Diabetes and Prediabetes Chat - Spring 2018

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  • fatmad It makes sense to me that eating too much of some of the foods we eat like veggies or even fruit can cause us to run to potty. Reading that made me remember that when I worked in a health food store that the owner used to tell me that vegetables are the broom that cleans out our digestive tract and that fruit is the mop. There used to be a diet called Fit For Life by a man named Diamond. I thinkwas his name. He had you cycle eat. For 8 hrs from 4 am to 12 noon you eat only fruit which is called elimination period. You eat whatever food you are going to eat between noon and 8 pm then from 8 pm till 4 am the next day you eat nothing to give your digestive tract time to process the food you ate and rest. He also had a combining rule of you were not to eat protein and starchy carbs at the same meal. Veggies were eaten with starchy carbs or proteins but not together because he said when you ate them together the food lays in the stomach too long and ferments. I don't think his plan ever caught on, but from what you have shared I can see how and why it could work.

    The Fit For Live way of eating was the diet plan I shared with my Oriental doctor who diagnosed me with diabetes the first time. When I showed it to him he said, "Oh, this is how my wife eats". She was a cute tiny Oriental nurse.

    I can see from what you have shared that sometimes when I have the potty issues that I have eaten a lot of veggies. CAD/CALP requires at least a 2 cup salad before the RM. It requires eating veggies (some eat a lot) with the protein we have at CM. I think of the time I told my S.C. doctor that I didn't understand my problem because I eat a healthy foods and he said, "Maybe you eat too much healthy food". I really believe I can see what has caused me the potty issues I've had. So thanks for sharing what you are learning with us. I think I'm on the right track, but I also think I need to tweak it better and perhaps CAD/CALP isn't what I need to be doing.

    I get emails with info from MFP. I've never paid to be on their site for help but I just might consider it. However, for now I look into their articles more. I'm seeing a lot of interesting info on there. I am in the process of making my own eating plan. I see that I eat a lot of veggies and I need to cut back and perhaps eat more in balance rather than following any one plan someone else has made up. I'm convinced that most diets come about because it worked for someone and they shared it.

    I also am checking into statins again. There's more info out there and I just read yesterday that statins can actually cause the stroke and heart attacks it is supposed to be protecting us from as well as causes diabetes. I know I haven't been feeling well lately and I always think it has to do with all my running with Daddy etc. However, when I took it last night, I noticed that I don't feel right after taking it. I can't really explain how I feel very well, but it seems to make my breathing a little harder. In fact, I've noticed since I started taking it again that when I am walking into the HealthCare center to see Daddy that I am huffing and puffing. I wasn't doing that before I started taking it again. It also leeches some of the vitamins I take which may be the reason I suddenly feel so very tired. I have about 4 months before I see the doctor again so I am going to quit taking it and when I see him I will refuse to take it.

    Carol Sue You asked about Easter. We don't do anything special for Easter. I think that is the one thing I loved about DH#2 and his family is that we celebrated every holiday and then some. My family didn't do that and neither does DH#3. In fact, DH#3 is more of a loner which DH#2 was too however, DH#2 loved having family around and they could just drop in without calling. DH#3 doesn't like that as he wants them to call first. That has been hard for me and my family since we moved to TX. My nephews don't like that rule as they want to do like they did when their previous uncle was living when they could just drop by. I miss it too but haven't figured out how to change things to please DH and me at the same time.

    Daddy was down last night. I think he knows he won't be going back to his own place although hasn't fully accepted it yet. The car he drove was actually my DS car and it was understood that it would be her DD car if anything happened to Daddy. He was all upset last night that her DD has the car and my niece is letting her friends drive it. I haven't told DS because I learned years ago not to get into their arguments. He was in a better mood this morning. His pastor has Bible study in their home since they gave up their church building. They moved Bible study to Daddy's room at the Health Care center and they are going to start having it there on Sundays to include him. Decision came at a good day.

    Have a birthday party to do to this afternoon so I better get ready.

    Everybody have a super Sunday.
  • My MIL used to have a big meal at her house for every holiday. After she passed away I started doing it, but it has gotten old real fast. I don't mind my step-children coming, but most of the others we don't hear from all year but they will come if I invite them for the holiday. And they always bring something and pitch in, but that's not the problem. My house is really too small to have everyone here. I always say that I don't want any family members sitting home alone on a holiday because they don't have anywhere else to go but I don't want them to just assume that I will do it every holiday. I would be perfectly content to have it be just DH and I. DH doesn't like to go to anyone else's for holidays, but he will go to his son's. If I have to do it this year, I don't know how I will do with my bum foot. I'm ok if it's achy, but not the severe pain I get sometimes. I think I am going to email my step-daughter and find out what they have planned. I have to know ahead of time if I have to do it.
  • I haven't disappeared, and i've been reading with the intention of getting back here. Thankfully work is done so I can get ready for my week.

    fatmad You never have to worry about TMI with me, lol. I'm a nurse and what you have posted isn't even a blip on my radar. I remember back in college the nursing majors used to try and gross out the education majors in the dining hall. We nurses are a pretty twisted bunch.

    pattygirl and Wannabehealthy I haven't posted about my diabetes education yet because last week was just a sort of intake appointment, getting my weight, checking my feet, signing forms, getting bare minimum of info. My real class is actually tomorrow from 9-4. That will be the day the nutritionist will create a meal plan based on whatever current trends they are following. I will definitely follow up with everyone tomorrow.
  • Today I soaked my feet in Epsom Salts. I have a foot spa with the bubbly water and it is very soothing. I actually fell asleep with my feet in it and DH had to wake me up. I was soaking for over 30 min. I don't really know what it's supposed to do. I think Epsom salts contains magnesium, which is supposed to help with cramping and pain. I will do this for a few days and see if it helps. Right now the only pain I have is along the outside of my foot. No pain meds since early this morning.

    Momtopands, thanks for the update.
  • Carol Sue I think the Epsom Salts should help with your feet. I had one of those foot baths but lost it somewhere in our moves. I hope it will pull the soreness out and you will feel better.

    I hope you don't have to have Easter at your house so you don't have to deal with al that. I know at Thanksgiving when I have everyone over that my feet hurt soooo bad because I'm not use to standing and cooking so long. That is why DS and I would rather meet at a restaurant and visit rather than cook at home. If I had the energy, I would have everyone over for meals, but it is just to hard on me. Plus I'm spoiled. If I can't cook and have it ready in 30 minutes or less, I don't cook it. I think I've gotten lazy as well.

    I started my day out with only 2 boiled eggs, 1/2 avocado and 2 sl bacon with my 2 c coffee with FF half n half. DH was sick at his stomach this morning so not sure what he will feel like eating when he gets up. I have fish fillet out for us to half and add some veggies to. If he wants soup, I may just eat tuna salad for dinner.

    Y'all have a nice Monday.
  • Had a little blip of pain and gassiness overnight. Am not sure of the source. I am wondering if the konjac noodles are low FODMAP or not. I was also testing the spaghetti sauce, so it could be that, or maybe I didn't take enough lactaid pills to go with the dairy I had yesterday. Will try the noodles separately in a few days, and do the sauce again tomorrow.
    Overall I am feeling better.
    Carol, I think you have earned the right to say, not me, not this year for Easter.
    I am not sure what the future will bring for holiday meals for me. I am on call this weekend, and I suggested to my sister that we get together the weekend after Easter, as it would have been Dad's birthday. I think my travelling daughter will be off in October, so we might get together wherever she is for Thanksgiving, and go to her again sometime in the winter for "Christmas". Not sure when she will even come home, and if we can go to her and take our other DD, no real need for her to do so.
    So I think my days of hosting big family dinners may be over. I enjoyed it, especially when the girls were adults, and they helped or did a lot of it. I just liked the people being around, the sense of festivity. I will miss that. But its also ok to make new traditions, and find different ways to celebrate. I hope you find whats right for you.
    Momtopants, I hope the education day goes well. I have not been happy when I asked for evidence based advice, because I find they are very formulaic, and a lot of what I was told didn't go with good evidence, it was old teaching. Maybe things are improving though.

    have a good day everyone
  • fatmad When my Mama passed away, we did things differently too. Later when my baby sister and I started doing the special holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas we too decided to make our own traditions. When I married DH and moved to FL, his daughter and I made the same decision for us as well. I think this is how we get through.

    Haven't talked to Daddy but for a few minutes this morning to tell him DH was sick and we were coming to see him tomorrow instead of today. We didn't talk long because he was headed to therapy then he accidently called me when trying to return a call to baby sister in MS. DS and I haven't been able to get him since so we figure his phone is dead. If something was wrong the nurses would call us. Hopefully someone will plug in his phone.

    I didn't follow any eating plan today. I ate what I wanted and then counted the calories on MFP. I ate 1505 calories which is under the 1600 I allow myself. The good thing is that I am satisfied and finished eating for today. All my ratios of protein, carbs, fat and sodium are way under limits for that many calories so I call today a successful day. Will see what the bs reading says tomorrow.
  • Home at last from the Diabetes education class. It was interesting as far as learning about how diabetes works and, of course, meal planning. Apparently the answers I gave in the one on one session last week was used by the nutritionist to make a meal plan for me. "Evidence based" information was a word often used, as it is in all healthcare, when talking about eating. She talked about using the plate method, which I still don't like, and also gave me goals for each meal. The one thing I did like was that each individual had meal plans adjusted for their own blood sugar trends, weight loss goals(in my case), etc. Having a plan individualized for me is ideal since she acknowledged that humans are not all alike, and what works for one may not be right for another. Of course carbs were discussed and the goals for each meal were anywhere from 30-60 plus 2 snacks at 15 carbs each. I can also have a evening snack but that is optional. So my total daily carbs are around 165-180. Though my distribution of carbs has been somewhat different, this is where I have been eating since January. I have had some days with carbs up to the 220's so i'll have to pay a bit closer attention, but for now this is what I will do. Some others in the class had considerably less than me due to high sugars and poor control. We also talked about watching out for unexpected items in "sugar free" foods. I don't think that's different however. There are also fat and protein goals in there as well. Hope this was a good enough synopsis. If you have any other questions i'll try to answer based on what we learned.
  • I soaked my foot again today and stayed off it most of the day. It was actually boring. LOL Just watching tv all day. I also got in a little nap since I didn't sleep well last night.

    DH talked to his son and he said they are tentatively planning to have Easter at their house as long as the renovations continue to go well. I will make potato salad, Easter Cheese and beet horseradish for our Slovak Easter traditions that my step-children are used to. DIL will cook the ham and a couple other sides. Maybe by Sunday my pain will be gone or nearly gone. Actually, if they don't do Easter and I don't do Easter, then there will be no Easter, as we are the only 2 options. I won't go to a restaurant. The ones around here will be too crowded and too expensive for me. With not feeling well, I would be content to just relax at home, just the 2 of us.

    Momtopands, that food plan sounds much like what I was given when I was diagnosed. They gave me an 1800 calorie plan, 45gm carb at each of 3 meals and a 15 carb gram snack at bedtime. I tried to keep most of my carbs as veggie carbs and not many refined carbs. It worked well for me starting out but in time I went overboard on the carbs and blood sugar started to get worse and I had to cut back further on carbs.

    Mad, I hope you find out what it was that caused your recent issues.

    Trish, normally I am very low on sodium but today, since DH was doing the cooking I went way over, due to canned beef stew for lunch and a hot dog for dinner. Processed foods will do it every time!
  • Carol I hope the foot continues to improve. I was up working all night, and one foot was sore, I discovered a little plantar wart there! And are any of us getting a chiropodist to do our feet yet? Being a stable type 2, I have not done that, but my pedicurist is very careful.

    Momtopands: I hope this will be doable for you. I find that is too many carbs for me period. And counting calories is hard for me too, I feel like I am obsessing about food. Though I am tracking on NOOM but after the fact.
    Eating corn and rice the last couple of weeks really affected me, even in the smallish amounts I was allowing myself. Feeling better with using vegetables again. Having the sauce alone today without the konjac noodles or the cheese, and see how I feel from that.

    Trish, hope things get better for DH soon, and he feels better too.

    See y'all later
  • momtopands Thanks for sharing what you learned from the class. That is how I was eating when I moved to TX about a 1 and 1/2 ago and I wasn't happy that my FBS was high. They told me to keep eating the way I was and it would come. I got away from it trying to eat low carb. However, of late, low carb doesn't work for me. I've noticed that when I add some carbs into my eating that my bs and my weight seems to go down better. I've been thinking about going back to eating that way. Hearing what you learned has been helpful to me.

    When I was in the hospital last year, they gave me 1 sl bacon, 1 egg, 2 sl toast and a banana for breakfast with a carton of milk. This morning I decided to have a home made Egg McMuffin made with the multigrain Light 100 calorie English muffin. I spread 1/4 avocado on it with 1 egg and 1 sl bacon. I mashed 1/2 banana with the cinnamon mixed in it and had 2 c coffee. This afternoon when we return from seeing Daddy, we will have home made hamburgers with air-fried fries. We make our hamburger on Sara Lee Multigrain 45 calorie bread. I will have a Fr. Vanilla c of coffee and an individual c of ice cream I buy at Walmart will be my dessert. I buy those to keep from eating more than 1 serving. I always drink a glass of 1% milk with my main meal when eating at home. This will give me less than 1100 calories.

    As I lay in bed before getting up this morning, I thought about the routine I want to get into now that I'm not eating breakfast out everyday. I am only going to see Daddy by myself on Friday morning after I leave the beauty shop because I'm not far from where he is. All my breakfasts will be eaten at home so I can get a routine going for that. DH and I don't eat out when we go see Daddy any more and seldom get any fast food to bring home. I come home and cook or have something in the crockpot when we get home. So I can eat healthier.

    I also thought about how I ate as a teenager. Not only was I very active, I'm not sure I ever ate even 1000 calories most days. I'm sure I never ate 1200. No wonder I gained so much weight when I went to college and started eating breakfast and snacks with friends. Then when I moved to live with my aunt she insisted on 3 meals a day. Until then, I only ate 2 meals a day.

    If I can get into this new routine of breakfast and early dinner each day, I will be fasting 19 to 20 hrs each day. I believe that everything else will fall in place for me health wise. It won't be a diet, because this will be going back to eating the way I ate most of my "healthy" thin life. I will count calories for a while, but when this becomes my lifestyle, I don't think I will have to count them any more and the big thing is that "food won't be my life any more". I am so tired of having to think about this stuff all the time. I would like to have a life without "diet" and "food" thinking all the time.

    Carol Sue, fatmad, Donna and lurkers

    Have a good day.
  • Mad, I don't go to a chiropodist. My PCP checks my feet and so far I don't have any problems other than this pain. I don't get pedicures. I went once with my DIL years ago but I do my own at home.

    Trish, I think this plan will work out well for you. I think you are figuring out what your body needs instead of what you want.

    Right now I think my body wants a nap. LOL
  • Today has gone beautifully. I made some changes to dinner and ended up with less than 1300 calories for the day. I have to say that I am wanting something to eat tonight, but I really want to fast until breakfast tomorrow. My FBS was high this morning (still a mystery), but it was 109 before dinner. I still don't understand how that works. As long as I keep getting good readings later in the day, I suppose things are good.

    I got my Self-Management Diabetic Magazine and was reading some out of it today. They did a test for a year of people who didn't test FBS, those that tested once a day and those who tested more. They learned that results were the same. They are now saying we don't have to check it. I guess that is why my doctor told me to quit wasting my money on strips and needles to check it. I just hate not knowing what is going on with it so I can't see myself not checking it so I will continue checking it. I guess I'm afraid of losing control of the situation.

    Carol Sue I seem to need a nap every afternoon these days. I hope your foot continues to improve.

    fatmad I checked out NOOM because you have mentioned it a few times. Do you pay to be on there?

    We went to see Daddy and he looked good. They did the swallow test and want to keep him on the thickener. Daddy told the speech therapist he was very unhappy with the decision to keep him on the thickener. When he drinks things without the thickener, he has absolutely no problem.

    His physical therapist decided to tape Daddy's hand to the machine they use for him to pull himself up to a standing situation because he isn't able to hold a grip on his own. He is able to stand a few minutes when they do that. Daddy said that DS doesn't like that but Daddy likes it because he feels it will strengthen his legs.

    I talked to my cousin that lives in close to Ft. Hood, TX. She was telling me today that Temple, TX has a home for veterans that is State and Medicare funded. I told her we want to keep him close to us if we can, but Daddy seemed interested when I told him about it because he and veterans would have more in common. I hate for him to be so far from us because it is a hour away and we couldn't go visit but maybe once a week. I am hoping that since this facility he is in has a contract with the VA that they will help with the finances. We will just have to see how this all goes.
  • I changed back to eating like I ate as a young girl for just one day and I got a whoosh of almost 3 lb loss plus my FBS was lower than yesterday. That is amazing because usually when my weight goes down like that my FBS goes up. I am exercising 15 minutes a day right now for a while and will raise that a little at a time to get it back up as well. I am going to continue eating this way. No diet! Just eating sensibly.

    I talked to a cousin yesterday that I've only seen once. She has been working to find all of our cousins as she has been working on our family geneology. She has traced us back to some ancestors in England and France although we have no French bloodline. LOL. Any way, she told me how she lost her weight. I never asked her how much she weighed, but any way, she just cut back by eating less or half of what she used to eat. Kind of like I'm doing with my breakfast. This morning I'm have an English muffin with 1 turkey sausage patty, 1 egg and 1/4 avocado along with 1/2 a banana with cinnamon on it with my coffee. I'm pan frying chicken for our main meal with veggies. Not sure about the salad. You know salads add up in calories especially when you add dressing. She said she went back to the 4 food groups we were taught when we were growing up. That is pretty much what I am doing. She and I talked about chocolate and she said she bought a Hershyy bar and would break off one square and hold it in her mouth until it melted away. I told her that I do that with Dove Dark Chocolate pieces and I can actually eat just one now. I told her that is called Intuitive Eating or Mindful eating. This is how I want to learn to do with food and stop thinking about food and diets.

    I did get hungry last night and ate a snack, but I took the last couple slices of extra thin pastrami I had and wrapped one piece around a small stalk of celery and one around a cheese stick. It hit the spot. My calories were still not high. So I will plan to have a small snack in the evening if I need it.

    I did read in the Self Management Diabetic Magazine (SMDM for short too long to write every time) that exercise in the morning is the best time for us to exercise because it helps keep our blood glucose down throughout the day. So I'm going back to exercise before breakfast.

    Y'all have a great day.
  • Trish, that's a hard decision to make about having your Dad an hour away. It would end up being an all-day excursion to visit him considering 2 hours travel time. Plus, other than the cost, you don't know how your Dad would be treated there. If something can be worked out with the facility he is in now you would be able to visit more often and that allows you to pay more attention to how they are treating him. I always heard that patients who have family visitors get treated better than those who don't.

    I agree that it is beneficial to strengthen your Dad's legs so he can stand/walk, even if he has to use the walker. He may never get the strength back in his hands, but he needs to have the strength in his legs. With the pain in my foot, I am realizing just how much our quality of life depends on our use of our legs.

    I went for a long time without checking my blood sugar. At that time, I was not eating right and I didn't want to see the high numbers. I think if I could stick to a good low carb plan I would not have to check as often. My friend has never checked her blood sugar. She doesn't even have a meter. The first two years her A1c stayed around 7. The next year it went up to 8.1. At that time she started limiting carbs and I feel that she is also eating very low calorie, possibly as low as 800 per day. She lost 35 lbs and her next A1c was a low 6. She told me her mother used to complain about how much her fingers hurt from testing so she won't do it. This is working for her, but I don't think I could go for 3 months not knowing how my blood sugar is.

    Twice now I have eaten popcorn in the evening and had a high FBG so I will not do that again. I know I can keep blood sugar at a good number, but I have to eat accordingly.

    I want to get my A1c checked, but my doctor put the Lipid test on the same request. I just got my lipids checked by my cardiologist and feel there's no purpose to have that tested again, a waste of money. I think I will go to the lab and ask them if I can get the A1c checked and not the lipids and I don't know if they would accept it if I crossed it off. I didn't like that my doctor did that on his own without discussing it with me. I would like to know that my A1c is back down below 7. I think I will try that next week, after Easter is over. The worst that can happen is they will say No.