June Weight Loss Challenge

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  • SW: 185
    GW: 182

    6/3: 185.8
    6/4: 187

    Whoops, finally reset my scale after moving and it jumped to 187! Tempted to change my starting weight but not going to bother. It's all the same, I guess. We'll see if I hit that goal this month.

    CakeGirl75 I totally understand and support staying away from the scale when you feel the need. I think checking in here is more valuable than checking the scale. In my experience, anyway.
  • Jen, CONGRATS on breaking that 300 barrier!!!
    Cat, great job! You can do it!
    Keli, yay! Keep it going!
    Lovemylife, I'm so glad you're doing better and I know you can do this!
    verywell, I've got my fingers crossed for you for a good weigh in once you get your scale fixed!
    Cake, we all have slip-ups. Don't be afraid to get on the scale. It is what it is, right? The important part is you're going to make it better!
    Noggs, great idea to check in! It's one of the best things we can all do to stay motivated! And this group is the best!
    Boating, look at you dropping! Woohoo!
    Scout, scales can be a bugger!

    I am down another lb today!

    SW: (203)
    GW: 6 lbs down
    CW: (201)

    6/1: (203)
    6/2: (202.5)
    6/3: (202)
    6/4: (201)
  • Happy Thursday Chicks!!!!

    boatingmommy ~ I was wondering if that would be any good. We love Disney here to (though I'm worried about what they will do to my beloved Star Wars now that they acquired all rights to it.) We love popping into the movies though. These days, I just get me a superdooperextralargehumongous drink and try to keep the popcorn at bay. Its difficult though. I have tried to make it a habit to look at calories before I go somewhere. OH MY GOSH, at the calories for movie popcorn. I mean its popcorn. What the heck do they put in it? Sorry, I digress....lol!

    CatRN78 ~ Wow, what a drop. Congrats.

    JenDestiny ~ Amazing job on getting to the 200s. You are really doing a great job.

    VickieLou ~

    lovemylife001 ~ You have my condolences. I know it can be a hit to the gut. Loss can be very difficult to get through but we do and that is a feat indeed.

    CakeGirl75 ~ I understand. Matter of fact, today was one of those mornings. I had a terribly off-plan day yesterday BUT I did get on the scale this morning and it wasn't that bad. No loss but no gain either. Sometimes I just get on and just let the dice fall where they may. I learned to not let the scale dictate whether I have a good or a bad day. Like you, I just dust myself off and redirect myself and off I go. You will be fine and will do great.

    Noggs ~ Glad you checked in. Hope you are well.

    Jacqui_D ~ Just wanted to say hi. Sooooo ello! :laugh:

    scout83 ~ LOL! Well what happened? Anything good at the market? I live in a very rural area. We are a farming community for the most part. Sometimes I envy city life.

    Sandye ~ Oh my, thats a lot of calories. I would be scared to death. Then with TOM hanging around.... Oh dear lord! I will be sending you all the good vibes. But who knows, that changaroo could be the right thing. Mix things up a bit and our bodies thank us for it. So, it could be an awesome adventure. How long now with P90X? I can get it on my XBOX but still skeptical. I remember Tummy used it before. Oh and the boys..oh my. Oldest just turned 15, middle child just turned 12 and my youngest is 8. My how time has flown and they are eating me out of house and home. Thats my oldest in my avatar picture though that was on his 13th birthday. We went to Universal Orlando and had a blast. We GEEKED out the whole time. In any case, I'm rambling. Sorry..lol!


    So, I made myself check-in earlier today. I just woke up very unmotivated. I had a terrible calorie day yesterday. But the scale just looked back at me this morning and shrugged its shoulders. Gonna go low today and try to let my digestive system catch up and see what Darth Scale has to say tomorrow. I just get in that mindset of "well, I've already had too many calories, so why not add a twix and make it even worse" mentality. That is the beast I struggle with. I'm defeating myself like that. I need some motivation. You would think with vacation and a freakin' wedding around the corner that I would be strict about my weight loss calories...but nooooooo, just gotta sabotage myself for old times sake..lol! Sooo, I'm here and I'm gonna get some work done and keep my butt in check today. It was only one day. I'm gonna get my work done today and just stay the course. I sure hope you guys have an amazing ON-PLAN day. I know, I will.

    SW: 237
    GW: 227

    06/01: 236
    06/02: 235
    06/03: 235
    06/04: 236
  • Good morning ladies!!!

    Let's see if I can get everyone in.

    ~ you have come a long way!! WTG!!! Keep up the amazing work!

    lovemylife ~ I am sorry about your loss, losing a pet is so hard. You're doing a great job getting back on track!

    LovelyLeah ~ I am so sorry about your dog too, how awful that it was her food! On a more positive note...wtg on the loss! A pound is a pretty big drop in my book!

    Jacqui ~ Thanks! I'm still not able to make it look easy, or even do all of the exercises like they're supposed to be done, but I'm determined to keep at it.

    Noggs ~ Nothing better than a great group of girls to get you going!!

    CakeGirl ~ I spent a long time dreading the scale too, hang in there and keep your chin up, you got this!! Thanks! I definitely hate TOM and want him gone pronto! I have renewed hopes for the upped calories.

    verywell ~ It looks like you're off to a great start this month! I have to tell you, it took me a second to figure out your dates. LOL I thought it was from January and February...then it clicked. I think I need some coffee STAT!

    ~ Nice to see you!

    JenDestiny ~ WOO HOO!!! Way to go!!

    kelijpa ~ Looks like you're making great progress!!

    CatRN78 ~ Great job on the 3 lbs!!!

    boatingmommy ~ Hurray for the nice weather! We've been enjoying cooler than average here and boy has it been nice!

    Whew! I forgot how long that takes. LOL It's so nice to be doing it again though, I just need to memorize my favorite smilies again.

    June 1: 213
    June 2: 212.6
    June 3: 212.6
    June 4: 211.6
    June 5:
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    June 24:
    June 25:
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    June 27:
    June 28:
    June 29:
    June 30:

    Looks like the extra calories aren't doing any harm! Whew! I just hope to keep seeing losses! Still nowhere near 2400, but closer to 2000, so maybe that'll be the sweet spot.

    Have a fantastic day ladies!!!
  • SW: 182.0
    GW: 172.0

    6/1: 182.0
    6/2: 182.0
    6/3: 179.4
    6/4: 180.2

    Getting real tired of seeing the 180s. That was the weight I always told myself I would never get to, and then I've been there for months. Alas. Well, all I can do is stay OP with my eating. I really should be working out too..when I do it really seems to kick start my metabolism. I'm just so out of shape right now that I dread it, even though I know in the long run I'll be happy I did it. Maybe tomorrow...
  • Delphi ~ you sneaky girl! Posting when I was previewing my post! LOL I even refreshed the page several times to be sure I wasn't missing anyone! Your boys are almost the same ages as my kids. Oldest will be 15 in October, middle just turned 12 but is the tallest at 5' 9 1/2"!!! Girls will be 9 in August. Girl do I know about the eating...oh my heavens. Our grocery bill is insane! How many years until they move out? LOL I'm a month into the P90X3. I did the regular P90X last time, but with all four kids home 24/7 now, I just can't workout for 60-90 every morning...yet. I did C25K before this, made through that last week and went to this...I have decided that running is not for me, at least not on the treadmill. lol Don't get caught up in that downward spiral girl! You got this! It was one day. Don't let it turn into two...or three...or five years!! Just shake it off and make today count! Eat your normal calories, reducing probably won't do anything but make your body pout. LOL When's the Big Day?

    JacquiD ~ you snuck in there too! Congrats on that pound gone!!! You are sooooo close to Onederland!!!! Woo hoo!!!
  • Oh my gosh all you gals you do personalized posts! I appreciate them, just don't have time for them!

    Just very happy the mostly stalled scale decided to move today. Hoping it's not a fluke!. 6.1 pounds left to go for the month! (Down 2.5).
  • Jacqui Great drop!

    iDream Thanks! I see you lost a pound too so congrats!

    I'm a little bummed that my fitbit is dying and I've lost my charging cord. I bought a new one on amazon so it should be here by Saturday but I have a really busy day today and I want to see how many steps I get. I might have to use my old fashioned pedometer and manually input my steps.

    6/1 - 206.5
    6/2 - 206.5
    6/3 - 205.5
    6/4 - 205 - Officially lost my first 10 pounds. Granted I'm sure most of that is water weight, since it's only been a week and a half but I'm sure there's some real loss in there too.
    6/5 -
    6/6 -
    6/7 -
  • Good Morning Everyone Let's have a great day, it's almost TGIF!

    Jacqui: Congrats on another pound gone. You are doing great!

    Delphi: You are doing great. We all have those days were we slip up, the good thing is you came onto the forum for support and today will be better day for you

    Scout83: I wouldn't have changed the starting weight either. You're going to have a great month, just wait and see!

    iDream: You are really doing awesome with your progress, I hope to accomplish the same results.

    GordonGirl16: You'll be out of those 180's very soon. Just stick to your healthy eating and incorporate the exercise and the scale should start to move in the right direction. Can't wait to see your progress.

    Have a great day everyone. I'll check in later
  • JenDestiny, CONGRATS!

    So happy for everyone. Keep at this!
  • SW (June 1): 184.2
    CW (June 4): 183.4
    GW (June 31): 170
  • Hey guys,

    Weighed in today at 81kg (178lb).. A loss of 3.4kg since June 1st
    My goal for June was to get into the 70's, it's looking more positive now!!
  • Delphi - Sorry you had an off day, but you will get it back and be on your way.

    JenDestiny - way to go on breaking that barrier!

    Great job to everyone on all of the drops so far this week...June is off to a great start. Thanks for keeping me inspired!

    I weigh tomorrow so we will see what's in store for me...

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • Checking in. Hope all you ladies (and any gents) are having a wonderful week. So far so good for me.

    SW: 336.4
    CW: 332.8
    GW: 324.4

    - 3.6 out of 12 lbs
  • I am home! And I have to tell you, I am so curious to see how my scale stacks up with my Dad's! I figure mine can't be any more than 3 lbs heavier. That would have put me at 204 today. I'll take that!

    Aclai, Great job! Keep it up!
    Noggs, I hope you have a great weigh-in tomorrow!
    Ambience, woohoo! Look how close you are! I just know you're going to make it!
    Hepzibah, yay on the drop! Keep it going! You're doing great!
    Lovemylife, thanks! I know I am due for a stall but I'm enjoying this while I can!!
    Cat, I agree! Everyone's very determined and it's great to see!
    Leah, thank you! Congrats on being down 10 lbs!!!
    BerryBB, yay on the scale movement! :
    Sandye, thanks! And woohoo on your lb down too!
    GGirl, hang on! Those 180's are about to be gone forever!
    Delphi, You know, you might want to take the quote in my signature and change it to fit your situation. Ask yourself each morning (or each time you're feeling tempted), "On my wedding day, what will I wish I had done today?" I'm pretty sure your answer will not be "Eat an extra Twix."