November 2016 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • MonteCristo Hope you had an easier day today. Sounds like you needed the rest!

    Zoniegirl I like your plan for the day, and hope it went well. I hadn't realized you gave up smoking. That's a lot of change! I hope you take some time to bask in your impressive accomplishments. Fwiw, when I have difficulty getting back on the wagon, it helps to do it stepwise. First I have to cut the things that trigger cravings, like sweets, carby snacks, etc. But no limit on healthier things. Once the cravings have receded, it's easier to think about tweaking calories and macros.

    WeekendBoater Yes, congrats on surviving the cravings,and on your knee handling the exercise! I find the same thing with carbs and cravings---need to keep my carbs pretty low, or else....

    Margot Hope you are feeling better.

    Everyone Else!

    Today went well with food, stuck to my plan. I feel slightly adrift without a tracking app.

    I've noticed in the week since time change & election turmoil that I have begun to drift from my commitment to no sugar, no refined carbs, and a ban on some other things that I'm either intolerant to (dairy) or that are triggers (nuts, cheese). I've had something breaded from Whole foods hot bar, and put croutons on a salad, etc. I can feel my brain light up when I do this and start screaming more more more. Then come the rationalizations.

    I had a nice reality check at the doctor's today. I had a drop in appt to see if antibiotics were needed for my sinus cold. Dang they always weigh me. It was 174.4. I know it's because I had eaten breakfast already and salty food the day before. But it was the shock got me out of denial.

    I'm re-affirming no sugar, no flour, no cheese or dairy, no fruit, no nuts. Easy on the fats.
  • HI Everyone!

    Zoniegirl Today was a new day, tomorrow is a new day. Keep working and trying to get back on the track you want to be on.

    MonteCristo Good job tweaking your workouts to figure out what works best for you.

    Sundove Best of luck with the new changes.

    Weekend Boater Great job on the walking!

    Gettinfit Are you having problems with the smoke in your area? We have some here. I have also notices more sediment/dust. I am wondering if it's from the smoke.

    Nancylmrn HI

    Margot I hope you aren't coming down with something. Feel better soon.

    Waving HI all around! Enjoy your evening!
  • Total Approx 1495 Calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz olive oil in pan
    XL egg 80 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
    14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
    1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
    1/2 Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 45 calories
    1 T. pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice equivalent to 60 calories
    coffee w/sugar/stevia blend and cream

    Lunch (395 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 90 calories
    2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham & lettuce 50 Calories
    Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
    Greek Yogurt 120 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (700 Calories)
    Salad w/grilled steak bites & BHF's ranch 700 calories

    KCM's Lean Body Circuits - weights premix w/15's
  • Calories today: 1240.
  • Good Morning, Everyone! TGIF!

    Last night I added on: Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)
    Nothing for this morning since it's my early day.

    Calories for yesterday: 1495 +
    Weigh In: 172.2
    No change

    CoolMom I'm glad to hear your DH is doing well. Good job with your calories.

    Have a great Friday and start to your weekend!
  • Thanks Diana!
  • Happy Friday! We made it! lol

    Did great with my food yesterday. 1546 calories and hit my protein goal. I've found that I like the protein shakes better when I have smaller ones twice a day, rather than a big one once, so I'm now making a one scoop shake when I get up, and another in the evening. Gives me a base of 50g of protein towards my 120 goal. I had more repairs to do after work (leaking faucets and replacing a ceiling fan), so I ended up hitting 12000 steps before I even made it home. Still managed to get in my BBB4 workout, though it took me about 15 minutes longer than usual as I had to stretch out the breaks a bit, so 135 minutes altogether. My tracker was showing over 200% activity for the day, so that made me feel awesome! More work to do over the weekend, and I need to start cooking for Thanksgiving. Trying to work out a plan...I'll probably start the marinara Saturday evening once I'm done working, that way I can make the lasagna Sunday morning. Homemade noodles make all the difference in the world, but boy, are they a lot of work. So I'll likely not be online much until Monday, but at least I'll be getting my steps in!

    Ugh! Just took a big swig of my unsweet tea from McDs, and they gave me sweet. And I so wanted tea this morning. Oh well.
  • November 2016 goals

    FOODY problem came back again, so my weight is back to where it was...Yesterday, I had a spicy tostada and a frappe...which isn't too bad, but then I went down the slippery slope when someone brought a bag of coconut crispy cookies. NYahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I need to measure this kind of stuff out. YES I DO!!! I need to talk to myself about this. (I sound like a politician.)

    I did my 60 laps yesterday. I worked in the garden. I even put up a couple of raised beds from kits that have been sitting in the backyard, rotting since last spring. YEAH! I planted a few things in the ground and did some watering. I have a bunch of garden things to do today. In fact, I need to work on it SAP because this may be the last good weather day of the year. Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed by the huge garden projects that I take on. Feeling overwhelmed is not congruent with losing weight. I try to break everything down into little itty bitty projects that are a snap to do.

    Helianthus, is that your favorite flower? I grew a plant called helianthemum (rock rose) which is an evergreen that produces these pretty little flowers of different colors. The plants are kind of short lived here because of the wetness. I guess they thrive out west. Anyway, next year, I need to order more seed, so I can get a variety of colors. I do have one plant that for some reason has been particularly hardy. I wish I could speak to an expert about this plant.

    I may not do cardio today. Must remember to try coffee or veggies or fruit, before eating dessert.
  • Good morning everyone Happy Friday!

    GettinFit Thank youuu! When I woke up this morning I felt like a toast or cracker or something so I am feeling those cravings and my tummy felt a bit odd but I had a h.b egg and it passed a bit, onto a new day! It get's dark here early too, wtg on your walking and finding alternatives Sounds like a plan, hope you have a great evening too

    Margot Sorry to hear that your not feeling well and I wish you a speedy recovery. It can sure make it extra challenging when feeling unwell butyour still hanging in there and sticking to plan...feel better.

    Zoniegirl have a great day as well. Congrats on quitting smoking and doing all that your doing, that is fantastic!

    nancylmrn Glad that your feeling better. I drank a lot of water after those beans that night and felt much better after that bloaty feeling. I am no hurry to have those right now either.

    Sundove tyty Sundove! I was so happy about that exercise vid! I am able to be much more active now as well with just daily living so seeing that progress is really nice. Congrats on being OP I so hear you about the croutons etc. and I know the same thing will happen to me if I go that route, historically it always has! I am just too fresh in the game and quite fearful sometimes but one day at a time! As far as the dairy, I was intolerant for quite some time and did not know it was the milk! My stomach was in the shambles and I finally put two and two together. I hope that your sinus cold is better

    Diana Ty as well Now I have to keep up with it, I need to gain strength back taking it slow and steady and I know it sounds crazy but just that one stint made my legs feel better. Enjoy your evening as well. Ohhhhh, it's standing body stretch! That sounds awesome, I will look into that.

    MonteCristo congrats on a good day, no great dayyyyy and yummy on those homemade noodles!

    Teri I am so loving your warm weather activities! That flower eludes me, I will be looking that one up too! It sounds beautiful! I think that growing things from seed is fun! I used to start moonflowers and morning glories in the solarium and then put them on trellis's in big pots on the deck (not last year). I bet you have a beautiful garden!

    I better get a move on, have lot's of errands to run. It was great to come in and read everyone's news, I wish you all a great start to the weekend and a great weekend! Seeing as it is mild today, DH and I plan to have grill chicken kabobs with onion and a variety of peppers.
  • Good morning Everyone and Happy Friday

    Diana - Yes we are having problems with the smoke down here as well. It was so bad on Monday that I had to alter my walk at Stone Mtn. It got a little better in the late afternoon so I was able to walk. I'm looking out the window at work now and it looks so hazy. We really need some rain down here. This morning the weather man said it has been 39 days since we've had a drop of rain. All of the lakes are getting so low.

    Terri - Sorry that your foodie problem came back. I hope you have a much better day today.

    MonteCristo - Great job on a successful day.

    Hello to everyone else.

    Ok so I have a BIG challenge today and I'm hoping to survive it.

    We're having a baby shower/luncheon here at work today. I ordered the lunch so I made sure to order some healthy options for me. I stopped at Publix this am and got a small sheet cake and some other desserts (they make the best desserts). I also bought some fruit, nuts and some Hershey Kisses. I have eaten a light breakfast and the plan is to have salad, 1/2 sandwich and a tiny piece of cake. I just have to remember all the hard work that I've put in to get where I am and be determined not to give in to over eating. I will check back in after lunch.

    B: banana, coffee, sm piece cheese,
    L: Salad 1/2 sandwich, small piece of cake
    D: TBD
    S: serving mixed nuts
    Exercise: Walk
  • GettinFit That was a smart idea! Sending your way. Alsooo a smart idea saying you will check back after lunch, I have to remember that one! lol

    Today's menu
    *Breakfast: 1 h.b egg
    *Lunch: Tuna salad (water packed tuna, l.f mayo, 1/2 tsp. relish, pepper, and chopped lettuce.
    *snack: as long as we get back in time, vegetable.
    *Dinner: Grilled chicken kabobs (marinated in f.f cains Italian dressing, some oregano, pepper, sprinkle of garlic powder, and squirt of a fresh a lemon).
    - Grilled onion, red, yellow, and orange pepper, and grilled tomato.

    Plan for the day
    -keep up with food diary
    -drink water
    -go for an outdoor walk in addition to grocery shopping if possible.
  • OK, so I'm checking back after the shower/luncheon and I survived it. Knowing that I was going to report back here really helped me to stay in control.

    Weekend Boater - Thanks for the Will Power Dust!!! It worked

    Here is what I had:

    Large serving of salad greens, grilled chicken breast, vinaigrette dressing, small scoop of penne pasta salad (it had arugula, feta & a vinaigrette dressing), a very small piece of cake (It was so good and I wanted more but I only had the 1 small piece), Dasani Sparkling water. I had a handful of nuts later about 15 mins ago but I just went and brushed my teeth so that I won't eat anymore today. Now if I can just stay this much in control on the cruise, I'll be good.

    According to Lose-it, my lunch calories were around 575 and the nuts 250. I have enough calories left for a glass of wine with a light dinner tonight
  • Hello EVERYONE! I can't seem to get my self control back. I am up to probably about 146. I am working out everyday but I am having the hardest time staying within my calories. I am craving everything.. Urg it's so frustrating. I hope everyone is doing great!
  • Quote: Hello EVERYONE! I can't seem to get my self control back. I am up to probably about 146. I am working out everyday but I am having the hardest time staying within my calories. I am craving everything.. Urg it's so frustrating. I hope everyone is doing great!
    Sorry, that's rough...have you tried upping your fat intake? Increased fat usually helps you feel satiated, which makes it easier to cut.
  • Hey all,

    Just wanted to check in quick, pages and pages behind, sorry about that. Just did my first 8 hour telework day in a long time, I usually max out at 6 hours, but have been leaving earlier during the week so I can get some kind of walk in before dark. It worked, I weighed in at WW 180.0 on the nose, so I lost the 1.4 I had gained the last 2 weeks.

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a wonderful day and weekend