300+ Chat Thread, January 2017

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  • I've had a very hard 4 days but I've stayed on track. My boyfriend of 5 1/2 years and I almost broke up. He was all packed ready to go tomorrow night but we talked everything out last night so we arent breaking up after all. Him and I havent been sleeping too well for the past 4 days so we are very tired but I'm glad we talked everything out because I do love him and I know he loves me.
  • Hi All

    Nerdbling - - love the nickname - before worrying about the awesome tracker that you have to manually update
    thanks for the reminder by asking about it as I need to update mine... if its changed then you will know I did

    SamIam 6 weeks holiday in summer - just happens to be Christmas at the same time -sounds cool - but is WAY TOO LONG!
    I wish they would split it with halfway through the year so its not too long here and would make visiting the northern hemisphere in summer times easier too... Glad to hear your trying a different Doctor - we have a complaints process you can go through here when a Doctor makes you feel that bad - it starts with a letter can go on for ages - we have to follow this as we can file grievances against them if they are awful and do something wrong but you have to go through this process first and keep all copies of correspondence...

    scotsgal - hope by the time you read this your on the mend and that cold has gone

    Terra84 Hi - good to hear you sorted out issues by talking 5 1/2 years is a long to be breaking up over a lack of sleep.. keep the communication lines open .... My Hubby and I went through a phase of actual having to say I love you every morning and night to each other when our youngest (of 2) was born as she didnt sleep for more then 30 mins at a time for 6 months!

    as for me

    tried sticking to my WW (weight watchers) plan last week - had a moment of a crap when tired and hungry at 150 grams of chocolate - that doesn't sound like much at .3 of a pound but on WW its like a days worth of points in one go...
    so no Alcohol this week - must be good right - actual haven't had a drink at all this month being only the 6th of Feb that is not too hard to do..
    been playing around with the laptop for last half hour still have yet to have had breakfast ...even though I made it ..
    off now to have breakfast ..
    will hopefull catch up with you soon

    Just realised happily posting in JAN chat thread and its FEB ---- Happy new month everyone!
  • Hello everyone I hope everyone had a good weekend. I didn't I didn't even count my calories yesterday I didn't really eat bad but just the chips and dip I ate during the super bowl would have out done my entire day so I took a day off I am right back on today and have lost a few more pounds.
    Terra84 I am sorry to hear you had a rough couple of days but I am so glad to hear you worked things out. Relationships can test us in ways we never imagined.