New Getting out of the 160's Part 2

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  • Hi everyone
    Joining the thread...weighed in at 169 this morning. Here's to moving through the 160s nice and quickly!!
  • 167 this morning
  • Congrats! I'm still working on the 160's.
  • Oh my gosh neko, look at our stats! You're virtually my weight loss twin
  • Down to 165 this morning. Halfway there
  • 163.2 today
    A bit stuck lately due to other stuff going on, but back at it and determined to get out of the 160s! Somehow, even though I have made progress, feeling bigger than ever and really wanting a shift - especially lower belly fat, which makes me look...NOT svelte at all!
  • 162.2 today! Good progress!
    I'm going to work very hard to get out of the 160s! So close!
  • Yikes! Back up to 163 today, for no good reason! I seem to be in one of those stages where it is impossible to break through permanently. I know plateaus are a part of life, but knowing that it is common doesn't make it any less frustrating! I guess it is the fact that it is impossible to know whether it will last days, or weeks, or months!

    Any plateau-busting secrets to trick your body to let go? Note: not including excursive - I am currently getting over a concussion and can't safely do more than light stretching and slow, short walks.
  • Hi super, if you're eating keto then a fat fast will bust your plateau.
  • Thanks, MrsMcsMuffins! I am not keto, but am 'keto-curious'! It does seem a bit complicated to me, and the heavy reliance on fats freaks me out a bit.

    Anyhow, it looks like I have had a whoosh! I am at 160.4 this morning! SO exciting! Maybe I can break out of the 160s by the end of the week? That would be so nice! But most importantly, making sure that that happy woosh number doesn't start bumping back up!!!
  • Where is everybody? It is an echo chamber in here! Hopefully that means that there is a crowd of you in the 150's group and y'all just beat me to it!

    I'm on my way though! Weighed in this morning at 160.0!!! It is so motivating to have these goals to get towards, but also so psychological - I will be elated to get to even 159.9, even though it is a negligible difference!

    It feels SO good to have my clothes fitting differently, feeling lighter, and feeling sexier too! I'd ultimately like to lose 10 more pounds, and with the difference already I can only imagine how great it is going to feel! Woo hoo!
  • I'm still meandering about in the 160's. So I don't post too much here.

    congrats on making it almost out of the 160's!!!
  • Thanks Neko!
  • Almost outta here! 159.8 this morning! I'm not calling it yet, as I surely will bounce a bit - especially since I am going out tonight and will definitely have a beer (or two), but it feels SO food to see that 5!
  • Quote: Almost outta here! 159.8 this morning! I'm not calling it yet, as I surely will bounce a bit - especially since I am going out tonight and will definitely have a beer (or two), but it feels SO food to see that 5!
    Ha! Ha! Ha! Love this typo!! It's cute!!


weigh loss