March Weight Loss Challenge

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  • Thank you for this thread! My goal weight number seems overly optimistic, but hey, reach for the stars, right?

    SW - 169
    GW - 164

    CW - 169
  • March week 1
    Well I'm not sure how to start! I all of a sudden got a cold yesterday. Today is worse. Weighed in at 270.4 today. Since that is my weight on March 1st I guess I go with that.

    So goal#1 -- 4lbs down.

    SW: 270.4
    CW: 271.4
    Goal#1: 266.4

    3/1 270.4 horrible cold.
    3/2 270.4 now a head/sinus cold. ugh.
    3/3 268.6 -1.8
    3/4 268.6 -0
    3/5 268.6 -0
    3/6 270.4 ugh. salt?
    3/7 271.4 ???
  • March 1 to March 15 goal: lose 3 lbs. I am goin to Costa Rica for 4 weeks after.

    SW: 150
    GW: 147

    02/29: 150
  • Hi goal is to lose 8 pounds this month...

    Start: 194.6
    Goal: 186.6

    And on a bright note - although I got on the scale this morning and found I somehow gained 2 pounds, today I went to Ben and Jerrys with a colleague (because of course there has to be one across the street from my office and of course I couldn't exercise the willpower NOT to go) but when I got back with my kid size cup of ice cream, I threw it out. Probably the first time in my life a Ben and Jerrys hit the garbage uneaten in my life.

    So hopefully that is a good omen for March.

    Good luck, all!

  • March goal: lose 6 lbs.
    SW: 147
    GW: 141

    02/29: 147
    03/01: 147
  • Goal - 1kg loss
    CW - 80.8kg
  • Good morning all.
    Checking in.
    Really bloated today

    3/2:209.4 (bloated and uncomfortable ..)
  • Good morning everyone! I am ready to start March...goal for the month -10 pounds (248).

    Good luck for your goals this month and congrats to all who made it last month!
  • Good morning! Weighing in (it's always easier when we lose, isn't it?)

    BW: 173.5
    GW: 165.0

    3/2: 172.5
  • Good morning, everyone! Is it too late to jump in?

    My goal this month is to lose 9.8 pounds. I know 4% body weight is ambitious but I have to set big goals if I want to push myself.
    CW: 244
    GW: 234.2

    Good luck!
  • March goal: lose 6 lbs.
    SW: 147
    GW: 141

    02/29: 147
    03/01: 147
    03/02: 146.6
  • I had a bad February so March IS going to be better.

    SW: 181.25
    GW: 176

    2nd March - 180 ( a drop already!)

    Just over 5 pounds is the aim, come on body/brain, you can do it!
  • 2/29 - 140.0
    3/2 - 141.0

    Going in the wrong direction! But I'm drinking lots of water today. I'm training for a 10k and ran 4 miles yesterday - I do tend to eat more on my run days. Hopefully by Friday I will see something.
  • Hi gardenerjoy! I participated in this Forum a few years ago, and lost a fair amount of weight (went down to about 135). Regrettably, I have faced some serious health issues over the past two years and for a bunch of reasons (some legitimate reasons and some excuses), I have now shot up to 195. I'm hoping to get back to where I was when I was a regular participant on this thread. So, I'm joining in, albeit a day late!

    My goal is to lose 10 lbs this month. Although that sounds like a lot, I suspect the first 10 lbs will be the easiest to shift.

    SW 195.0
    CW 193.5
    GW 185.0

    Mar 1: 195.00
    Mar 2: 193.50
  • Stayed the same, but I am soooo bloated... I need TOM to start now so I can get rid of some of this PMS bloat and appetite!

    SW - 169
    GW - 164

    CW - 169