What plan are you following?

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  • I count calories and keep an eye on my carb intake and I also do a program called "The new rules of lifting for women", I did these same things about 5 years ago and lost 60 lbs and even when I hit a stall on the weight loss, I was losing inches and sizes so I know this works for me.
  • I am just starting out but I plan to follow a low carb diet. replace potatoes with leafy greens and fruit. I really hope it works because I am crap at counting calories.
  • KETO way of eating, 20 net carbs. Lost 40 lbs in about 5 months. Have maintained the loss and at goal for the past 8 months. I love the KETO way of life. Google it!
  • I'm walking out on a limb and letting my accumulated knowledge guide me. (We all know a lot more about nutrition than we often give ourselves credit for. It's just a matter of following it.) I usually skip breakfast, limit carbohydrates, eat lots of non-starchy vegetables, and get protein from vegetable-based sources plus eggs and occasional seafood.

    And it's always good to keep meals creative and fun, even within whatever parameters there are, so I try to regularly seek out new fresh foods, spices, techniques, etc. So far, this process has been peaceful and relatively easy compared to previous attempts.
  • LCHF/Keto using the OKL (Optimal Ketogenic Living) guidelines with 20 net carbs/88 grams of both fat and protein daily. Best one for me so far and I've tried them all, lol.
  • I'm following OKL macros too. They seem to make the most sense and are backed by science.