A Love Letter to Our Educators!

  • I know there are several teachers, administrators, and school personnel who frequent this board. I just wanted to thank you all for your dedication to the education of our children!

    We entrust you with our most precious "possessions," our children. And in return you guide and nurture them, help them tap in to their potential, instruct them, and help make our world a better place!

    As the new school year gears up, I wanted to make sure you all knew how much we appreciate all you do to enrich the lives of children and families everywhere!

    Yours is a gift that truly keeps on giving...the gift of knowledge!
  • Having been a teacher you don't know what a nice compliment does for our spirit.
    We get to know thngs and share things with your children that you don't.
    We watch them emerge like butterflies.
    For us it is comparable to you watching their first steps or saying their first words.
    So thank you for the nice words even though I don't teach anymore.

    Lady M
  • Very true, Franny.
  • Very nice of you. We always need that extra pick-me-up!

  • Wow! I wish all our parents felt the same! :-) Thanks!

    Mimi MOm
  • Thank you...with going back to school tomorrow, your words helped to end the summer on a positive note -Noah
  • Thanks from a school secretary. It is my pleasure to spend the da with your children. I love my job.
  • School Sec, could you transfer to OUR school!? You sound perfect!
    Our school secretary is a WITCH!! She's the meanest, nastiest person I've ever met. I don't know why she stays at her job... she obviously hates it.