Diabetes and Prediabetes Chat - Summer 2018

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  • Had a good "up" day. 3 meals, all low carb and then raspberries for dessert after supper. If I can stop now I'm gold. Dang DH just got the chips out. I will NOT sit with him to watch this movie. Argh.
  • weight is oddly down a bit after my "up" day, maybe will be higher tomorrow? BS was 5.0 fasting this morning! thats 90. Wow I am regularly seeing FBS below 100. I am thrilled.
    The heat wave broke yesterday, and we had a normal day yesterday, and a very cool night. Almost 60 people died in Quebec during the heat wave, no numbers reported here in Ontario, but I think it was not quite as intense. They say sometimes the elderly don't feel the heat the same way. I remember the summer we moved Dad from his apartment, it was stifling hot and very hot there, but he didn't realize that. I had him at my place a lot of the time until we got him into assisted living. I wonder if we would have lost him that summer if he hadn't been willing to stay with me and then to move. So glad we had him that extra time.

    Have a lovely weekend friends

  • I am feeling pretty good today. We ended up going to the casino. Ever since I started having my foot pain I have been staying in one place there, but last night I was back to walking all over the place. I'm still a little achy, but not anywhere like before. And again, I came up the cellar steps when we got home without the screaming pain in my knee afterwards. I don't know if this means the supplements are doing their job, or if the pain is just subsiding. I had cramps in my feet overnight and had to get out of bed and stand on the foot to get it to stop. First it was the right foot then a little later it was the left foot. I quit using the epsom salts lotion because I hadn't been having any cramps but now I'm back to it again. It contains magnesium which is absorbed into the body through the skin. I hate to admit to DH that he was right that I need to start walking more. I won't tell him he was right. I hope it continues this way.

    Mad, I don't know if an up day will actually give you a higher weight now that you are well into fasting, but if it does, it will just be fluid weight. You're doing very well with this.

    Trish, I certainly agree with your Dad, that you should do what you can live with and not listen to what other people say. I don't really know how much protein I'm getting per day, but it's probably not anywhere near 30gm per meal. There are some who say we need the protein and other who say not too much. The doctor on My 600 Lb Life puts his patients on a high protein, low carb diet. I think I need it, and I don't think I ever eat it to excess. The past few times I logged my food on Fitday I noticed that I am low on most of my nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, compared to the minimum requirement. The only answer I have to that is to take a multi vitamin/mineral. I used to take Centrum Silver but I stopped when I didn't think it was doing anything for me. It's not expensive and I don't think it will hurt me.

    I was reading reviews of the car I wanted to buy and most said that it didn't have a lot of leg room. DH is 5'11. I had a Cavalier once that was a tight fit for him so this car might also be too small for him. We are going to stop at a local car lot so he can try it out before we look into it further. If he can't fit in it, it's out, and I will just keep the car I have. It's not a beauty but it runs good and is fine. I only go local. We use the other car for longer trips.

    We didn't have any rain yesterday, and the forecast for the next 8 days shows no rain at all. That's amazing after all the rain we've had recently. The temps are to remain under 90 degrees, too. That's wonderful.
  • Carol; I am so happy you are able to walk again and that your foot pain is better. I hadn't heard about the magnesium lotion, thats great if its helping. You could also consider epsom salt foot baths, or even in bath water to soak away pain, the magnesium sulphate is absorbed a bit and it very soothing.

    I don't necessarily agree with high protein, most of us don't need the protein, and we will take what we don't use and turn it into carbs. Better to replace carbs with fat that doesn't affect our blood sugar. I have always known this but haven't been able to live it for any length of time. But two things: I probably wasn't getting enough fat. It does help to feel more satisfied. Also, with the fasting, I know I don't have to completely give up treats on occasion. Those occasions need to be much further apart than before (like weekly or less, currently much less until I have lost more weight) so I don't have to completely give up any foods. It is also maybe helping that I had such a bad reaction to the gluten, so I will be very compliant with that. That said, if those people are having good results, thats great. I'm all for it.

    have a fun Saturday!
  • We went and looked at the car and DH says it feels fine, but he looked a little cramped to me with the seat pushed all the way back and the seat back somewhat reclined. They said they would not budge on the price so they are out. Another dealer has one for a better price, but they also have a different car I might like better. It's never good for me to make a snap decision.

    Mad, I have noticed that sitting in my computer chair for long periods of time effects my walking. My knee is stiff and hurts but usually improves once I get up and walk around. I could sit in my recliner and use my tablet but for some reason it won't hold 3FatChicks. I can type a few words then it kicks me out. Other websites are fine. I don't know what the problem is. That's what I did when my internet wasn't working on my PC. I was able to get on with the tablet and type "no internet" before I got kicked out, just to let you guys know where I was. It makes me angry, but I can't get it to work. The only thing I didn't try was using it with it plugged in, but that defeats the purpose of a tablet.

    I think the high protein is more for those with a lot of fat to lose, and you do not fall into that category. And there's always the how high is too high. For me, I rarely feel hungry. I think I just eat too much food all around.
  • Carol Sue Glad to hear that you are able to walk up stairs without knee pain and the foot pain has improved so. I can't get in and out of bath tub any more because it hurts my knees so haven't been able to sit in tub of Epsom salts in yrs, I didn't know the make a cream. I will check into that. Our car is old, but we just don't want a car payment. DH takes good enough care of our cars so that we can drive it for years so we do.

    fatmad I noticed when I did the alternate day thing that I sometimes would have a loss the day after a large meal. In fact years ago when I low carbed most days and had an occasional off day with more food, I seemed to get a swoosh.

    I read years ago that women, at least some women, should not eat more than 90 grams of protein a day because too much protein can cause cancer in some women. The book was written by a doctor and I think it was named The Truth about Protein. Of course, now they say we should be eating more fat so what I do on MFP is I set my carbs to be under 100 grams, protein 94 (only because you can't get it exact on there) and I let the rest be fat. Then I don't worry if I go a little over the fat although I never eat near the amount it shows on there. Sometimes I go over on carbs like today, I'm making a homemade pizza with extra cheese and sauce. I try to have that once in a while since DH loves it and it is something different. I might just have to scrape some of the cheese and sauce off and maybe mix it in my salad. I'm trying to do better to keep the carbs down.

    Yesterday went fine. I did really well and I was rewarded with a 2.2 lb loss for this week and my FBS has been 145 for 2 days now. I did have a small protein with my shake to make the 30 grams protein. I really don't want to do too high a protein. Instead of trying to get 30 for 3 meals to equal 90 g, I am just trying to get the 90 g for the whole day. I also don't want to eat when I first get up just to get the protein although they claim the protein first then in the morning starts my system to burning fat for the day. They also claim that by eating protein at evening time causes out body to burn fat while we sleep. Not sure about all that either. I guess I need to get back to reading the Phinney/Volek books. I'm just hoping that the IF way of eating will help do all that without having to be so strict and exact on the percentages of fat, carbs and protein.

    As long as what I am doing works, I will eating this way because I am enjoying foods I like and I don't feel deprived. I am back to learning how to cook a lot of restaurant food we like at home so I can control what is in it better.

    Y'all have a pleasant week end.
  • I am back and fired up. I was able to do 30 minutes on the recumbent bike this morning and I have pulled my calories, protein, carbs and protein as well as sodium back where they need to be. There is just something about getting through yesterday that actually empowered me and the exercise just pushed me over into the mood to want to do this. I'm learning I can fit the foods I like within the guidelines that I need to in order to lose weight and get my bs under control.

    I got knocked off when my new doctor wasn't as happy with my 30 minutes on the bike like my SC doctor was. I know the walking is important and hopefully the bike and weight loss will help me get better at the walking, but right now I just need to do what I can do so that I can eventually do what I can't do now.

    I feel like the Heller's CAD is a good plan except for one thing, there are a lot more info out there about some of the foods the didn't allow on their lower carb meals that they didn't know back then. I saw this with the New Atkin's Diet that Drs. Phinney and Volek helped write. I would like to think that some of the changes they made in that book that Dr. Atkin's would approve of because of increased knowledge. So consider my plan a Modified form of CAD by using a lot of the newer info we have learned from todays doctor's who are using more of the low carb, keto type diets.
  • Trish, I am sorry that the doctor discouraged you by telling you to walk instead of the recumbent bike. That is just one person's opinion. My first cardiolgist told me that walking does something that other exercise does not do. It causes your body to form extra little blood vessels in the legs that help with the blood circulation. I might not have that 100% right, but that's the gist of it. So I think that's where doctors get the idea that walking is the better exercise. However, I don't think that means that the bike is not good exercise, and if this is what works for you, then you should continue to do it. I feel that any movement is better than not moving. You are giving your larger muscles a work out and elevating your heart rate.

    I think the whole purpose of CAD is to only have one insulin response per day, in the reward meal. That's why it's important not to have carbs in the complimentary meals. It is not the same principal as other low carb plans.

    Also, I heard that Dr Phinney does not approve of fasting. He still seems to see it as calorie restriction and feels that it slows metabolism and causes the loss of lean body mass. Other proponents of fasting say that that does not happen, that fasting works differently than calorie restriction. I can't prove ether one of them right or wrong. They both have their studies that back them up. We just have to decide which plan works best for us and follow that plan.

    Trish, one thing I like about my car is it's paid for. I only carry liability insurance on it because it is not worth much, but it does run good and gets me where I want to go. We use it a lot around town so we don't put too many miles on the newer car. So I agree with you that it's not needed to get another car payment. But the reason I want to do this is to put our money into something tangible instead of in the slot machines. I am trying to get DH to cut back on the casino trips, and he can't go if the money is spent on something else. It's fun to go once in a while, but he wants to go all the time. It's just annoying. LOL
  • Trish, I have Dt Teal's Epsom Salt that I bought in Walmart and I also can't get in and out of the bathtub to soak, but I do use it to soak my feet occasionally. I don't know what led me to this Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Body Lotion. I found it at Walmart.com. It didn't say they had it in the store but I got it delivered to the store free and picked it up there. It was less than $5 for a big tube. It says it is with ginger & clay for detoxify and energy. It contains magnesium silicate and magnesium sulfate, along with a long list of other ingredients. I don't remember what I was looking for when I found it a while back but I figured it was so inexpensive I would try it. I never got any foot/leg cramps while I was applying it nightly, but did get them when I stopped for a week or so. So I am going to continue to use it as long as it helps. They may eventually start carrying it in the store, maybe near where they sell the epsom salts.
  • weight is steady, no gains since I finished fasting. Quite pleased about that. FBS 5.8, not as good as I would like, but ok. Am thinking of fasting today until supper. That would make a 23 hr fast. We are going to a movie this afternoon, and I think it will be easier to fast than try to eat a little popcorn or something. I considered fasting yesterday, but I also want to go to the farmer's market and get some good food for the next few days, now that DD is home from her trip we needed to fill up. I am trying to get so much packaging out of our lives. They pack meat in styrofoam at our grocery stores, and that is one thing I just want gone from the universe. Got our fresh meat packed in nice butcher paper at the market, as well as fresh strawberries, cherries and veggies. In summer its Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, so we can buy every few days for now, since we have so little freezer space.
    I can see that I will have to plan my fasts a bit, as I don't want to have lots of yummy food on hand and have it go bad because I felt like fasting for a few days. DH and DD don't seem to eat that well and use the food as much as when I cook. I go back to work tomorrow, but am not on call until Thursday so I can be cooking for the next few days.

    I tried the magnesium citrate 300 mg before bed, and didn't take any meds at all so thats twice in a row, and had decent sleeps both times. I will keep this up for the week until I go back on call. I also did the guided yoga nidra meditation yesterday and again before bed. I am doing this like cognitive behavioural therapy, trying to get my sleep re-regulated. If I can get sleep this way and get off meds, including benedryl and Gravol to help me sleep, I would be really pleased with that too.

    Trish, something seems to be working, I hope you can keep this going so well. Carol, enjoy the shopping, sometimes its fun to try out all these different vehicles and see what works. It IS important that DH is comfy in whatever you get. My man is also tall, and while he can bend easily and fit in anything, any trip longer than 20 minutes and he gets uncomfortable and tired if he can't stretch and move a bit. Not worth it. In the end, we couldn't find a smaller north american made car that worked, except the Toyota. Glad they are made in Canada now so no guilt about buying imports. We don't like larger cars, but the big 3 don't do such a good job with the smaller ones.

    OH found out about collagen, supposed to be good for joints. Is that why you take in TamTam? Has it been working well for you?

    Hello to momtopants, TamTam and everyone else lurking. Happy Sunday

  • Mad, when I still worked I had a really nice Chevy Cavalier. DH could fit in it, but he wasn't comfortable so other than me taking it to work a couple miles each way we rarely drove it. It was a waste, so we traded it in. Now I'm interested in getting a crossover. Bigger than a car, but smaller than an SUV. The seats are a little higher than a car and it's easier for me to get in and out with my bad knees. If we don't find one that really suits us we will just keep the one I have that runs good and is paid for. LOL

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
  • A quick check in. Busy day today. Going to see Daddy so DH can fix his computer and then got to go to Sam's club for tomatoes and gasoline and Walmart to get groceries and meds. Will get take home but not sure what yet.

    My FBS was 145 again today and was 108 before dinner yesterday. I've been having the evening snack, but may try to stop it today if I can. Will just have to see how it goes. Weight was up a little this morning, but I'm sure that was all the sodium in the cheese pizza we ate yesterday. I ate 2 pieces with the crust and then ate the toppings off the other. I think giving up the evening snack would help a lot.

  • Hi Trish, I hope you had a nice visit with your Dad and your DH got the computer fixed.

    We went out and bought the car this morning. I didn't end up getting the one I had wanted in the first place. They had another one we liked, it was a year newer, and had more room for DH so we went with that. It's is a Chevrolet, which we tend to buy all the time so DH is happy about that. It was a good price and our payments are reasonable. I was worried last night, thinking about taking on another payment, but I have 401K money that we cal always fall back on if we get in a bind, and we really did want to get rid of the other old car. It was past it's expiration date.

    My weight is down a lb, but remember, I am working on a regain, so 6 more lbs to get back to my recent low. Baby steps.
  • I started fasting again last night. Turns out its easier when I work, keeps me occupied. See how long I can go. Would like to do a longer fast, but 36-42 hrs will be ok if thats all I can do. No real news today.

    I am happy for you to have a newer better car Carol. Safety, and convenience of not having it the shop all the time are important.

  • Forgot to take my metformin last night, FBS was 5.8 this am, although I am 36 hours into my fast. Have been reading more about insulin reactions. I am worried about DH.
    He is really a carb addict. Without me cooking, or him cooking for me, he is eating sugar (popsicles and ice cream) and simple carbs, (plain pasta) and just crap! Even though he is tall and skinny, he is showing signs of visceral fat buildup.
    Meanwhile, he is cycling more, trying to get into shape!. I want to cry. He is being supportive of me with the fasting and low carb eating, although he doesn't understand it. But meanwhile, he is treating himself poorly. I know I can't make him eat well, and I can't change him, it has to come from within. He thinks he is immune because he is skinny.
    Well, I used to be skinny. I used to be able to eat anything and everything and not gain weight.
