2015 IP Rebooters

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  • [QUOTE= If I have a late dinner (8pm) should I skip my 3rd IP packet because of the late hour (9pm) plus I'm not hungry. Thanks for any advise you can lend.[/QUOTE]

    Don't skip your packets. I know they say to eat early and not within so many hours of bedtime, but you'll slow your losses if your calorie/macros intake dips too low. I found this out the hard way. I started keeping a shake in the car and drinking it on the ride home, then having my dinner anywhere from 8-10 pm (because that's when I was finally home).
  • Quote: Hello to all. If I have a late dinner (8pm) should I skip my 3rd IP packet because of the late hour (9pm) plus I'm not hungry. Thanks for any advise you can lend.
    Hi Harleygirl... I didn't need my packet at night, and used it for a midafternoon snack instead and that worked fine for me. We are a couple with no kids and usually eat a later dinner, so adding more food at night just wasn't smart for me. My hungry time is at 4 ish pm so that's when I used my snack packet while I was in P1. That might be a useful idea for you if you are eating dinner late and don't get the hungries later in the evening.

  • Quote: Nearthebay -- I would encourage you to follow Evemomma's approach on maintenance. She has said that she basically eats at phase 3 with adding carbs or fats to her lunch/dinner. That was an easy plan for me to follow and I was successful in maintenance for 5 months (I'm now doing a reboot to lose 10 pounds I didn't lose on P1). Using Evemomma's approach, I never did a P1 day, although I had a fun meal (never a full fun day) now and then. It seemed easy and my weight was stable. I know that she's subsequently made adjustments, but that concept made maintenance pretty easy for me.
    Thanks for the tip, winewanderer! I am willing to try any plan that has worked for others (aside from the IP maintenance, that is). I think I am going to move to P2 of this reboot soon, so maintenance is on the horizon!
  • Quote: What I did notice though was that I felt and looked bloated through my whole midsection, a puffy little buddha belly. I don't know if it was the occasional glass of wine or the processed carbs but it was definitely noticeable. 5 days into my reboot (my head is back in the IP game) and the bloat is gone along with what looks to be about 3 lbs already.
    Hi etherbunny, wow interesting that you brought up the bloat. I get that too, and I don't know the cause either! It bothers me A LOT when that happens, because it makes my waistline increase a lot even when it's temporary (sometimes I have it in the evening and it's gone in the morning). Possible culprits I am going to investigate are: grains and dairy. I really don't eat much dairy normally, so grains may be the guilty party. I LOVE an occasional glass of wine and I'm looking forward to that after this reboot. Oh, I really hope it's not the wine that causes the bloat, because that would be a big dilemma!
  • Quote: ]Is Chicken/Apple Sausage okay as a protein? Is sautéing my veggies in 1 Tbls. of extra virgin olive oil okay? Are Shallots on Phase 1 or are they onions??
    Hi Harleygirl, I am rebooting without a coach, but I can tell you what my coach said on these topics: on the sausage, if it doesn't have almost any carbs then ok once in a blue moon, but generally No on all processed meats. on the EVOO, yes it's okay. on the shallots, no on P1. -- take those answers with a grain of salt though, as I know coaches can vary in their advice. but at least you have my former coach's opinions.
  • Quote: I have the protocols from 2011 & 2012 (I started in 2012).
    I've not seen 1 oz cheese on any protocol - even the older ones -although some may have interpreted the milk that way.

    It was 1 oz skim milk for coffee in the morning. That has been updated to 1 oz "regular" milk.
    I have sheets going back to 2010 and there was never cheese on there...I know I personally took the cheese liberty because I didn't use milk but it wasn't an official protocol thing unfortunately...or at least not on any sheets I ever had


    This weekend is going to be SO HARD:
    Friday night - birthday party
    Saturday afternoon - birthday party
    Saturday night - birthday party
    Sunday afternoon - my birthday and my daughters birthday party
    Monday evening - birthday party...

    Like seriously, what happens on that weekend 9 months prior that made all these babies

    Ideal Protein Gods - grant me the strenght!
  • Day 24 of my reboot while on vacation. Went out to eat at a nice restaurant last night. All the entrees had potatoes, rice or some kind of carb. I told the waiter that I could not eat this could the chef steam me some fresh vegetables with no butter to go along with my grilled fish. His reply, absolutely. Perfect. Most restaurant will accommodate your request. Don't be afraid to ask.
  • Quote: Lots of familiar faces here. I guess I found where I belong, too.

    My biggest struggle with a earlier reboots was 1) waiting too long to reboot - the high weight was WAY TOO HIGH, 2) not having my head in the game to stick with the program - I found too many excuses, too many good days followed up with really bad days and 3) not maintaining correctly.

    My weight crept back and I never did anything to head it off. I kept eating and drinking like before my first round of IP.

    I am a very all or nothing person. I like the comfort of IP and the diminishing cravings for the foods I have no utterly control with. I finally was in the right head space to reboot, and successfully reboot with no "cheats."

    I still workout - hard - but was very active prior to IP. I take the slower losses with the mental sanity of exercise.

    I do add extra whole protein many days that I am at the gym or snowboarding days. My 'cheats' amount to extra vegetable or chicken. Maybe even some deli oven roasted chicken or ham.

    Once I got my head in the game, I don't look for a 'reason' to cheat. Those cheats are what got me here in the first place. Again, I like the simplicity and structure of IP. I would LOVE a local handrafted beer. I would LOVE three or four slices of pizza. I would LOVE to finish off the cookies that just got opened in the pantry... but now that I'm fully back on IP-mode, saying no to those things is easy. It's the finsing a middle-ground after Phase 3 that is nerve-wracking for me since I blew it before.

    However, I am ready for the correct mentality of maintenance - where earlier I wasn't. I am also going from a being a strict lacto-vegetarian for 25 years who did IP completely vegetarian to a local, paleo viewpoint. Doing IP with whole proteins has been incredibly rewarding and much easier. Moving into maintenance (whenever that may be) will be completely different with my food choices and meal plans, now that I eat with a Primal/Paleo viewpoint.

    So many intros here are familiar. But It's nice to have a similar place we are all coming from. I like that we are all moving together in the same direction.

    You might want to check out the thread I started yesterday as a visiting former member with 5 years maintaining. I was not one of the forum founders, but I was there in the early days, and created the Life After Phase 1 thread. I am not vegan, but ovo-lacto with some fish thrown in; I do not eat meat. I also talk about rebooting. I am only planning to visit for a few days, so I will be posting most of my information on that thread while I'm here. Rebooters in particular might find it useful.
  • Three weeks into my reboot and I have lost 14 pounds! I feel great and I am loving the quest powder and chips it is costing me less than $6 a day now for my products a lot more affordable. My favorite chips are the sour cream and onion.
  • Quote: Three weeks into my reboot and I have lost 14 pounds! I feel great and I am loving the quest powder and chips it is costing me less than $6 a day now for my products a lot more affordable. My favorite chips are the sour cream and onion.
    Way to go! Glad you're having success and making it work for you!
  • Good morning rebooters. Hope everyone is staying motivated. Let's keep our eye on the prize. A healthier weight.
  • Thanks, coffeebean! I've been feeling like the reboot is going so slowly!! But when I do the calculations, overall, I've lost an average of 2 pounds a week -- that's good! I just have to remind myself of 2 things: (1) slow losses, diet fatigue and impatience are what caused me to phase off before hitting goal. I must be patient. (2) I've proven it to myself during my 5 months of maintenance -- I can and will keep the weight off. It's worth the effort.

    Meanwhile I continue to clean out my closets. Slowly but surely, I'm getting rid of all my "big" clothes -- even my favorites. This has been hard since it was difficult to find clothes I liked in the bigger sizes I needed. But I love my new size 8 wardrobe. I actually get excited about what I am going to wear and think ahead to events, rather than dreading them.

    I'm also excited that on this reboot I lost the 3 pounds that I needed to lose to get into a healthy BMI category. It seems like so little, but mentally, it makes such a difference. That's a threshold I never want to pass again. The number 1 reason to go on I.P. was to get healthy and change my lifestyle while I can. I feel so-o-o-o-o much better!
  • Day 28 if reboot while on a month stay at the beach. Dieting while on vacation has its challenges. We have company most of the month so while friends are having snacks and drinks by the pool I am just enjoying their company. Lol. I have to keep telling myself that it is worth it. I want to get back into all my cute summer clothes hanging in my closet. Couldn't wear them last year as they were a little snug. This past winter my wardrobe was very limited as nothing in my closet fit and I refused to buy a bigger size. I am not getting in that situation again. That is depressing. I have said this before all social events and life evolve around food. I just need to figure this all out to maintain my weight and stay social. I feel so much better without processed foods in my body. I have so much more energy. My skin looks better which makes me feel better about myself. I am 60 years old extra weight makes me look older and feel older. To me IP is a gift I cannot seem to lose weight on other diets as I am carb sensitive. I need to embrace this gift of losing weight and figure out how to maintain.
  • Quote: Day 21 if my reboot while on a month vacation. I have been able to stay 109% OP. When everyone else is having wine at the end of the day I pour ICE flavored water in my wine glass and have as good of time as the rest of the people. I do not know what clicked this time on my reboot but I feel so good being OP.
    Im so happy for you and I have to write you because I feel the same way! I dont know what switch finally turned on in my brain but I am in this 100%! My bf will have a beer on the weekends at my place and I either drink my sparkling water or tea! Its just not worth it to cheat!
  • Hi All! It is so so so GOOD to see familiar faces on here plugging along and all the new maintainers. Since transitioning into my new job in November, life has been crazy! My husband and I lost one of our beloved dogs, I started graduate school, and I am traveling a lot for work. In January I did a couple weeks of phase 1 and lost the 8ish lbs that I had gained since starting my new position and did not phase off properly before I took a vacation...I figured a few days off wouldn't be that bad. Upon returning from vacation, I was traveling for work three weeks straight and working long days...not the best food choices. While I haven't been on the scale in a week and a half, I know I am up past my range of 130-135 by a few lbs as my clothes are feeling more snug.

    I am on day 3 of phase 1 and have got to master maintenance this time around so I can stop doing a few weeks here and there of phase 1. While I should be positive right now and celebrate the fact that I am 2 1/2 years into maintaining within a 10lb range, I am beating myself up which I know is ridiculous. I suppose I am stressed and just need a day to rest and relax...I have been on the go for so long.

    Going to avoid the scale for a week (or longer) since TOM is near and I am just getting back on. Hopefully I will be able to jump back down in weight and then begin a more diligent maintenance plan. I am sooooo ready at this point.

    Feeling defeated.