Carb-Sensitive Dieting (Thread 3)

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  • Down to 198 this morning. I didn't eat much yesterday, just not too hungry. I wonder if I'll hold that weight til tomorrow morning! LOL At least I am starting out from a lower number.

    Do you guys remember when we got our dog Rusty in May and he ran away the first day? It took us 2 hours to find him. Since then we have been hooking him up to let him out because we don't have a fenced in yard. We always wondered if he would still run away after being here for 6 months. Well, this morning when we got up DH went to let him out and he slipped out the door before he could get him hooked up. Rusty just went out and peed and came right back in. I don't think he realized he was loose, or maybe he just loves me too much now to leave. Either way, I'm glad he came right in because neither of us was dressed for chasing him through the neighborhood! LOL

    Happy Turkey Day!
  • Carol Sue, yay on the 198! That's good news about Rusty!

    PrairieQueen, I can't hold a candle to all the things you do each and every day!

    Mars, thank you for the encouragement and you were right! I just had to drop the water weight, and now I am right back on target! Great job getting back into the 160's!

    Rennie and SeeMyFeet, I hope you're doing well!

    Chickadeee, Bewildered, Mary, I miss you chickies!

    I am so thankful for all of you here and I hope you ALL have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    I was hoping to lose a couple of lbs of the water I gained in the last couple of days, but it seems the Whoosh Fairy decided to come visit and I dropped all of it! I made my goal for this morning, 169!

    Week 26:
    11/1--DNW (forgot before we started eating breakfast)
    11/2--DNW (left at 3:45 am for a 12-13 hr drive)
    11/4--DNW (too busy with grandbabies!)
    11/5--DNW (too busy with grandbabies!)
    11/6--DNW (too busy with grandbabies!)
    11/7--DNW (too busy with grandbabies!) Carb Day

    Week 27: High 174, Low 171
    11/8--DNW (too busy with grandbabies!)
    11/14--171 Carb Day

    Week 28: High 173, Low 171

    Week 29:
  • I hope everyone had a yummy (but sensible) turkey day we've had a tense week with bro in the hospital unexpectedly. He went to dr. for "virus" that wouldn't go away and it ended up being strep that got in his bloodstream from an infected tooth and traveled to his heart....major valve damage. teeth pulling and surgery to come.

    Anyway, today's non-turkey menu.....

    Break - leftover cheesy ham potatoes, Coke Life
    Lunch - skinny popcorn
    Dinner - cheese board w/crackers and tomato-balsamic jam
    Now & later - light beers
  • PrairieQueen, hope your brother is soon on the mend. I came back to add something. I remember years ago I had to take antibiotics any time I had dental work done because of my faulty heart valves and the risk of infection. Then they said it was no longer necessary. I wonder why they said that because apparently there are risks.

    Right now I feel as though I am going to be up tomorrow. We ate our turkey early, around noon. I had turkey, stuffing, mashed taters, green beans, cranberry sauce. Then I picked at the turkey while I was wrapping it to put it away. We went over to DH's brother's for a while, didn't eat there. Then when we got home this evening we ate some more turkey with mushroom soup. DH ate his over toast and I had mine without bread. I really didn't over eat IMO, but there were carbs involved. No pie!! We will see tomorrow morning. If I did gain, I'm hoping it won't stick around for long.

    Rusty really loves turkey.
  • So really haven't been here before but thought I might jump in. Just started eating low carb and have seen a dramatic weight loss this first week. so far 4# lost and I'm not even at the end of my week! Ate really well yesterday and stayed within calories. Went over on carbs *a little bit* but was happy when the scale this morning didn't show an increase. woot woot!
  • Welcome to the thread tehshort1. Good for you on the 4 lb loss.

    I am back up to 200, even though I think I did very well with my food. It' happens, and I will just work on getting it back down.

    There was more doggie drama this morning. Our next door neighbor, a woman who lives alone, is dog sitting her sisters young beagle. When we let Rusty out he was barking, because beagle was under the woman's deck crying and whining. DH went over to help. The neighbor woman was crying too because she couldn't get the dog out. The leash was stuck, but the reason the dog was whining was because she had a rabbit in her mouth. Yuk! That's what beagles do!! DH had to do a lot of pulling on the leash to get it unstuck. When he finally got the dog out she dropped the rabbit and DH grabbed her and picked her up, then took the dead rabbit and threw it up on the wooded hillside in back of our houses. Our neighborhood used to be so boring. LOL

    Anyone doing any shopping for Black Friday? I tend to stay away from the stores, but I have a coupon for Target that expires today so I will probably go later on. I've heard that as long as you avoid the morning hours when they have all the door-buster specials it will be just like any other day.
  • Hey Every Body!

    I checked in too late to post yesterday….didn’t want to wake you all up..

    Mars..whatchew doin’ with your avatars? Weren’t you smoking a cigar yesterday? I expected you to look more red and angry and warlike, har. The cigar picture fit with my new impression of you as The Instigator—Don’t listen to Mars, Carol…keep your elbow out of your ear!..Prairie, too, don’t let Mars push you into that extra beer! Too fun!

    Oh My, PQ, I hope the DB improves soon. What a scare! My DB is in post-surgery rehab this Tx also. We’re thankful that we do not have to rush away to an unexpected funeral again this Tx—sad memories of Tx’s past.

    I have not logged my calories from yesterday, and don’t know if I will be able to have an accurate count. Definitely off-plan, but you guys will be proud to know I ate something orange—sweet potatoes. That was the main transgression, but still lots of mindless nibbling—healthy nibbling (grapes) , but too much nibbling and not particularly low carb. AND I forgot to weigh in this morning. I’m sure I’ll be paying for weeks.

    Sounds like a Tx of cleaning, organizing and dogs for you all. For me, it’s been the Tx of broken things: car (engine shutting off while driving), washing machine, dishwasher, disposal, and I’ll throw in the stove top and microwave—though these 2 have been broken for some time. I’m thankful to have such labor saving devices in the first place. (My grandparents had none of this stuff, and I grew up without most of them.) Sad to realize that appliances, and bodies, do not last forever.

    Weeelll no change to the RA meds, which I guess is a good thing. I’m thinking of checking in with a new rheum—the current one is much better than the 1st (not saying much), but I don’t have the impression that he keeps up with the latest advances. All my efforts to engage him a conversation about the etiology of this disease and long-term consequences end up with him spouting the Party Line of No Cure, Management, blah blah. Given how much money I’m charged for the 15 min in his office, I expect a higher level of conversation. (I was getting scared that a big flare was starting up, but I think I slept it away.)

    Welcome Tehshort1. I’ve been on a high fiber experiment. It’s not working, so you’ll have to remind me to cut the carbs!

    Where did Rennie go?
  • Heyyy SMF, I hope your DB is doing okay. Yeah, switching up the avatars but not updating the ticker lol. Re instigating, heh heh, how's this: elbow in ear as a yoga pose? I don't think PQ is egg-on-able, but imho she DID deserve an extra beer, and it was lite, after all.

    Sounds like you did way better than I yesterday. Are you off fruit? I would be glad to report yams and nibbling were my worst transgressions, lol. I hope your scale gives you a break.
    I understated my consumption of sweets after the small NSV in the store. But I had not set limits so I don't feel any regret. I'm coasting back to slow carb.

    Today was gonna be a strict day but there was a sample calling out to me, and it was not low carb. After the sample, I passed by something that said pumpkin donut. I thought 'gotta see what Jacqui is so fond of' but it was not a Buckeye pumpkin donut, just a plan cake one with orange frosting. Yes, I ate the whole thing, and a cookie too. Coasting back to slow carb, baby steps!

    Besides that, today was better;
    B omelet with salsa, protein shake
    L soup: cabbage, turkey sausage, mushrooms. it was good! I think some of the cabbage had a bit of Hoisin sauce from yesterday's spring rolls, and it gave the soup a tang. Honest, it tasted better than it sounds!
    D will be a salad w chicken, beans, evoo
    I've noticed I'm sleeping more now. Maybe more carbs/calories/ Winter hibernation? Less travel-related monkey-brain? I'll take it! 4-5 hrs/night was getting old.
  • Evening all!

    Bro had heart failure last night so no teeth pulling today.. He was sent to ICU....he's scared to death. It's so sad, BUT he's doing better tonight. Hopefully, teeth out very soon. Heart doctor wants him to have valves replaced within two weeks. Team of eight doctors were meeting today to chart out a plan.

    Anyway, I did okay today considering it was our thanksgiving. I won't list my menu because it was off plant totally but I had no pie and not ne serving of each side. We'll see the damage in the morning... Already puffy.

  • Quote: That's fantastic tehshort1! Just curious, are you following a specific plan?
    Hey Mars735! I am following the Paleo/Caveman Diet. Loving it so far (at least once I've gotten over the "flu" from minimizing the carbs and soda! Quitting that and processed foods cold turkey is hard! But I know its necessary.

    The only "non-paleo" things I am currently eating are a rockstar energy in the morning (but it has no cal or carbs) and the slimfast with almond milk. Haven't been able to kick those yet. Working on it though.

    Also, does anyone have any ideas on what is an appropriate amount of carbs daily for low carb? I'm currently using my fitness pal and have it set to 20% which ends up around 55g of carbs. But I really am not sure if that is an appropriate amount of should I lower it? Any help if much appreciated!
  • I won't get back on the scale until I feel that the 2 lbs I gained over TG are gone. I will be able to feel it. I don't take bad news well. I did so well on Thanksgiving, but yesterday I binged on leftovers. Now they are gone, and I can get back to normal. I made the most delicious turkey salad with leftover white meat. It was perfect! Couldn't quit eating it.

    PQ, I'm so sorry to hear that your brother had a setback. I am praying for good news about him. My younger brother had that. His was caught early and he didn't have any heart damage, but scary just the same. At the time, I didn't realize how serious it was. He had a lot of medical problems that started at birth and died in his 40s.

    I'm really surprised that DH never had those problems because he had terrible teeth all his life and never took care of them. I always worried about that. He had a heart attack at 50, but they never said that his teeth issues had anything to do with it. Teeth are gone now at 72, so I guess he's in the clear.

    Mars, if I rigourously restrict calories for several days, my body gets used to it and I'm ok, but as soon as I veer one time I'm finished. I can never seem to hang onto it long enough for it to become a habit. Food keeps dancing into my line of vision.

    Rennie seems to get tied up in her goofy work schedule and disappears for a while, but she'll be back. She's addicted to us!! LOL
  • tehshort! Good to have you join us! Great job on the weight lost so far! My son, who is a type 1 diabetic, was told to consume no more than 90 net carbs a day, but I don't know if that's considered "low carb" or just "low-er carb."

    PrairieQueen, I am so sorry to hear about your brother's health scare! I'll be praying for him!

    Mars, love the new avatar! Looking good! I don't know how I would feel about a frosted pumpkin doughnut. As much as I love pumpkin, I am not real fond of frosting in general. I only like a little bit on cake. Frosting seems like a good way to ruin a perfectly good pumpkin doughnut, but I'm sure I'd force myself to find a way to eat it, lol!

    Carol Sue, my daughter and I have been Black Friday shopping since Thursday evening, coming home long enough to sleep! That's why I haven't been on till now. However we did take some time out today and went to visit the grandbabies, so that was wonderful. We got some great deals shopping, but more than anything, we always just have fun together each year. We've made it an annual tradition.

    SeeMyFeet, yikes! That's a lot of things to break down! The car while driving is especially scary. That happened to our car last year. It was a sensor that the dealership had a terrible time fixing. We eventually ended up trading the car in. We went from a Hyundai Elantra to a Hyundai Sonata. They gave us a great deal because they were tired of having to fix it under warranty! Good job on eating something orange!

    Rennie, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    I had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I ate some of everything, including my favorite pumpkin desserts, but didn't overeat too terribly badly. It could have been much worse! Because I've been on the go with Black Friday shopping, I haven't weighed myself though, so I don't know what I weigh. I know I've gained but I don't know by how much. The last two days my biggest misstep has been eating a bunch of Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets. I do allow them on my diet, but I've now had a large serving of them two days in a row, and that's a lot of breading. Plus, I haven't had as much water as usual because I didn't want to be running to the bathroom all the time while out shopping. If not for that, I might have dropped some of the water weight I know I gained on Thursday, but I doubt I've lost anything. But I will, so I'm not worried about it!
  • Bro was better last night but backslid this morn. Put on ventilator and tubes put in to drain fluid from lungs. Huge amounts drained this eve,so hopefully we'll see improvement by morn. This has been such a shock. My mom says I shouldn't fly down's going to be ok. I need to wait until the heart surgery to come down. Hope he recovers enough to have the surgery.

    Anyway, today's menu...
    Break - one fried egg and small portion of ham, Coke Life
    Lunch - leftover turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy.....less than half of last night's portion
    Dinner - grilled wings and lite beers
  • Still not ready to get on the scale. Maybe tomorrow. I feel a drop coming. LOL

    I go for my Echo tomorrow morning and might get my blood work done while I'm there. I know my A1c is going to be high. DR will probably increase meds. I don't want that, but if I'm not going to do what I should do then that's what I have to deal with.

    Still praying for your brother, PQ. How old is he? Good news today?
  • Today's bro update is that he was doing better this morn. They will probably take him off ventilator tonight. Fingers crossed they can get the teeth out tomorrow/Tuesday.

    Found out from my mom that he'd had a tooth pulled before he moved to FL at end of August. Then had another one pulled down there not too long ago. I think some of teeth were damaged in the fall the year before. Anyway he had an infection when the second one was pulled! His doc is furious that a dentist did that and wants names! My bro wouldn't give it to him, but my stepdad took him and I think is going to do something. Anyway, that's for another time. Just trying to get him strong enough for heart valve replacements. And thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

    Oh, he's only 49. I'm the oldest of three at 50. My youngest bro is 39.