daily walks, once I get the right knee fixed I think I am just going to stick to walking and yoga and nothing else.

    Have a wonderful evening.
  • Hi Chicks!
    Pearlrose, you have every right to feel down & frustrated. I'd be getting in trouble by now with my mouth. No offense, but the new folks don't seem very together. And employers wonder why employees are rarely loyal anymore. Seriously, you have to look out for yourself & sadly, keep in mind it's a job. You have an amazing good attitude despite & understand to focus on what's in your control.
    I hope your knee isn't too painful & gets a chance to heal.
    DD2 & family are coming this weekend. I need to clean & stock up to feed others. Hopefully, the rain will let up this weekend so they can enjoy some time out.
    Happy Friday & weekend ahead to all✌
  • Good morning, chicks. I've been doing some cleaning around the house this morning so I'm feeling productive. We had some big thunderstorms last evening (and lost power for a half hour) and it is still raining this morning. I can't really complain too much since we have had nice sunny weather the rest of the week. Food is still OP; tonight it will be the old standby tacobake for dinner.

    Cenari, enjoy your time with the family this weekend!
    Pearlrose, so sorry to hear your latest job stresses! I will echo Cenari and say you seem to have a great attitude. Hang in there.
    Debbie, hope things are going well!

    Happy Friday, chicks.
  • Good morning,

    Hoping to get back on track with eating starting today. DH and I are going to work baseball game later on today. Need to clean a bit around the house but DD2 had a friends over last night and they spend the night they stay up into the wee hours of the night so they are all still sleeping.

    Beth glad Phase 1 is working with you to get back on track.

    Cenari enjoy your family this weekend.

    Have a great day everyone
  • Good afternoon.
    I've been out enjoying the weather today: it is sunny and low humidity so I spent the morning working in the gardens. It looks like we will get rain the bulk of the week, remnants of the storm down south. I have an indoor chore list to attack when I can't get outside.
    Food has been good and my weight is moving in the right direction. Funny how that works....who would have thunk it: stay OP, lose weight!

    Pearlrose, thinking of you and all your are dealing with! Hang in there and know we are behind you.
    Cenari, hope you had a good family visit. I am selfish and wish my kids were closer by!
    Debbie, hope all is well.

    Have a great rest of the day chicks!
  • Good morning,

    After a couple of days of rainy weather due to Barry, we are now going into a heat wave. I have been going into work every day but was able to stay home today and just webex in to meeting. Have to go in tomorrow for early meeting, but then I have MRI on right knee and follow up meeting with doc right afterwards so I will know if we need to do a scope (I am thinking yes due to it feels the same way my left knee used to). Then have afternoon meeting, but then I have a 3 day weekend, I took off Friday, we are going to go for fitting for DD1 wedding dress and then we are all of to Chicago she is walking in procession to receive her BSN. Sunday is her first bridal shower here in my town with her friends. Food has not been good, with all the stress just haven't been as good at staying op. I am planning on starting Phase 1 on Monday to start getting back on track. Interviews should start soon for the 23 positions that are available under new VP, I applied for 4. The managed services has 130 positions but none for my area, but my DS and his GF will be hired on by them so that is great news. There are around 215 to 300 people affected, so quite a few are going to have to look elsewhere. They are saying we will know about the 23 positions by Aug 12th who got them so that gives everyone else still 4 months to find something.

    I hope if you are in the heat dome that you are able to stay cool.

    Beth glad to hear you are doing so good on Phase 1, hopefully joining you on Monday.

    Ceneri and Debbie

    Have a wonderful day.