Getting Out Of the 230 and 220s

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  • Ok ..... Well I am back to 225. That 228 even 229 one day was VERY disheartening. Stress will do it and I have been stressed. I have been without a job for months and we are struggling alot. I don't want to lose our house. I love it.

    It looks like I could have a new job. Waiting on finalization. So I have some less stress. When it is final that stress will dissipate.

    The house is getting back in order from the bug bombing and carpet removal and that is helping. The Greenhouse shingles are on the roof and we are covering any openings to the foundation so also helping.

    I see some of you have had a few struggles this week. However I notice in Sept we do that. We start to go into Autumn soon and become apathetic. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

    September Rules
    1. Take Interest in your health
    2. Be Concerned about your health
    3. Be Enthusiastic about life and your goals.

    Ok these are my rules this month, to get that positive and caring attitude back in gear. Who else will go by them with me?
  • Thanks ladies! It's good to be reminded I am not the only one ready to give a slug to this weight. The afternoon is a bit better. You know you can always find something to stress over or worry on. I do hope tomorrow brings more uplifted feelings for all of us. I agree Davis - crazy weather and changes and the need to hibernate (HAH) - just keep reminded us to take each day and we can all hopefully do well.

    I am looking for flights - with all these crappy search engines you'd think they'd have at least one w/great pricing. Heck no! They are all same-o and the ones that are economical are the ones I am not a fan of paying extra for everything including my sneezes. And that Tuesday myth for lower prices - can one just scoff at? Sorry but what is the point of holding flights in such realms, you get even less these days when you fly. Ok - I will silence now - I don't fly often but when i have to go flight looking I get cranky - especially when a budget is involved these days.

    I'll join whomever is stress eating! I feel the need so I better go grab my water and start in earnest.
  • Oh yeah - 239.6 again this morning. Yes I'm sarcastic about such. And no I didn't get up to move. I was aware all night long - though I was sleeping - that the quilt was moving over me ie DH was tugging it all night long. And I kept sleeping and I'm more than tired this morning as a result. Funny how that happens.

    I'm frustrated right now with a lot in my life/days etc. do you ever have these moments where you feel you have no control over anything? That's where I am today. Sure weight falls into that feeling.

    Falls here full blast this morning in feeling - it's foggy and 43 and leaves are beginning to turn. Too early for me! I love fall but the first full week in September is nuts. That just means snow sooner - ugh - I only like snow through Christmas usually. Don't get me wrong I like all 4 seasons but only for bursts of time with certain seasons and then we can move onto the next. 😀

    So I'm off to do some more battle today with this journey. I'm trying to keep it in perspective today which is a step better than yesterday's tale of woe.may you all have good scales! You're good news helps inspire me to keep it moving in whatever little ways I can.
  • Hi everyone.
    I am dealing with a dull headache these past few days so mostly eating and lurking...
    Glad to see you Laura! I missed you.
    lemonthyme you can do this. No getting ready to hibernate for you.
    Gemini6 I appreciate you sharing your experience of patience while losing with us.
    Davisag keeping my fingers crossed for the new job and much less stress.
    boopchick so so happy for you. It is very true that people are so focused on their lives that they don't notice what we are up to.
    Keep up the good job ladies. (Yes lemonthyme you are doing good!)
  • I have a broccoli, carrot, potato creamy soup from scratch on the stove as it's dang cold here today and kind of rainy. I went on a cookie bender - I have been good ignoring said cookies and today it hit me like a ton of bricks. Will see what tomorrow does. I was super emotional today which was part of it, as things don't seem to be going the way I'd like in life - hey - we all have hurdles - I just try to solve mine w/cookies.

    The soup will be a good diversion and warm my belly at the same time. My goal tomorrow is to brave the cold and go to the gym in the dark, I think it's the only thing this week that will begin moving pounds down. So my 24 hour mini goal will be to move. I CAN DO THIS.

    Thank you all for continuing to be my sounding board. I will get out of this funk soon enough.

    QOD: what's been you most favorite item to eat as it turns colder out? For me it's a good homemade soup and warm bread out of the oven. If there was a way to make the bread w/zero carbs and spread w/zero calorie melted butter - oh heaven! Instead, I will keep the soup, maybe do 1/2 a piece of bread (non-warm, out of the bag) and split w/my little so I can be mindful of those low hanging fruit - calorie variety bread.

    Happy evening all! May tomorrow end the week on high notes for everyone.

    PS: I was loading coupons on my grocery store app - can I just ask why all of a sudden laxatives and fiber products are the big bunch of coupons this week? I'm just saying - it was a weird bunch to go through.
  • 2 minis met!

    I met my getting up and move: hitting 5.5 miles in my 16 minute allotment. Didn't burn a ton of calories but I did move and I came home kind of sweaty which doesn't mean much due to weight loss but makes me feel I did something.

    My second 238.6. So even after my cookie bender my weight did go down just a bit. Hey - I will take ANY movement DOWN on my scale.

    Lot of world activities this morning she's full of angry energy it seems between hurricanes and earthquakes. I just hope not too horrible of messes for all in those locations. I was looking at photos of the islands, so much rebuilding and I'm sure in tons of areas from physical/mental to structural. I can't begin to imagine.

    So I do feel better since I moved. On the flip side, I have had a lot of stomach aches over night. With the start of school I wonder what crud my kids brought home to share. I hope that portion goes away quickly.

    So today my outlook is a bit better. My new 24Hmini:

    1. Go move my 16 mins
    2. Eat in my calories - no more cookie benders
    3. Take my body measurements and record
    4. Take my 240ish full body photos

    I like to take the photos to show me where I have come from. Plus it's somewhat encouraging to see that I'm thinner somewhere even if I'm missing some chub like on my elbow.

    QOD: do any of you take photos of your decades loss or your measurements? I need to see where I may be at since I began way long ago maybe that would be uplifting numbers.

    I am off to get my coffee poured so I may pop in once the kids get to school and the morning chase slows some. Happy Friday all!
  • Good morning everyone.

    The scale is sneaking back up. My headache is better this morning so hopefully my eating will improve with it.

    lemomthyme I like to drink my calories as it gets colder. Coffee drinks with tons of chocolate and whipped cream or Russian tea which is a basically a warm cup of all different flavors of sugar. So yeah I like to drink warm sugar.
  • Ubee: oh dear - sugar in your coffees. Partly why I gave up the flavored creamers as I tended to put too much in because I'd like it sweeter than the normal serving size suggested. So it's just me and the milk in my coffee. I'm a bit more responsible that way.

    I have a soup in the slow cooker again this day. Today's will be a beef vegetable w a bit of barley. I had leftover roast from a meal a while back and threw that in. It can stew all day and maybe I will break down and make some bread keeping it to one loaf less I inhale the rest : warm buttery bread . . .

    So far the day is moving ok. It's cool out but the suns out. I have a lot to do but will see if I have more ambition then yesterday. Maybe I will see about putting a start to filing and cleaning out the old. I did shred yesterday so that was a help. Funny the crap we accumulate in our houses and for what reason? I still have to answer that one.

    Keep going ladies! I hope y'all do well.
  • OK first things first... Lemonthyme give us the recipe!!!! Congrats on the extra pd gone. Hmmmm cookie diet hmmmm lol. I have taken photos. But haven't lost enough in a long time to take a new one. Your 24H goals are great.!!

    Ubee glad your headache is better. and good idea. trade food calories for the hot chocolate.

    Boopchick Gemini6 hope to hear about whats been going on with you two.

    Laura So nice to meet you and see you lost 50 pds. Such a great inspiration.

    Well I got my job!! Start tomorrow. This takes alot of stress off. The scale is still at 225. But with the walking and moving in the new job (cashier walmart) I should start losing.

    Have a pork stew in the crockpot. We took 3 "light" progresso stews the pork roast frozen and 1 can of water a bag of baby carrots. It has been cooking for 24 hours. We had one last week with sirloin steak as the meat.

    I have been having icecream cravings "hard" ones. I have been trading my calories for lunch by having a bannana to have icecream. lol But after this container no more till Samhain (Halloween).

    Ok ladie's my catch up post. Lemonthyme am going to start to have 24h goals. your a smart Cookie... get it Cookies. LOL
  • Davis: which recipe? Good for you on a new job! That should take off the stress eating and worries about bills and keeping your home. Plus when you on your feet for a day you tend to walk -a lot. I worked retail in school and I'd do miles each day due to the size of the store. Maybe on your breaks you can disrobe from your nametag or vest and walk the length a few times for extra movement.

    Hello all!

    Disgruntled w the scale but I ate bread yesterday w/ my soup and didn't have the water I should have. Alas 239 once again. I forgot I can't cycle today I'm an every other day thus far yet. So I will count what yard work I do today instead. So to refine my list for today:

    1. Eat in calories or less
    2. Do yard work to replace gym
    3. Drink water 99oz or more.
    4. Realize I have lost almost 20 lbs and kept that off as best I can. I can do this - it's just not fast.

    Happy day all. Keep up the good work!
  • Congrats on the job davisag! I'm hanging out in the next thread and checking in here every so often. I want to start a thread for all of us that have been cheering each other on that's not specific to the decades so we can continue to support each other in one place.

    I started going to the gym this week so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend!!
  • Full fledge allergies today I'm sneezing and itching my eyes: yeah ragweed or pigweed or mold. I don't know what it is today I just now I woke up feeling crappy.

    I did not hop on the scale this morning. Bad for me.

    I made a good dinner last night and my DH is a picky eater. Let's just say he threw out over half of it because he didn't like it. Totally made me mad, I went to bed early because I was just mad and I didn't want to talk about it because he does this eveytime I serve meat w a bone in it. I had him grill porkchops and I took the time to take the bone out of his. You'd think watching him he was age 5 - he makes faces, says everything is fat etc and it sits as a pile on his plate. Even our littlest ate all his. I'm just tired of this and it's getting worse the older he gets. Get this though- he complains there is fat and veins and the bone of course. I hate to tell him what sausage or salami is made of (what he'd eat daily if he could). I also would love to scream your almost 50 grow up, try it and don't act like such a jerk and teach your kids his stupid way of dealing w food.

    I'm sorry to vent I'm just uber frustrated. I'm to the point I'll make a meal for the kids and I and hand him a loaf of bread. I hope none of you have a DH like that as it gets hard to deal with.

    So I'm not interested in my weight today. I will try to eat my best and go from there. My movement will again be the landscaping - mulching, planting shrubs (75% off sale!) and moving plants. Yesterday was picking apples.

    I went to goodwill yesterday and grabbed a 1/2 price pair of shorts hedging my bet that when we go on our trip in January they may fit. I don't normally shop that way but right now I need to as a just in case and have shorts on hand and maybe something to aim towards for a mini goal.

    Alright group - I hope your day is fantastic and on point with your goals. Mine for today:

    1. Landscape my yard
    2. Eat my calories allotted or very close to it.
    3. Try to smile today

    Happy day to you all!
  • 238

    I landscaped for 6 hours - hopped on the scale today and it was 238. Joy - well it was down a bit and I got quite a bit done in my yard, though about 1/4 the way from being completed. My DH and I ran out of steam and materials - isn't that always what happens? So he will pick up more tomorrow and maybe we can get the one portion completed by the end of the week.

    Otherwise - still struggling with keeping loss going. I strive each morning in my thoughts and beginning actions to get it to go down - but of late, by the end of the day I find I am in the sweet need category. I haven't yet found the thing that will work for me to STOP with that need, desire, want - or whatever you'd like to call it. Why the heck do I need sugar between 3:30 pm -bedtime? I have been trying to just have a piece of fruit for dessert after dinner and then brush my teeth, which can stop the evening need - but that late afternoon is what is killing me I think. Any suggestions? Of course that's when my kids are home and grazing as well.

    Watched the hurricane on and off yesterday - my extended family members in FL seemed to pull through as well as can be expected. I haven't seen much coverage this morning and DH hasn't gotten a text that I know of confirming safety this morning yet.

    So off to battle today - my goals:

    1. Drink my water
    2. Eat within calories
    3. Have more veg today - I have been slacking, so I ate a tomato with breakfast as a start
    4. Menu plan through dinner - that seems to help too and then I see my holes or over achieving grandiose thoughts that something truly is not allowed for.

    Happy day as best you can all!
  • Hey all! I'm on the outside looking in for now as my last weight was 240.6 but I'm working on getting back in. I did my 5k yesterday and reported on it in the 230 thread if anyone's curious.

    Lemonthyme stay strong, you've got this!! I have embarked on planning for the week ahead and I'm finding it challenging. Together we can conquer it!

    Onward and downward!
  • NSV alert: the shorts I have on are sliding around my waist and I seem to have an extra low hanging crotch line - woot! At the beginning of the summer these same shorts stayed up and were a bit snug on the bum.

    And my second: you know how you have fat rolls? The one I have had right under the bottom elastic on my bra is almost gone! I noticed that while looking in the mirror this weekend. So though my scale isn't saying WOW my body is changing some shape someplace and for that I am grateful.

    Celebrate your small victories!

    Laura: good for you even getting out there and doing your 5k. Props to you for taking on that challenge!

    QOD: isn't really a question: will each of you state your NSVs that you are seeing with your body or how you feel? Take a moment and just see how you feel - does something feel large where it was tight?, do you fit in a seat with more room? Did you move down a size? Is a fat roll gone forever? CELEBRATE IT! Sometimes I think we get too focused on the scale not moving and dwell on that - so take a moment and see/feel what is different and SHOUT IT OUT.

    I look forward to your motivating views on your journey. Do your best!