2014 Starters Continue in 2016

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  • Happy New Year Everyone....

    2016 is going to be the year I get to goal and stay there.....

    Make it a great one!
  • Thanks for the new thread, Sue - like Oprah in her new Weight Watchers commercials, I am in with making 2016 'The year of my best body'!!

  • I had a not so great November and a rough December ... but I am down 6.5 pounds since Dec 26th. A moral victory.

    This morning I was at 212, which is within striking distance of my healthy (BMI < 25) weight of 200 lbs. Just have to keep at it.

    Dang, maintenance is hard! The silver lining is, looking at the big picture, I am still down 114 pounds from my Sept 2014 weight.

    I am rooting for you SGR and OneUh, keep plugging away at it.

  • Thanks for starting this new thread. Had a great start in 2015, but fell off toward end of the year. Ready to recommit! Good news is I'm lowere than Jan 1 2015 weight.
  • Quote: I had a not so great November and a rough December ... but I am down 6.5 pounds since Dec 26th. A moral victory.

    This morning I was at 212, which is within striking distance of my healthy (BMI < 25) weight of 200 lbs. Just have to keep at it.

    Dang, maintenance is hard! The silver lining is, looking at the big picture, I am still down 114 pounds from my Sept 2014 weight.

    I am rooting for you SGR and OneUh, keep plugging away at it.
    Rooting for you too, Alex - so glad to see you here - I had been wondering how you were doing.

    I just posted some response to HereIStand who has been struggling with adapting to maintenance - you might find some of it useful too - I posted the links to Novak's 2010 thread on 'Life after P1' as well as her thread this year - Visit from Novak. You can find my post in the 2015 Starters thread.
    I shared this info because the whole process of finding a maintenance approach that works for us is such a challenge. It's very individual, I think, and what works for others may not work for me or you... then again, learning from others can be helpful to us as we try to find our best path forward.

    Anyway - you have been so thorough and attentive to details as you have lost more than 100 lbs that I know you have what it takes to meet this challenge, too. And I hope you will share with us all what you learn in your search for the maintenance approach that fits your needs.

    I know you can do this!!! And Sue and I can make it through our hurdles to get to goal too!

    Happy New Year!

  • Hi Everyone!

    I recognize several of you from my IP journey that started in the spring of 2014. I lost 35 lbs on P1 and then another 10 lbs while finding my balance on P2-early P4. Now, 1.5 years into maintenance, I find myself up that ten extra pounds I lost....and I am ready to get in check before the scale just keeps going up and up.

    I really just want to lose about 5 lbs...not sure that I want to go back down to my lowest weight. But my some of my pants are too tight to wear -time to reign her in! I am not planning to do P1, but plan to do more of a P3 or strict P4 to get me back on track. There hardest part of losing weight in a 'balanced way' is how much longer it takes to see results. However, I don't want to start having hormone issues or lose my hair like I did on P1.

    Happy New Year to everyone!
  • Welcome back! Seems like I was not the only one struggling the end of the year... Glad to have some familiar faces back on my journey with me.... 2016 will be the year of me and I am still lighter then the beginning of 2015 so yes I am celebrating small victories... The scale not so kind this am and my body not feeling so great from my binge eating yesterday but I am back at it today....
  • We will make this work!

    Bummer for me - DH took another fall - heading for urgent care for an X-ray -- nothing is easy for me lately.

    Also I think I broke into the 190's - heading the wrong direction at fast pace before getting started on my 2016 reboot.

    I need to be on IP P1 toute de suite!!!

    UPDATE on SAT NITE: yup - after spending all afternoon at the Emergency Room, we have many xrays and scans with no broken bones, but a final CT scan showing DH broke pelvis, and is being admitted back to the hospital tonight. No surgery likely given his age and general condition, so pain management (and I am not sure what else) will be the focus in the hospital... hopefully home for at home PT and whatever. I don't have it in me to do the inpatient rehab a 3rd time in 7 months.... I have come home to get some rest and be up and at the hospital early tomorrow to try to catch up with the 'hospitalist' who will coordinate his care there....


    My intent has been to make tomorrow my Day 1 -- not easy when hanging out at the hospital but I will pack up some foods and do my best to get things going.
  • Hi everyone
    OneUh I hope things go better…. just keep going…. this is just a challenging time. Even staying at the up weight is still an accomplishment, and we learn so much even during the gains.
    I’m adjusting down during Jan. for a mini-reboot but I’m doing it a little like evemomma - kind of an alt P1 - adding a little fat and going for about 1300-1400 calories as I want to keep exercising.
    I’ll see how it goes -
    my body just doesn’t seem to do very well in P1 for long - but it likes the alt P1 and not having the higher glycemic carbs.
    I’ve been doing it just two days but already can feel my body relaxing and losing water retention.
  • Quote: We will make this work!

    Bummer for me - DH took another fall - heading for urgent care for an X-ray -- nothing is easy for me lately.

    Also I think I broke into the 190's - heading the wrong direction at fast pace before getting started on my 2016 reboot.

    I need to be on IP P1 toute de suite!!!

    UPDATE on SAT NITE: yup - after spending all afternoon at the Emergency Room, we have many xrays and scans with no broken bones, but a final CT scan showing DH broke pelvis, and is being admitted back to the hospital tonight. No surgery likely given his age and general condition, so pain management (and I am not sure what else) will be the focus in the hospital... hopefully home for at home PT and whatever. I don't have it in me to do the inpatient rehab a 3rd time in 7 months.... I have come home to get some rest and be up and at the hospital early tomorrow to try to catch up with the 'hospitalist' who will coordinate his care there....


    My intent has been to make tomorrow my Day 1 -- not easy when hanging out at the hospital but I will pack up some foods and do my best to get things going.
    Sorry to hear about your husband. It seems when we decide to recommit the universe puts obstacles in our way. You will persevere.
    Pelvic fractures can usually heal quite quickly with little intervention. Hopefully that will be the case with your DH. Good luck. Keep us posted.
  • Cheryl - Ugh! Sorry about your husbands bad news...do what you can as far as food... Hang in there...

    for those of you that have been around a while and know my story...DH's PET scan is tomorrow morning and we visit the Dr. On Wednesday. Pray for good news... We are very hopeful that he is in remission... He has none of the pain he initially had so we are hopeful....
  • It's nice to see some familiar names on here!! I'm back for a reboot to lose the pounds I let myself regain over the past couple of months. I have to say I let myself regain because I consciously chose to indulge. I'm not going to beat myself up over it but instead focus on getting back on track!! I changed my tracker so I can see that I am no longer at my goal weight and I can work towards that goal once again!!
    I look forward to coming on here for motivation and hopefully to help motivate others in reaching our goals this year!!
  • How encouraging you all are! I am off to the hospital now to see what lies ahead - I just finished some Proti Thin Oatmeal for breakfast and I have quest chips and IP brownie in my bag to provide the 'packets' for the day - I have a constainer of zuke that I cooked in low sodium chicken broth to cover my veggie needs, and salad is available at the hospital cafeteria, so I will be ok for most of what I need. Now I just need to execute the plan.

    that quote I posted is so apropos for me today - you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great....

    thanks for the grand support, everyone!!!

    I am taking the ipad with me so I will try to check in later...

    love you guys!!!
  • Best wishes One- as you know I spent some time at the hospital recently. P1 can be done, you owe it to yourself to move ahead as planned. Let us know is you need to talk.
  • Quote: How encouraging you all are! I am off to the hospital now to see what lies ahead - I just finished some Proti Thin Oatmeal for breakfast and I have quest chips and IP brownie in my bag to provide the 'packets' for the day - I have a constainer of zuke that I cooked in low sodium chicken broth to cover my veggie needs, and salad is available at the hospital cafeteria, so I will be ok for most of what I need. Now I just need to execute the plan.

    that quote I posted is so apropos for me today - you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great....

    thanks for the grand support, everyone!!!

    I am taking the ipad with me so I will try to check in later...

    love you guys!!!

    So sorry to hear about your DH! Hope things are going smoothly!